I want to say that God is good & God comes in the form of my residents, students, & trainees. Yesterday, my chest was heavy & I was feeling so discouraged. This morning, I get mail from @ACPinternists stating 1 of my residents nominated me for women in medicine recognition😭😭😭
I call Dr. Green this morning & let her know how much she has filled my heart with encouragement & love. She barely lets me speak as she pours into me how much she & her colleagues love & appreciate my work & tell me to keep doing what I’m doing the way I’m doing it.
She says “I love you, Dr. Opara. We all love you. Thank you for how you show up. We see you. We see that you do what you do with love and that you care. That you speak up for us, for all our communities loudly & not giving a crap. Please never change…
…You are worthy of all the accolades.” I fell down snot-crying like Viola Davis in every movie. To hear this from a trainee, for me, means more than if I heard it from the President of earth. To hear it from a Black woman trainee, means more to me than if I heard it from…
…the President of the galaxy. I wish I could reach through the phone to hug the mess out of her. Out of all of them. These amazing residents & students who are…EVERYTHING. Even the naughty ones give me life🤣🤣🤣.
They teach me to be a better, more versatile, educator. Dr. Green has no idea the amount of jollof rice, moimoi, curry chicken, & fried plantain awaiting her near future. I’m so honored & blessed & grateful.
And I just LOOOOVE my people.
To pieces.
I’m just so encouraged & love how God comes in the form of community right when we need to be reminded of whom we are, why we are, from whom we descend, & that we’re worthy.
Always worthy.
This week,
🗣As you pour into others, may you be poured into a million-fold.
🗣As you see, accept, & value others as they are, may you be seen, accepted, & valued as you authentically are a million-fold.
🗣As you remind others of their worth, may you realize your own worth a million-fold.
Firstly, wow.
I had NO idea this story would strike such a nerve. I just put it out as a means of processing my own feelings & experience.
Thank you for your love, compassion, humanism, & shared anger, sadness, & determination to create better for our children & each other. 1/
Super importantly, I want to shout out my intern, Dr. G (she’s not on Twitter) who was also on the case & handled an extremely challenging encounter w/ grace & compassion. I’m grateful to her providing me the opportunity to pass on the valuable lessons my teachers taught me.
It helps remind me as well as keep me accountable.
Also, I’d like to share that I called her after clinic to debrief with her. When something so jolting happens, we cannot just push it under the emotional carpet &move on to the next patient, the next task, the next whatever.
Today was a tough one. Little baby girl comes in for “recurrent UTIs”. Parent is frustrated because she’s been to ER multiple times this year when these symptoms started where she’s given antibiotics & sent home. But symptoms always come back - belly pain, pain in urination,…
discharge, foul odor. She goes back to ER - antibiotics & sent home. & the cycle continues.
But, wayment - vaginal discharge? Foul odor?
Nope. Nope. That ain’t right. Okay, let’s consciously avoid anchoring bias and THINK.
Good morntint💕🌞 to everyone who rejects Performative civility & respectability politics for the coddling of white feelings. To Black folx who resist “etiquette” that kowtows to white supremacy and supplants their own humanity & freedom to hold unpopular but true opinions.☕️☕️☕️
Good morntint💕🌞 to rich folk who choose not to use their platform to censor Black scholars, particularly Black women speaking difficult truths, especially when it’s essentially pettiness in response to their support of the unionization of your company- led by a young Black man.
Good morntint💕🌞 to folk who understand that ❗️gasp❗️Some of your beloved s/heroes are other people’s villains because…reality. To folk who understand they are not in a place to tell oppressed people how to respond to their truth, just because it doesn’t meet your “standards”.
- Frederick Douglass, July 5, 1852 🧵
“The task be4 me is 1 which requires much thought & study 4 its proper performance…Should I seem at ease, my appearance would much misrepresent me.
“The fact is, ladies and gentlemen, the distance between this platform and the slave plantation, from which I escaped, is considerable—and the difficulties to be overcome in getting from the latter to the former, are by no means slight.”
“This, for the purpose of this celebration, is the 4th of July. It is the birthday of your National Independence, and of your political freedom. This, to you, is what the Passover was to the emancipated people of God.”
When the well-intentioned white person or faux “DEI expert” comes with the “we all have bias”, inform them:
Yes, we all have biases.
But, those biases are not equal.
Becos we don’t all have power.
The power to translate that bias into an outcome for those without power.
Bias + Power = Badness
My bias may get someone uninvited from the cookout.
But a white person’s bias gets folks killed.
Whole communities drowned. Burned. Shot up. Set on fire. Sick. Deformed.
Implicit or Explicit, it’s not the bias I’m worried about as much as your unearned power - acquired through bloodshed, rape, theft, & genocide - to translate that bias to impact our lives, families, health, wealth, joy, & peace of mind.