Board of health meeting just beginning, vice chair Jeff Harris opens meeting, quorum with Tim present, Bridget is absent. #boh1005
Prior meeting mins approved via 2-0 vote. Moving to regular business, inspection report updates. Nurse report for Sep, 170 COVID cases, graph on portal available, other communicable disease being tracked, flu clinic fully scheduled for Oct 12 at the Senior Center #boh1005
Low risk for tripleE and west Nile virus, with none reported here this far, flu related bingo held at Central Park Terrace, food pantry mobile unit visited last week, training on 'stop the bleed' held at Senior Center, heart disease training also held #boh1005
Epidiomologist report, doing a lot together, so similar results, 2 COVID related deaths, test kits available, date of expiration extended, GIS project work underway, fall health fair, Oct 19 at library, free event, 30 vendors live screen, produce available first come
Brief demo of metacomet health resources mapped by location and resource type #boh1005 (link to be added later, it is off the Health page)
Night Owl farm bringing the free produce, local resources to have info tables, testing and screening available, listing of orgs will be recognizable, kids area specifically, library already advocating for a spring fair #boh1005
Local establishment had expanded without permits, etc. Health inspector visited today and ended up issuing cease/desist on the expanded portion; are allowed to operate in their approved space #boh1005 Building inspector involved also
All 9 councilors in Chambers tonight and a good size crowd behind me likely for the parking discussion coming up on the agenda #tc1005
Chair Mercer opens meeting and reads the opening statement on access to remotely participate etc. #tc1005 live stream, YouTube, Verizon or Comcast, available for viewing the meeting. Municipal aggregation saves the residents from the projected rise in electric rate ($.107/kwh)
Chair Mercer opens meeting with all 9 members present in Chambers #tc0928
Citizen comments: Carolyn O'Neil commenting on the need for a new state flag, it may have been good at that time but needs to be something we are proud of, to wave. #tc0928
Rachel Plukas also speaking for the change of the flag, quotes a passage attributed to King Philip
Live reporting for the Finance Committee underway #fincom0928
Vote for new chair, nominations for George seconded, passes via roll call 7-0-1 (Hansen) absent; for vice chair, Natalie nominated, seconded, passes via roll with same vote 7-0-1; for clerk, Nicole nominated, seconded, passes by same 7-0-1 vote (only 8 current members)
Franklin for All priorities on agenda part of the report was extracted here ->…#edc0921
Followed by downtown parking, always a tough topic
EDC steering committee opens, this has the 2 planning board members and 1 from ZBA; for the first part of the discussion... When parking comes up, on the 4 town council members will participate #edc0921