A small thread to answer those missionary educated communists who are trending #TamilsAreNotHindus
Arguments for their so called Tamil culture is 1) It's the land of Ravan not Rama 2) we are Shaivas 3) we are Tamils, we don't want Sanskrit 4) we don't want Vedas./1
The great Chola king Rajendra Chola traces his ancestry to Sri MahaVishnu in the "Tamil" VIKRAMA CHOLAN ULAA
How come these people call it as land of Ravana who fought with incarnation of Sri MahaVishnu?? /2
The great Chola king Rajendra Chola built Vishnu temples, fed many Vishnu devotes, Why Cholas did that if the land belongs to Ravana and only wanted to identify themselves as Shaivas?? /3
The clowns who say we don't want Sanskrit doesn't even know that the great cholas first used Sanskrit and then used Tamil when it comes to their temples, example Brihadeshwara Temple. Why a great Tamil king started his great temple with Sanskrit sloka??/4
Here final nail to their propaganda, the greatest Tamil chola king build vedic colleges, made people sing Vedic hymns and used both Sanskrit and Tamil in the greatest temple of Tamils "Brihadeshwara Temple". /5
Do you know?? After converting to Christianity, the converted Christians betrayed their own community/caste/guild by sharing the secret related to cotton to christian missionaries which their Hindu ancestors guarded for nearly 3000 year's??? /1
Before diving in to this, let me remind you that, India is the home of world cotton industry until 19th century!!. Making of Cotton and using it as clothes was even mentioned in our scriptures. /2
Europeans looking at the talent of Hindu cotton weavers stated that, it only through Guru Shishya parampara and Centuries of practice, Indians became unmatched expert's in textile industry /3
Do you know when Vasco da Gama reached India, "Indian Christians" who were given shelters by Hindu kings and also donated lands to them asked Vasco to take over India using the help of Portugal king/1
The reason they wanted a foreigner to Invade india cause they didn't liked being under the rule of a Hindu and top of that they wanted to have the monopoly over India spices trade./2
Even though Indian Christians were treated with respect and on par with brhmains of India, they still felt that they should support an invader by betraying the very kings who gave them shelter!!!/3