robin 🏐🦊 Profile picture
Oct 7, 2022 76 tweets 14 min read Read on X
A thread for #miyatwinsweek22

Day 4: Onigiri Miya Osamu, MSBY Atsumu, "We made it."

Hurt/comfort with #sakuatsu and #sunaosa
Atsumu opens the messages app on his phone. Closes it again. Opens. Closes.

He sighs and throws his phone beside him on the couch. How pathetic that he's 25 and yet he can't go even just a few days without calling his brother.
The thing is, he knows Samu would pick up if he did call, or would at least call him back later.

But on Monday his twin had mentioned that he'd be super swamped with work that week and asked if they could postpone their nightly calls until that weekend.

Atsumu had griped,
but of course he said yes.

With Samu opening the new Tokyo branch of Onigiri Miya, he knows that his twin is overwhelmed and doesn't have time to chat.

But god Atsumu is so, so lonely.
The twins had moved into an apartment in Osaka together after they graduated, only a few minutes walk from the newly purchased location for the first branch of Onigiri Miya.

Osamu had been busy those days too, but it was different. Atsumu helped out at the store often,
and even if he didn't, they still saw each other at some point pretty much every day.

Now Osamu's finally living with Suna after years of dating, and he'll be staying in Tokyo to get the new branch running for at least a year.

So Atsumu lives alone.
His new place is much closer to MSBY's gym, but it doesn't make up for the fact that it doesn't feel like home.

It's too quiet and he doesn't know any of his neighbours and fuck, he just wants his brother back at his side. He wants how things used to be.
He sighs and picks up his phone again, exiting out of his chat with Osamu to scroll through his other contacts.

Shouyou is in Brazil right now, so he'll be working at this hour. Bokuto always calls Akaashi on Friday nights. Suna is probably helping Samu at the restaurant.
Aran's sister just gave birth, and Kita always goes to bed at exactly 9pm and is fast asleep by 9:01.

His thumb hovers over another name, listed in his phone as Omi-omi.
When Sakusa had first joined MSBY, Atsumu had been excited to get to set for the college MVP with the weird bendy wrists, but he hadn't expected for them to be friends.

They seemed like polar opposites, and the way they originally clashed at every moment seemed to cement that.
But bantering with Sakusa was actually surprisingly fun. The spiker wasn't as funny as Aran (although that was an unfair metric), but he was sharp and dry and deadpan in a way that made Atsumu want to pull reactions from him.

He's fun, in his weird prickly way.
And sometimes they even hang out outside of practice to catch each other up on V League gossip or to hate-watch terrible movies.

But calling the other man up when he's feeling vulnerable and lonely and a little insecure is... uncharted territory.
Omi's probably busy tonight anyways. Not that the man goes out a lot, but still...

Fuck it. The worst that can happen is he doesn't pick up.

Atsumu hits call.

Shit, what if the worst that can happen is that Omi does pick up?

He should just hang up.
Sakusa picks up right before Atsumu can hit 'end call.'

"What?" Sakusa says plainly on the other end.

Be cool, be cool, be cool. "Uh, hey, Omi. What's shakin'?" Oof.

"What?" Sakusa says again.

"Nothin'. Just forget that." He sighs, scrubs a hand down his face. "Are ya busy?"
There's silence on the other end for a moment. Atsumu stares wistfully at the 'end call' button again.

"I'm doing a face mask," Sakusa replies. "Part three of my thirteen-step skincare routine. So, not too busy to talk on the phone."
"Right," Atsumu says, a little shaky, but it's subtle enough that it shouldn't be picked up by his phone's mic.

"Are you okay?" Sakusa asks. Damn it.

"Not really," Atsumu admits with an exhausted chuckle.

"And you... want to talk about it? With me?" His voice is incredulous.
"Sorry, Omi. I'll let ya get back to your mask thingy."

"No wait," Sakusa says, a little louder and more rushed than his usual even tone. "I just— people don't usually come to me when they're upset. I just make things worse."

Is that a touch of insecurity in his voice too?
Atsumu shrugs even though the other man can't see him. "I'm just... fuck, ya better not fuckin' laugh at me, but... I'm missin' Samu. My new place feels so empty."

All or the Jackals have heard enough of Atsumu's bragging about his brother's business (disguised as complaining)
to know all about Osamu moving out to Tokyo, so there's no need to explain further.

Sakusa is silent for a few moments again. "Well, I can't go to your place because of my mask," Sakusa says.

"Ah, yeah no worries Omi. I figured ya were busy tonight anyways. I'll let ya go."
"Shut up for a second, Miya," the other man interrupts. "I can't go to your place, but we can stay on the phone if it helps. Or"—he pauses long enough that Atsumu wonders if the call has disconnected—"if you really want, you can come to mine."
It's a little dramatic, but Atsumu can't help it—he gasps.

