Just saw #SmileMovie a creepy solid psychological horror movie with a very solid ensemble of excellent acting. The story was predictable but it didn't stop the scary from being scary, likely in large part due to the use of practical effects and classic photography techniques.
It features on some heavy subjects like suicide and trauma, but it does a good job of painting stigma as buffoonish (the characters that use "crazy" or "psycho" look really doofusy).
Best, the cast of characters around the main character all act pretty much the way one would.
Solid horror movie, good scares, but some demerits for telegraphed moves.
One of the easiest tricks in the book is to create a straw man and then attack it. "Showing suicide data to prove kids weren't impacted by school closures" isn't what anyone is doing.
Data can either support or not support a claim. Suicide data doesn't support the claim of "increasing suicide rates due to lockdowns."
If the data doesn't support the claim, stop making the claim.
If you want to move on to other areas of child mental health (which is great!), then be sure to take a look at the evidence that we ARE getting, because it is varied, nuanced, and extremely hard to describe very easily.
The CDC has released their preliminary data. Contrary to the moral panic, there was NO "wave" or "spike" of childhood suicides in the 2nd year of the pandemic.
Youth suicide rates simply continued their trends.
For boys<20 years of age, the weekly suicide rate overlaps with some minor variance compared to the 2018 and 2019 years, except for the significant drop in suicides during the first two months of the pandemic.
For girls <20 years of age, the weekly suicide rate shows:
decrease in early pandemic
(mar-aug 2020)
increase during school peaks
(fall 2020, spring 2021, fall 2021)
IE) Girls showed increases when school is in (not during summer/winter, nor first months of the pandemic)
"Canada’s residential school system for Aboriginal children was an education system in name only for much of its existence. These residential schools were created for the purpose of separating Aboriginal children from their families, ..."
"... in order to minimize and weaken family ties and cultural linkages, and to indoctrinate children into a new culture—the culture of the legally dominant Euro-Christian Canadian society, led by Canada’s first prime minister, Sir John A. Macdonald."
"The Commission heard from more than 6,000 witnesses, most of whom survived the experience of living in the schools as students. The stories of that experience are sometimes difficult to accept as something that could have happened in a country such as Canada... "
If you call ECT "electrical torture", you are either:
Tragically misinformed (you can correct that by learning more about ECT)
Influenced by inaccurate media portrayals (it sucks, update your info and learn like above)
Firmly anti-psych (crusader immune to reason)
ECT is a lifesaving treatment that comes with risks and benefits, but is a powerful tool in combatting against life-threatening catatonia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and depression.
If for some reason you belong to a group of people who were not given proper consent or proper treatment, there is a carveout for you. You matter, you exist, and you are right in your rage, and I share it with you.