As a result of the @AspireParty & @TH_Labour decision to support the businesses opposed to resident involvement in planning the Mayor is proposing instead "a developmental Masterplan for the Spitalfields and Banglatown area"
What is called a Supplementary Planning Document SPD 1/
But SPD's cannot introduce new planning policies with the same weight as those now lost from the Neighbourhood Plan (which had material weight in the planning process from July 2021 to last night)
So the planning policies in the area are now less restrictive which means
developers will find it even easier to get new applications approved
Plus the Mayors wording suggests the new Spitalfields & Banglatown SPD will be housing focussed
But a lot of the development in the area is commercial
But this is what the businesses wanted more freedom to
redevelop Brick Lane for commercial use & also less affordable workspace in new developments
But I am not convinced that this is what residents actually wanted, they voted for the Neighbourhood Plan @going4golds asked about this last night (the legal weight of the SPD) &
was told the Mayor also wanted a refresh of the Local Plan (approved in January 2020, they should be reviewed every 5 years but can take years to do)
A new Local Plan could contain policies with the same weight as the now lost Neighbourhood Plan
But there is a window of
opportunity for commercial developers now to maximise change in Brick Lane before new SPD written or new Local Plan
Which maybe is what Councillors actually wanted?
Who Brick Lane is for in planning terms is unclear (not for residents clearly) but what is its role?
The current
Local Plan mainly talks about the economic role of Brick Lane
The Spitalfield Neighbourhood Plan had a vision & a set of policies for the area which took years to formulate working with stakeholders
Will the Mayor/Cllrs put the same amount of effort into its replacement? 7/
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March 2021 six current @TH_Labour Cllrs (then Cabinet members) & John Biggs vote to redesignate the Spitalfields Neighbourhood Planning Forum (2 other current Labour Cllrs also present)
Labour Cllrs on Wednesday including these 8 Cllrs vote to reject the Neighbourhood Plan
The Labour speeches suggest that the Forum was divisive
BUT nobody said that last March: not Cllrs, not Council officers, not consultation responses
Council equalities impact assessment says no impact by the Forum on race & religion 2/
Council did a consultation on whether to redesignate the Forum
"No reasons have been provided in any of the consultation responses to suggest that the application should not be approved" 3/
Sorry I missed the fact that in the detail of the report the total number of businesses was reported as 812 of which 88 submitted valid votes
Business turnout 10.8% not 67% as quoted last night v
Resident turnout 13.46%
But as you can hear in the webcast it was the alleged 1/
higher business turnout that convinced Aspire Cllrs to ignore resident vote in favour of the business vote
Cllrs used the wrong information
How will @TowerHamletsNow now justify its reversal of the resident vote?
Listen from 2hr 33min in…
Council may try and add numbers this way
298 residents voted Yes
18 business voted Yes
= 316
252 residents voted No
70 businesses voted No
= 322 but that includes numerous illegal votes + 48 votes from a single building
Do they really want to justify their decision this way?
Last night Labour & Aspire Councillors voted against the Spitalfields Neighbourhood Plan
They chose to support a flawed business vote over the vote of residents
They did so based on a Council report that was misleading on a key fact & missing essential decision-making info. 1/
The claim made last night was that the business turnout of 66.67% was much higher than the resident turnout of 13.46%
And the 80% No vote from businesses was much higher than the resident Yes 54% vote
= support business
But the business turnout calculation was incorrect 2/
A reminder that in the Spitalfields Neighbourhood Plan referendum last October both businesses and residents living in the Forum area got to vote
Inevitably not everybody votes but elections are decided by those who vote
But last October residents voted Yes and business No
🧵about an attack on democracy in Tower Hamlets, the future of Brick Lane & whether Councillors will support residents or business tonight
Last October residents in a referendum voted Yes to approve Spitalfields Neighbourhood Plan
But business voted No
Cllrs tonight will have 1/
to decide whether to support:
business No vote
or the
resident Yes vote
See Item 10.1 the report for Councillors…
BUT this report misses out several key facts (once again demonstrating that Council officers do not like this subject)
The @TowerHamletsNow report does not mention that there is an active Police investigation into the business No vote, nor that 49.5% of the business vote came from a single building, nor that the anti-Neighourhood Plan campaign broke several electoral rules in the referendum 3/
London Marathon this Sunday 2nd October - avoid traveling by road that day
The main London Marathon which normally runs in April has been pushed back to this Sunday
It is one of the great events in the area, and is worth watching in person if you have never seen it but it 1/
will have a major impact on transport and roads from 4am/8am to 12am/8.30pm depending on where you are (no buses after 7.30am on the island for example)
A word of warning, the maps of road closures may not be accurate based on the one time I tested them 2/
I would avoid all road-based travel that day, if you need to use your car Sunday, either leave very early and return late or park your car elsewhere
More information here…
Some advice after 11 hours queuing if you want to see the Queen lying in state
- it’s cold
- there are toilets
- it’s long from 6.15am to 5.45pm for me - 2 hours longer then indicated
- it’s worth it
- no liquids/gels/sweets allowed inside
- you can get food on the way as 1/
lots of stalls/coffee shops on the route (if open)
The wind along the river + lack of sunlight makes it much colder then you think from weather forecast
- Children were in the queue & did ok, they can go ahead & rest
- there are a few places you can sit down on the way 2/
No big bags allowed (but there is a bag drop 4 hours from end)
It was magnificent but wear comfortable shoes/socks/clothes to enjoy it
Hopefully we won’t be doing this again for many decades so it is a sight worth seeing in my opinion & to say thank you to Her Majesty 3/