No one on the team has ever been allowed to even know Sakusa's address, let alone enter his apartment.

"Seriously, Omi-kun? Ya mean it?"

He can practically hear the eye roll, but Omi's tone isn't unkind when he says,
"Yes. I mean it."

Atsumu's phone buzzes with a text notification from Omi-omi with an address.

Holy fuck. This is actually happening.

He's slipping on shoes and a jacket over his ratty joggers and Onigiri Miya tee before hanging up with a promise to "See you soon, Omi-kun!"
When he pulls up to Sakusa's building, his jaw drops a little at how fancy it is. His jaw drops the rest of the way when Sakusa buzzes him in and he realizes that Sakusa's apartment is actually the goddamn penthouse.

Fuckin' Tokyo rich boys.
By the time Sakusa's letting him into the apartment, his jaw is fully unhinging—not at the sleek furniture or fancy decor, but at the green goop all over his spiker's face.

"Are ya wearin' guac?" he squawked.

Omi rolled his eyes. "I told you I was doing a mask, Miya.
Now go wash your hands and your face."

Atsumu frowned. His hands were a given but, “What’s wrong with my face?”

Sakusa’s mouth quirks a little. “You’re going to be doing a mask too. God knows your poor parched skin could use the moisture.”
Atsumu grumbles at the absolutely untrue accusation that his skin is anything but radiant, but follows Sakusa’s directions to the bathroom anyways where he obediently washes his hands for a full thirty seconds before splashing water on his face.
When he trudges back out to the living room, Sakusa is waiting for him on the couch with a little jar in his hands, lid unscrewed so Atsumu can see the goopy green contents inside.

“Ya ain’t really gonna make me do that, are ya?”

Sakusa raises a brow.
“It’s mask night. If I have to look like this, so do you.”

“Or ya could just wash yours off and we can both look normal.”

“Your skin will thank me later,” Sakusa insists. “Just trust me. Or, you can go back home and we can just talk on the phone.”
Atsumu’s eye twitches. He’s sure the other man wouldn’t press the issue if he really didn’t want to, but…

“C’mon, Miya, is your masculinity so fragile you can’t even have moisturized skin?”

Damn it. Sakusa always knows the right buttons to press to get Atsumu to cave.
I’ll have ya know I’m extremely secure,” he huffs, plopping down on the couch and holding out his hand for the jar. “Gimme.”

Sakusa wrinkles his nose. “No way am I letting you contaminate my jar.”

“I just washed my hands!”

Sakusa doesn’t budge.
Instead, he hands Atsumu a headband, a pink one that contrasts to the lavender one pushing back his own dark curls.

Atsumu slips it on, hoping he doesn’t look as flustered as he feels, and watches as Sakusa uses a popsicle stick to scoop out some of the green goo.
“Lean back,” the spiker instructs.

Atsumu hesitates for a second but complies. How did he end up here? Just fifteen minutes ago he was alone in his own apartment, and now he’s at the place of his prickliest teammate, who is hovering over him with dark eyes.
Fuck. He hopes he isn’t as red as he feels.

“Ya sure I can’t do this myself?”

“You don’t know how to do it,” Sakusa argues. “Just relax. Close your eyes. Trust me.” The spiker’s voice is deep and soft, and Atsumu finds his lids fluttering closed…
and then immediately snapping back open when he feels something cool and slimy on his face. “Fuck! What the fuck?”

“It might feel a little cold,” Sakusa intones. “Now close your eyes.”

Atsumu grunts and lets his eyes fall closed again.
When he’s expecting it, the goop doesn’t feel so bad. In fact, the cooling sensation is kind of nice. The texture is a bit weird, but not necessarily a bad weird.

Once his whole face is covered, the popsicle stick goes away, and his eyes are just about to open again when
he feels warm fingertips start massaging the mask in, and his breath hitches and he squeezes his eyes back shut.

The fingers hesitate. “Is this okay?” Sakusa asks.

Atsumu nods, not trusting his own voice. First Omi lets him visit his apartment, and now he’s touching him?
Is this some kind of alternate reality?

But his panic melts away at the soothing circles of Omi’s fingers on his face. Damn, now he gets why his Ma was always so eager to go to the spa. Is it supposed to feel this good, or has he just been spending too much time alone?
He doesn’t even realize Sakusa’s moved away until he hears the rush of water from the kitchen sink. His eyes blink open as he blearily watches the spiker wash the remains of the mask off of his hands. When he turns around, Sakusa’s face is unreadable.
“Feeling better?” he asks, and Atsumu nods. The other man’s smile is triumphant. “I knew it would help.”

