Under five months ago, a few of us came together and launched something called Blue Ohio. Our philosophy is that: 1) democracy starts in states, 2) at the statehouse level, and that 3) we must run everywhere to fight against...
...the extremism and anti-democracy efforts taking hold in these long neglected statehouses.
Running everywhere, and supporting candidates everywhere, is key, because we believe that leaving dozens of districts unchallenged (which happens in most states), and dozens more...
...so underfunded that the candidates can hardly get the word out, fuels the downward spiral in these states
It allows extremist legislators to go unchallenged; it allows millions of voters in state after state to hear nothing about what their rep or even statehouse is doing;
One of my favorite moments of talks I do on writing fiction is reading aloud an email I once received from an agent about a draft of The People’s House.
The email said: “If you can forgive my bluntness, the work that is needed to make the book successful is not the…”
“…kind that any agent can help you with. It’s not a simple matter of structural changes (which are hardly simple, actually), but a question of your going through a long (and probably painful, it usually is) education in the craft of fiction….”
…more than a year later, I sent this agent an email back, linking to a glowing review in the WSJ of The People’s House, to make sure he’d seen it. :)
An American state of almost 12 million people—Ohio—is weeks away from holding an election for Congress on a map of districts that its own (bipartisan) court has ruled are unconstitutional.
No court has ruled otherwise.
But that election is about to begin, because…
…those overseeing the map-drawing process chose to violate the law & court orders for so long, they forced that illegal map onto the ballot
There is no minimizing this. There is no sugarcoating this. There is no “both sidesing” this.
It is utterly lawless. And illegitimate
But it gets WORSE.
The same body lawlessly rigging that map also changed the rules of how Ohio elects Supreme Court justices for THIS year, to favor their candidates. And their clear goal is to ignore the current court’s orders for long enough, that their new election rule…
Why have 1,000 #+ people,
from all across Ohio, signed on to be members of Blue Ohio in less than 4 months?
I’ll tell you why!
1) because we understand that we are in a battle for democracy itself
2) because we know that statehouses are the front line of that battle….
3) because once we understand THAT, we understand that it’s the lack of accountability and transparency at the statehouse level that is allowing the attack on democracy to be so effective, along with the lurch toward extremism to continue unabated
4) and because once we…
…understand THAT, we then understand what a disaster it is that we allow so many statehouse districts to go unchallenged in most states, and so many others to be so underfunded that that they might as well be unchallenged