To begin with, I want to show you the MDAPP that I “concept-designed” to participate in the contest organized by @HungarianHornTail
The purpose of this competition was to design an MDAPP using Quant (OVL) technology and different components like DLTs, and legacy systems...
All glued together in a way that would allow developers to create new decentralized apps in ways never possible before.
In my case, I am a 22-year-old Telecommunications Engineering student, so I decided to create something related to this area.
My MDAPP is a decentralized app focused on Roaming (that thing that mobile connectivity does when we travel or move to another city or country)
Roaming for mobile devices and IoT (Internet of Things) devices, those that have cellular connectivity and can be connected to the internet.
My MDAPP must have the following different parts:
— Devices connected to wide LoRaWAN or 5G networks.
— Secure device identification, we need to have all sorts of ways to have a good identification of each device connected to the network, or to other foreign networks.
Those devices need to be identified and have certificates and token validations to achieve all sorts of digital tasks. So part of them would be handled by ID NFTs hosted on the Ethereum blockchain (for example).
— At the level of sending information, we need a very fast, reliable, secure, and scalable way to send and receive tx. These types of networks could have thousands of devices connected to them. In my case, I would like to use a DAG-based DLT, for example, IOTA with his TANGLE.
— Finally, we would need to connect with the traditional or legacy systems of the telephone operators.
As a resume:
We have hundreds or thousands of devices capable of connecting to the Internet. These will use the LoRaWAN network to establish the connection via radio frequency or 5G networks. Within this network lives the DLT based on DAG technology.
The devices are at all times connected to extensive networks, which can be international. The management of their IDs is performed by NFTs minted in the Ethereum network, right at the moment of their connection or update.
Every time a device changes area, it surely does not have an operator that can give it a connection, so the system is responsible for making the connection change automatically and in a decentralized way.
It should be noted that teleoperators would use this invented system, simply for the verification of mobile devices or IoT. In order to be able to easily, quickly, and securely give connection to those that have roaming permission (given by its operator).
#Overledger will be necessary to organize and enable the connection between the different DLTs (DAG and Ethereum), with the devices (DLT-Device), and with the traditional systems, which do not have to be replaced by blockchain, but improved and leveraged.
Ever wonder how digital assets can cross from one blockchain to another? 🚀 With SATP, gateways act as multilingual translators, bridging networks so assets move securely from one “language” to another! #SATP #Blockchain
Each blockchain speaks its own native tongue 🗣️—Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. They only understand the commands sent through their nodes. Every transaction is like a sentence in a unique dialect. #CryptoLanguages
Nodes are the native speakers in a blockchain network. When you send funds (e.g., via MetaMask), your instruction is injected into a node that “reads” the command in its own language. 💬 #BlockchainNodes
Hey everyone! Let's dive together into Quant’s powerful security tools: Overledger Authorise and Overwallet. These innovations bring central bank‑grade security to blockchain transactions while keeping things simple.
First up: Overledger Authorise. Think of it as a secure digital signing service that lets you approve transactions without ever exposing your secret keys. It meets strict security standards. 🔒
Overledger Authorise acts as a trusted bridge between your app and secure key storage services like AWS KMS and Fireblocks. This unified API lets you sign transactions on multiple blockchains effortlessly.
Introducing the new SATP Sandbox by Quant Network 🚀—a dedicated testing environment built into Overledger that lets you simulate and experiment with digital asset transfers between gateways without risking real funds.
What is the SATP Sandbox? 🤔
It’s a secure, sandboxed environment where developers can initiate and test multi-step digital asset transfers. By isolating these processes from production networks, you can validate your business logic and integration flows in a risk-free setting.
Powered by Quant’s Overledger technology 🔗, the SATP Sandbox is designed to overcome blockchain fragmentation. Overledger’s multi-chain architecture abstracts the complexities of individual DLTs, enabling seamless interoperability between networks.
So, let´s first begin giving a little introduction to the Overledger Product releases. As the name says, these are updates given by Quant to the community. They englobe or resume the new implementations/upgrades/improvements/fixes made to Overledger.
By the way, you can stay up to date with these new publications through our friends at @QuantDevelopers , they post the news much faster ⚡️ than Quant's page itself. 😎
In the previous thread we saw that we can do basic transactions through different DLTs with simple Overledger API calls.
Today we are going to level Up a little bit and make some cool interactions with a SmartContract.
Follow me... 👉🏻 ....🚣🏻♂️ 🌊🌊🌊 🏰
First we should know what a smarcontract is.
Quite simple, its just a set of rules that are programmed into the blockchain. Imagine I want to create my new Shiba2000 token, I need a Smartcontract that allows me to Mint/Burn/Transfer/Rugpull those tokens.
This guy was testing some kind of CrossChain-swap smartcontract. So I started looking for transactions to see how he was interacting with it. This is what I found In the payload:
Here we can see that this SC it the Ethereum side of a two phase bigger program that end in Hyperledger Fabric. But if we scroll more...