Atsumu goes to scowl, but he stops when he feels the mask shift. “So this whole thing was a trick? I fuckin’ knew it!"
“I’d already done mine when you called, Miya,” Sakusa says with an eye roll as he strolls back over to the couch. “But… it helps me when I’m stressed. So.”

Atsumu breaks their eye contact. “Thanks, Omi-omi.”

“Do you… want to talk about it?”
Atsumu glances up and snorts out a laugh when he sees Sakusa’s constipated expression. The other man huffs and glares. “What?”

“Omi-omi, ya just— god, yer face!” He laughs harder at the way Sakusa’s nose wrinkles. “Look, we don’t gotta talk. There’s nothin’ to say really.
‘M just… lonely. And yer doin’ plenty already.”

“Lonely?” Sakusa prompts, and Atsumu feels himself get instinctively defensive before he sighs, relaxes his tense muscles, and nods.

“Yeah. Never been away from Samu this long, and it just feels weird.
Even at the youth camp, I snuck into the coaches’ office at night to use their landline to call ‘im and give updates.”

Sakusa snorts at that, and Atsumu laughs too. “Oh my god. You were such a menace.”

“Yeah,” he agrees easily. “Samu and I… we… we’re different.
And I hate when people act like we’re the same person, ‘cause we ain’t. But we’ve always had each other.

And I’m so fuckin’ happy for Samu that his business is doin’ so well, but, well, fuck. Sometimes I wish he needed me as much as he used to. As much as I still need him.”
Okay, turns out he did have something to say. Screw him.

Sakusa stares at him hard for a moment. “Who says he doesn’t need you?”

“He’s moved to another city! And he’s openin’ a whole new branch without me!”

“You’re a professional athlete,” Sakusa says.
“You’ve been in the pro circuit for years, and you’ve gone to the Olympics. Does he know how much you need him?”

Atsumu scoffs. “‘Course he does. We don’t have to say that kind of thing out loud.”

Sakusa just raises a brow, and the blond frowns.
“What? Ya don’t believe me?”

Sakusa shrugs. “I think it’s easier for you two to be there for each other than it is for either of you to admit you need the other one back. And if you’re feeling lonely, I think there’s a good chance he is too.”
Atsumu frowns, contemplative, then snarks, “I thought ya were just supposed to be just listenin’.”

“I thought you didn’t have anything to say,” Sakusa says. He just smirks when Atsumu flips him off.

“Ya know, I don’t feel any better,” Atsumu pouts.
“Good,” Sakusa says, and Atsumu whips up his head to glare at him, but the other man doesn't flinch. “You haven’t done anything to solve your problem yet.”

“Yer an asshole,” the blond huffs. “And Samu’s busy. That’s why we ain’t callin’ tonight.”
Sakusa softens a little. “That must be hard for both of you.” Atsumu nods. “But you’ll talk to him when he’s free?”

“For fuck’s sake, Omi, yeah, I’ll be real mushy and spill everythin’,” Atsumu says, but something about Sakusa’s insistence does make him feel better.
TBC — hit tweet limit

(it's almost done!! I swear this was supposed to be really short, but things got away from me)
The spiker has never been one for pity, he knew that going into this. Instead, Sakusa makes him feel like he’s in control, like there are real steps he can do to solve his problems if he just gets off his ass.

He offers the other man a shaky smile for now, and
he returns it with a small one of his own. Something in Atsumu’s chest clenches and starts blaring alarm bells, but he stuffs it back down for now. Not tonight, traitorous heart.

Sakusa holds up the remote. “Want a distraction for tonight then?”

"Fuck yeah!"
He makes grabby hands for the remote, but Sakusa lifts it away with a sneer as he opens Netflix. "No way, Miya. Not after last time!"

"Nah, Omi, I've got a good one this time, I swear."

They bicker back and forth a bit, but Sakusa ultimately doesn't put up much resistance,
and Atsumu triumphantly puts on a show that Samu and Suna suggested to him—a reality show where Korean idol trainees compete for the chance to be part of a girl group assembled at the end.

Sakusa pretends he hates reality TV. He doesn't.
The episodes are over an hour long each, so they only get through the first two before Atsumu is yawning loud enough to drown out the sound of the TV.

"I should head out. Thanks for everythin', Omi-kun."

He's already standing up from the couch when Sakusa says, "Stay."
Atsumu pauses and turns. The other man's gaze is intense. "Stay," he repeats.

"Uh, Omi?"

