I think Bug Bounty combined with code review is the easiest way to get started with Purple Teaming.
Now comes the kicker - there is a platform that gives you all that
+ the chance to get CVEs for the Bugs you find!
(Disclaimer: I found my first CVE in Open Source Software)
It's @huntrdev (huntr.dev) and I believe it is the best platform to get started with bug bounty and will also help your offensive security career A LOT.
1. You need to install & start the application that you want to hack.
Sometimes it's easy, sometimes this takes "a while...", even for seasoned professionals.
2. You can choose the size of the application that you want to hack.
If you want to look at only small applications, be my guest.
If you want to hack Laravel, Drupal or other hugely popular systems, you can do that as well!
3. You have the chance to find bugs in the code first and only hack them afterwards 🤯 - Code Review!
This also gives you the chance to hack first and then identify why it worked directly in the code
Pick your poison, any way works!
The only thing left to do is start.
How to find juicy repositories?
You can use my github search query:
stars:100..500 language:php archived:false
This will give you popular repositories written in php, currently you have more than 2000 to choose from.
What is the one thing that separates newbie bug hunters from the professionals - let me tell you
It’s persistence. The tools and ideas that for example @Jhaddix shows is his talks are far beyond the level I thought someone would use for Bug Bounty.
There was one Technique that blew my mind 🤯
It is scraping cloud provider IP ranges (proactively and recurring)
Imagine you are hacking on a program and you want to check which assets they have.
I assume at least 99% of what’s running on the web now is hosted by Cloud Providers (AWS, Azure, GCP, Digital Ocean etc)