Elephants in Kelantan are moving to higher grounds. This is believed to be happening in the last few days. The monsoon season is rolling in. Locals are preparing for the annual flood season. Stay safe everyone. Meanwhile, what are our leaders doing to mitigate the flood?
Listen to nature. They always have warning signs for us. Kalau nampak burung lari, tu petanda nak ribut. Nampak binatang naik kawasan tinggi, god forbid, petanda nak banjir. Animals have instincts we can't comprehend. With less trees around, where will rainwater go?
I beg with all my heart for our leaders to please stop logging and degazetting our forests. Please listen to experts. The world is in a climate crisis. We have to move to sustainable economies, not destroy the very thing that's protecting us from natural disasters. #daruratiklim
Our mountains and mangroves protects us from storms and high tides. Siapa nak tahan ombak kuat? Siapa nak tahan angin ribut? Siapa nak serap hujan lebat??? Makin gondol untuk perut siapa?
I saw a video on youtube explaining why although SOME people have more time working from home (cuz i know so many who has to work more during WFH), they feel more demotivated - it's because of dopamine (what makes you feel pleasure) -
and because you cant go out, you lose that reward system of accomplishing your usual routine like waking up, brushing teeth, dressing well etc. Your brain just feels like you're doing less rewarding things in a day even if everything in your life is ok. To combat this -
you have to still set a routine and follow it even if you're at home. I guess that's where exercising helps a lot since it encourages production of dopamine and instead of thinking that you need to achieve something to feel rewarded (like finishing work) -