"I have a guest room that you can sleep in. The only person who ever uses it is Motoya, but... it's late. I have at least a dozen emergency spare toothbrushes. Just stay."
Atsumu's heart is beating hard enough in his chest that he can practically hear it. "Okay, Omi. Okay." His voice is breathless.

He follows the spiker down the hall and stares at the guest bedroom. It's nice, and the bed looks so comfy that his exhaustion finally hits.
Unfortunately, that's when Sakusa reminds him he still has a face of green goo. Some time during that night, he'd stopped noticing the goopy mask on Omi's face and only noticed the way his dark eyes sparkled whenever he made a particularly snarky comment...
He's almost relieved when Sakusa leaves him be to go wash off his own mask and finish his full routine. Not because he wants him to go, but so his stupid heart can stop trying to make him feel things. He doesn't have time for this, goddamnit!
He's getting into bed when Sakusa appears in the doorway, skin looking admittedly radiant, and carrying an armful of extra blankets. "Just in case you get cold," he says with a cough, not making eye contact."

Atsumu's chest clenches, and he opens his mouth to say something,
even he's not sure what, when his phone starts buzzing loudly on the side table.

A FaceTime call from... "Samu?"

He picks his phone up at lightning speed and swipes to accept the call.

On the screen, his brother has feel bags under his eyes but is smiling. "Hey, Tsumu."
"Samu, what the hell?"

"Are ya okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Osamu says. He's silent for a moment. Then, "I just... it felt weird to go to bed without talkin' to ya these past few nights."

Atsumu's heart clenches for a different reason. Goddamn emotions, give him a break!
"I—" he looks up and makes eye contact with Sakusa, who gives him a reassuring smile as he leaves the extra blankets on the bed before leaving and shutting the door softly behind him. "I— fuck, it felt weird for me too."

His twin looks relieved. "Yeah?"
He thinks about the conversation he had with Omi. "I— fuck it, Samu. I miss ya. I know yer busy, but I— I— I'll come up there! I can take the train and help ya out like I did with the Osaka branch. I can help out at the register, or maybe you'll finally let me cook, or, or—"
"Slow down, scrub," Osamu says. "I don't need ya in Tokyo."

Something in Atsumu's heart shatters a little. "But—"

"Hold on. Seriously, Tsumu. I appreciate everythin' ya did for me with openin' the first branch. I owe ya everythin' for that. But her a full-time athlete.
Ya were exhausted all the time, wearin' yourself out."

Atsumu frowns. "But that's what yer doin'!"

Osamu nods, chuckles a little. "I know. That's... that's why I'm callin'. I'm doin' too much. And the employees here—they're fuckin' great. Everythin' is going real smooth.
And... Rin told me I needed to stop openin' and closin' every single day."

Atsumu's eyes widen. "Ya scrub! Ya been workin' fourteen hour days every day?"

Osamu laughs again, but it's pained. "Yup. So... I don't need ya here. But I need... I need ya to keep callin'.
So I know I gotta get home on time."

Atsumu feels tears pricking his eyes and blinks them back furiously. "Fuckin' asshole! I was supposed to be the one who told ya I needed ya! Now I'm gonna lose."

Osamu frowns. "Lose what?"

"Nevermind," he sniffs.
"But, uh, yeah, Samu. Of course. Ya call me any fuckin' time ya want, ya hear?"

Samu nods with an eyeroll. "Yeah, yeah. Same here, asshole."

Atsumu catches his breath for a moment, letting all the emotions from the night settle. "So it's goin' well?"
Osamu nods and his eyes light up, and that's when Atsumu knows that everything is gonna be okay. He'll still be the happier twin, of course, but... maybe they can both be content and yet both still need each other.

/We really made it, huh, Samu?/
They keep on chatting for a while until Samu squints suspiciously. "Ya know, I thought maybe it was just the lightin', but yer face looks weirdly shiny."

"It's called bein' moisturized, asshole!"

Osamu leans closer. "Is that— that ain't even your room, is it?"
"Hah?" Atsumu yelps. "Yes it is! Ya just don't remember what my new place looks like."

Osamu frowns. "No way yer keepin' a bunch of houseplants alive. Where are ya?"

"Night, scrub!" he says, closing his phone and ignoring the way it immediately vibrates with a new call.
He turns on Do Not Disturb and sets his phone on the night stand, finally letting himself snuggle into the pile of blankets Omi left him.

Someday he's gonna have to confront this weird fluttery feeling in his chest, but for tonight, he just let's himself enjoy it.
Everything is gonna be fine.

And with that, he finally let's his eyes close as he drifts to sleep.

// happy belated birthday, Osamu and Atsumu! 🦊🎉

hope y'all enjoyed this "little" thread that absolutely got away from me

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