After creating a custom C&C server, we can uncover the malware’s full capabilities - simply by asking (tasking) the right questions! 🤭
1️⃣ First, we must understand how the malware figures out how to find its C&C server - so we can coerce it to talk to our C&C instead!
As this (encrypted) info is embedded within the malware, we can write a simple decryptor/encryptor to (re)configure the malware 👾🔓✍🏼🔒 → 🖥✅
2️⃣ Second, we need to understand its protocol, so we can task the malware to reveal its capabilities.
A brief triage of the malware's binary shows us it sets up a local server and registers various "routes" - taskable via requests from a remote C&C server.
3️⃣ As the malware multiplexes all comms, our C&C server uses the same open-source mux library ("smux").
Our C&C can now task oRAT! 🤭
Via monitors tools (proc/file/network) + the malware's responses, we efficiently gain a comprehensive understanding of this insidious threat!💥
Worth noting, armed with a (re)configurable malware sample, plus a compatible C&C server, one could rather easily launch "plausibly-deniable" CNE campaigns 😈