CORRECTION on my thread from 2 days ago. TL;DR: every “½” should be replaced by “2⁄3” (I made a stupid counting mistake in the classical bound) with a slight change in the description of the classical gadget. The rest seems correct. Here are more details as a penance. ⤵️ •1/25
So, as was recently pointed out to me — by “jonas” in the comments of my blog entry… — it's easy to classically make a (2/3)-gadget: randomly generate one of the six possibilities of yes/no answers for X,Y,Z which are not all equal. •2/25
More precisely, to generate a (2/3)-gadget classically, randomly choose one of the six possibilities ++−, +−+, +−−, −++, −+−, −−+, and interpret this as a yes(+)/no(−) answer for X, Y, Z common to both thingies. •3/25
Clearly this satisfies ① (because both thingies have the same hidden variables), and ② (because for every choice of two different buttons, 4/6 = 2/3 possibilities have different values). •4/25
(The reason for my mistake was that I remembered the classical gadget was trivial to make, but I forgot to exclude the +++ and −−− possibilities, so the description below, while it correctly gives a (½)-gadget, is far from optimal.) •5/25
This means of course that my claim that we can't make a p-gadget for p>½ was wrong. The correct claim is that we can't one for p > 2/3. But now you probably want a proof of this fact, since I had wrongly claimed that the incorrect claim was “easy”. •6/25
Well, assume we have a probability distribution on the a priori 2⁶=64 combinations of yes/no answers that each thingy will give to each of the X/Y/Z questions. Because of ① (both gadgets must always give the same answer to the same question), … •7/25
… it must be concentrated on the 2³=8 combinations of yes/no answers to X/Y/Z common to both thingies. So we have 8 variables, p_(+++) through p_(−−−), all nonnegative and summing to 1, that define our putative gadget. •8/25
Now apply ② to the situation where we press X and Y on both thingies: we get: p_(+−+) + p_(+−−) + p_(−++) + p_(−+−) ≥ p because the LHS is the probability that we get different answers for the query. •9/25
Similarly for Y and Z we get p_(++−) + p_(+−+) + p_(−+−) + p_(−−+) ≥ p. And for X and Z we get p_(++−) + p_(+−−) + p_(−++) + p_(−−+) ≥ p. Adding these three inequalities gives 2p_(++−) + 2p_(+−+) + 2p_(+−−) + 2p_(−++) + 2p_(−+−) + 2p_(−−+) ≥ 3p. •10/25
And since the LHS is bounded by twice the sum of all the p_(ijk), it's ≤2, so 2≥3p and p ≤ 2/3, showing that classically (i.e., under local realism) we can't do better than a 2/3 gadget. ∎ This is the sort of things known as a “Bell inequality”. •11/25
So, this fixes my mistake, but now maybe you're wondering whether I didn't make a similar mistake in the quantum case: is the quantum bound of 3/4 I claimed really valid and optimal? Yes, it is, and here's why. •12/25
As to how we can make a (¾)-gadget in a quantum world, I briefly explained it here 🔽, except that I forgot to clarify that we need to flip the answer of one of the thingies. So here's a little more detail. •13/25
We give both thingies access to the entangled state |s⟩ := (|↑↓⟩−|↓↑⟩)/√2. The first thingy will measure the first particle against one of the states |X⟩=|↑⟩, |Y⟩=(|↑⟩+√3·|↓⟩)/2 or |Z⟩=(|↑⟩−√3·|↓⟩)/2 according to which button is pressed, … •14/25
… and the second thingy will measure the second particle against one of the states |X′⟩=|↓⟩, |Y′⟩=(|↓⟩+√3·|↑⟩)/2 or |Z′⟩=(|↓⟩−√3·|↑⟩)/2. So for example if we press X on the first thingy and X′ on the second, we have ⟨X⊗X′ | s⟩ = 1/√2 … •15/25
… so probability (1/√2)² = ½ of getting two “yes” answers, and similarly ½ of getting two “no” answers; while if we press X and Y′ we have ⟨X⊗Y′ | s⟩ = 1/(2√2), so probability 1/8 of getting “yes+yes”, and similarly 1/8 for “no+no”, and 3/8 for “yes+no” or “no+yes”. •16/25
So it's just a straightforward but tedious computation that the gadget in question is indeed a (¾)-gadget, as claimed (we can simplify some computations by using rotational invariance of |s⟩, though). Doing the experiment is, of course, much more challenging! •17/25
OK, so we can make a quantum (¾)-gadget. But why can't we make one for p > 3/4 and how do I know I didn't make a mistake here like I did in the classical case? Let me prove this final fact. •18/25
Well, this time, we're looking for 6 Hermitian operators, A_X, A_Y, A_Z, B_X, B_Y, B_Z on some Hilbert space, and a state |s⟩, such that (A_i)²=1, (B_j)²=1, A_i·B_j = B_j·A_i, and ⟨A_i B_i⟩ = 1 whereas ⟨A_i B_j⟩ ≤ 1−2p if i≠j, where ⟨M⟩ abbreviates ⟨s|M|s⟩. •19/25
(To be clear, A_i is the operator associated with the observable with value +1 or −1 according to the answer given by the first thingy if we press button i, and B_j is the corresponding operator for the second thingy. And ⟨M⟩ is the expected value of M.) •20/25
Now by a result of Tsirelson which is cited in paragraph II.C.1.b (p. 13, left column, near bottom) of the survey by Brunner, Cavalcanti, Pironio &al that I already mentioned, … •21/25
… there need to exist six unit vectors v_X, v_Y, v_Z, w_X, w_Y, w_Z in a Euclidean space such that ① v_i · w_i = 1 and ② v_i · w_j ≤ 1−2p when i≠j. Condition ① gives us w_i = v_i, of course, so we are looking at just three vectors v_X, v_Y, v_Z. •22/25
… and now it's a standard and easy geometrical fact that the smallest maximal dot product we can for 2 distinct among 3 unit vectors in a Euclidean space is −1/2 by placing them 2π/3 apart (see, e.g., — or many other places). •23/25
So 1−2p ≥ −½, so p ≤ ¾, as I had claimed. ∎
To summarize, I have proven all of these claims:
‣ classically, we can do a (2⁄3)-gadget but no better (I had erroneously claimed “½” here),
‣ quantumly, we can do a (¾)-gadget but no better.
