It takes the best form Roam, Notion, Workflowy
and goes above and beyond.
Here are 3 things why @tana_inc is the next big thing🧵
In the previous generation systems like Roam & Obsidian, it is hard to maintain data-structures.
Tana allows you to create and maintain(!) structures by design.
You can implement your
database schema
right at the core of the system
Say you have a BOOK structure in your database
BOOK connected to the WORKFLOW
BOOK connected to PROJECT
Now you want to add a field to every BOOK.
In Roam that would be a lot of manual or semi-manual work.
In Tana you just update the BOOK supertag and it automatically updates all the books.
This allows you to build your system following the principles of evolving complexity.
Update your data structures as you move forward on your journey.
Tana allows you to define semantically meaningful objects and relationships.
A well-thought-out schema makes your notes easier to maintain and share.
When you classify, create taxonomies and schemas, you learn and explore underlying principles.
When you organize your notes, you organize your mind.
TfT should help us structure the world around us and allow better sensemaking.
Tana was built with the power user in mind.
Tana has awesome features like:
• fields
• supertags
• life queries
• views
built into the core.
They enable users to build very sophisticated workflows.
And they don’t require any additional plugins!
LIFE QUERIES to search the database and mine insights.
→ Tana took the best from Roam queries and Obsidian Dataview and moved it forward.
VIEWS to play with visual data representation.
→ Tana has Notion-like UX to work with DBs.
Tana’s interface was built with love.
You can say it from the first interactions.
Tana experience includes:
• Nodes moving suggestions
• Automatic tagging
• Separate backlinks from different workspaces
• Bullet points give node information
Tana offers a modern approach to UI/UX, which is familiar to users of @Superhuman and @Cron.
The Command line pattern works better than “/” menu in Roam or Notion.
I’ve made a decision to go ALL IN and move to Tana from Roam.
During this process, I'm redesigning my schema sufficiently and eliminating some unnecessary notes and artefacts.