🚨 BREAKING: after EACOP, @TotalEnergies is about to trigger a new climate bomb that will devastate the ocean, marine animals, and the resources of the people of South Africa.
RT to prevent this disaster and expose the appalling greed of TOTAL 🧵
For several months, we have been working with the NGO @TheGreenConnect to unveil the irresponsibility of @TotalEnergies' projects in South Africa.
What this SHAMEFUL oil and gas major is planning to do goes beyond anything you can imagine.
Hang on to your read.
Let's go back in time: 5 September 2022.
The summer was a suite of heat waves. Massive fires are still ravaging Europe. Trees and animals are dying by the thousands. Extreme floods are devastating Pakistan.
On September 5th, the company led by Mr. Patrick Pouyanné was asking for permission to accelerate the destruction of the climate and animals.
On 5 September 2022, @TotalEnergies applied for a production license to exploit two huge gas fields buried at a depth of more than 1000 meters off the coast of South Africa, in an area where marine life is exceptionally rich and diverse. bloomassociation.org/en/a-new-clima…
Its goal? To extract one billion barrels of oil and gas.
Let's take a moment to consider the magnitude of the environmental disaster that number represents.
TOTAL is planning to start new fossil fuel projects that will lock South Africa on a disastrous carbon trajectory even though the International Energy Agency (IEA) made it clear that NO new fossil fuel extraction projects should be built... iea.blob.core.windows.net/assets/deebef5…
Ignoring @IEA and @IPCC_CH guidelines, @TotalEnergies is set to invest a minimum of US$3 billion to extract ONE BILLION BARRELS OF OIL AND GAS from the South African seabed.
In complete disregard of the climate emergency, @TotalEnergies is preparing to invest three billion dollars that will accelerate the environmental crisis and jeopardize our future.
Three billion dollars that will devastate South Africa's unique marine life and ecosystems.
The responsibility of TOTAL and the consequences of its actions are global.
We REALLY need you to ask TOTAL to urgently cease its environmentally destructive project, that will only accelerate the collapse of biodiversity.
Everyone needs to understand this: the South African coast is a hotspot of biodiversity.
South African waters form a "blue corridor" on the migration route of thousands of whales and an essential habitat for many ocean-dependent species.
Blue and right whales, humpback and sperm whales frequently travel these waters. Giant endangered leatherback turtles lay their eggs on the beaches of South Africa. Fur seals, penguins, albatrosses, petrels and gannets populate the country's coast.
South Africa has a significant network of marine protected areas and critical biodiversity areas along its coastline and offshore, at the edge of the continental shelf.
The disaster is also very human: with this project, @TotalEnergies will directly threaten the food security of local populations and the livelihoods of South African small-scale fishers.
The planet is burning. @IPCC_CH climate experts are warning humanity about hardship that is promised to us in the future if we do not drastically and IMMEDIATELY reduce our CO2 emissions.
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres denounced the "economic and moral madness" of investing in new fossil fuel projects. press.un.org/en/2022/sgsm21…
Yet @TotalEnergies disregards scientific reports, political warnings and citizen mobilizations: in addition to South Africa, TOTAL is preparing to ravage Uganda, Tanzania and other African countries. lemonde.fr/en/le-monde-af…
TOTAL is destroying Canada's boreal forests. TOTAL is fracking the rocks of Argentina. TOTAL supports antidemocratic petro-regimes. TOTAL supplies fuel to the Russian attacker in Ukraine. TOTAL violates human rights. reuters.com/business/energ…
And TOTAL lies.
To have people believe that a "green" energy transition consists in switching from one fossil fuel to another (from coal to gas) is a serious lie with disastrous consequences for South Africa and the whole planet. amisdelaterre.org/communique-pre…
Mr. Patrick Pouyanné, CEO of @TotalEnergies, you persist in ignoring the frightening reality that is no longer an "inconvenient truth" but a "killing truth", that materializes every day a little more before our eyes.
We, citizens of all ages and nationalities, ask you to listen to the climate and biodiversity experts and to abandon the plan to set off another climate bomb in South Africa. bloomassociation.org/en/a-new-clima…
If you persist in your morbid obsession with profits, if you persist in your anti-environmental blindness, we will organize the civic resistance to prevent you from trashing nature and the climate, from destroying our future and from sacrificing young generations.
Mr. Pouyanné: keep fossil fuels in the ground and make an announcement, before COP27 in Egypt, that you are abandoning your Promethean projects in South Africa.
Mr. Pouyanné, destroying the ocean, our planet's lung, is to condemn us all collectively.
🚨Ecology is “neither Right-wing nor Left-wing”, really?
Today, @Bloom_FR publishes a groundbreaking ranking of the European political parties’ environmental performance.
There are expected trends but also a few surprises. 🧵
1/14: Thank you for sharing this thread to make our work visible and this ranking known to as many European citizens as possible.⬇️
2/14: For the past months, @Bloom_FR has analyzed the environmental performance of all MEPs according to their votes on 11 texts related to the climate, the ocean, and biodiversity adopted during the 9th legislature of the European Parliament (2019-2023).
After years of struggle, the news has just broken: 16,000 km2 of fragile ecosystems will FINALLY be spared from destructive deep-sea fishing.
At long last!
1/18 : It's a day of celebration for @Bloom_FR as we fought tirelessly for almost 7 years to obtain a European Regulation which limits the damage done to the most vulnerable areas of the ocean: the great depths.
2/18 : The European Commission has resisted pressure and direct threats from industrial lobbies and has just announced that it is closing 87 deep-sea areas harboring ecosystems of extraordinary richness and fragility to fishing activities that could destroy them!