(And, again, 1-gadgets are conceivable, don't let you communicate faster than light, but still allow you do do weird things such as compute an arbitrary boolean function of variables split between two participants by exchanging just ONE bit.) •25/25
• • •
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Because of the latest Nobel price announcement, maybe it's time I should dig up some threads I wrote two years ago, and explain some things that quantum mechanics does and doesn't let you do with and around the curious notion of “p-gadgets”. 🧵🔽 •1/27
So, given a real number 0≤p≤1 (the cases p=½, p=¾ and p=1 will most concern us), a “p-gadget” is a hypothetical apparatus consisting of a pair of devices, which I will call “thingies”. Thingies always come in pairs: the gadget is the pair of twin thingies. •2/27
Each thingy has 3 buttons on them, “X”, “Y” and “Z”. When you press one of the buttons, a light on the thingy flashes (instantly), either blue for “yes” or red for “no”. That's all a thingy does. By itself, it's pretty useless. Furthermore, it can only be used once! •3/27
Many people were talking about monkeypox when the cases were rising pretty much exponentially, but now that it's receding is really when we should be paying attention: why is that? whence the change around mid-August? what can we learn from it? •1/5…
Note that it's pretty much impossible, in the SIR model without extra parameters (e.g., heterogeneity of susceptibility), to have a world disease stop after ~100k infected. This would require R₀ to be fine-tuned between 1 and 1.000006. 🤣 •2/5
So add this to the big “plain homogeneous SIR is nuts”, as if N waves of covid weren't enough to persuade us anyway. Now we can easily get this behavior with SIR + sufficient heterogeneity 🔽, but I don't know if this is the right explanation here. •3/5
Nouvelle balade aujourd'hui avec @Conscrit_Neuneu: nous avons suivi la Seine entre Nanterre et Bougival (de la gare de Nanterre-Ville du RER A à la gare de Louveciennes du Transilien L, donc aller et retour en transports en commun). •1/?
C'est la «suite» de la balade que nous avions faite en juin entre Colombes et Nanterre (donc on peut faire les deux d'affilée si on est courageux). On part donc du jardin de «l'Eau retrouvée» à Nanterre (remarquez le héron!).… •2/?
On passe d'abord près d'un ancien dépôt d'hydrocarbures… (en train d'être dépollué), donc ce n'est pas hyper joli, mais c'est intéressant si on aime les paysages industriels désaffectés. •3/?
Assez longue balade avec @Conscrit_Neuneu aujourd'hui entre Dampierre-en-Yvelines et Senlisse, dans les bois de la Crêne, des Maréchaux et du Boisseau (massif de Rambouillet) et de part et d'autre du ru des Vaux [de Cernay]. •1/?
Avant ça, nous avons fait une étape gastronomique au restaurant “La Table des Blot” (“L'Auberge du château”) — juste en face du château de Dampierre — qui n'a pas volé son ✽ au guide Michelin. •2/?
Vue du château de Dampierre (château des ducs de Luynes / de Chevreuse), dont la première phase de travaux de restauration s'est récemment terminée, vu depuis le vertugadin… au nord-ouest. Le paysage est magnifique, ma photo ne lui rend pas justice. •3/?
Yesterday I learned that “∀α. 2^(ℵ_α) = ℵ_(α+γ)” is demonstrably false if γ is infinite, and consistent with ZFC — under large cardinal assumptions — when γ is a concrete natural number ≥1 (when γ=1 this is the GCH and requires no large cardinals).
I don't know what intuitive sense to make of this. I find it puzzling that even though Easton's theorem allows us to more or less arbitrarily prescribe the continuum function at regular cardinals, singular cardinals are a whole different ball game.
Besides GCH, is there any “nice” hypothesis “∀α. 2^(ℵ_α) = ℵ_(h(α))” that's easy to state (without any odd distinction btw regular and singular), allows computation of all cardinal exponentials, and is demonstrably consistent wrt ZFC (ideally without extra assumptions)?
Le problème avec les débats télé par petites phrases où on ferme la bouche des autres, c'est que ça incite les gens à retenir des petites phrases et à reproduire ce type de débat (voir le fil du tweet cité pour plein d'exemples) plutôt que construire une réflexion approfondie.
Il y a une raison pour laquelle les controverses scientifiques ne se tranchent pas par petites phrases. Pour laquelle les procès d'assises ne se règlent pas par petites phrases.
Quand on veut convaincre, il faut du temps, et la sérénité d'une écoute sincère.
C'est quelque chose de très compliqué dans un paysage médiatique (+réseaux sociaux) qui n'encourage pas à un débat construit.
Les documentaires, c'est déjà mieux, à condition d'éviter la partialité en amont, comme Arte qui diffuse docu sur docu antinucléaire (😒).