thread of medieval jokes that still kinda go hard:
these are all from the facetiae, an italian joke anthology from the late 1400s! you can find the full text online here if you care to browse through the rest:
time to talk about my favourite guy, victorian poet william barnes, who tried to replace foreign loan words in english with "pure germanic anglo saxon" ones that he made up. such as:
he clearly disliked the -ology suffix and had plenty of alternatives to suggest, using the germanic suffix -lore (a relative of the german word "lehre"):
i was sick the past three days so i made this for you guys :) welcome to the weird medieval guys build your own medieval outfit!!! open this thread to find out what your outfit would be in the middle ages......
disclaimer: i tried to only use original, extant medieval objects but sorry if some repros snuck in. also, some of the weapons are 16th century, sue me etc etc etc
anyways, let's get started!!!
first, choose a cool medieval jacket based on your zodiac sign!! (1/3)
drawings by a 7 year old boy named "onfim" (originally on birch bark), from novgorod, modern day russia, 13th century
i really like this one, which shows a monster and the caption "i am a wild beast", while the text in the box reads "greetings from onfim to danilo" (who was probably a friend of onfim!)
@fakehistoryhunt has done a whole thread about onfim!