BREAKING: The CDC panel voted 15-0 to add the Covid "vaccinations" to the Vaccines For Children program. Tomorrow they vote to move to the childhood schedule.
I will never forgive these people OR their institutions.
Can anybody even explain the emergency anymore that would justify placing an EUA vaccine on a childhood schedule?
Besides this one I mean: #StoptheShots
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Pharma is back on the attack, this time the target is RFK Jr, and they think that doctors are still a good attack vector. This is weird because doctors seem to have lost more trust, more suddenly, than any profession ever.
And for good reason.
During Covid the majority of them proved to be mere cogs in a machine that had zero inhibitions about putting people with highly survivable Covid on ventilators, giving them Remdesivir, withholding antibiotics (for pneumonia!), and absolutely blocking the use of the actually safe and actually effective ivermectin in their patients.
These actions killed patients who might have otherwise survived. And, let’s not forget that they forced Grandma to die all alone.
At no point did the medical staff of any of these institutional Covid killing fields organize to resist this deadly medical tyranny and instead used their abundant free time to troll us all with dance videos.
I am unaware of any efforts by the medical staff of hospitals to protest the practice of killing people with treatment routines that were known (by good doctors) to be defective within the first few weeks of Covid’s domestic arrival, nor did they collectively advocate for patient’s rights to receive astonishingly safe and potentially lifesaving off-patent, repurposed drugs.
During Covid, far too many medical professionals opted for interventions that were the most expensive vs. those that were the best for the patient’s health.
In other words, medical “professionals” conducted themselves as if they were front-line pharmaceutical shock troops whose top priority was advancing the financial interests of the sickcare system.
It’s a real mystery as to why such an intelligent group of people would choose to engage in things that would bring irreparable reputational damage both to themselves and to their entire profession. For money we suppose, but we can’t entirely rule out that some of them would have done it anyway for free.
Given doctors’ reputation-wrecking actions during Covid, the smart thing for them to do would have been to root out the worst of their own stripping them of their medical licenses, and then begin the long process of regaining our trust.
Instead, we find ourselves confronted with this headline, presumably the first in a salvo of truly insulting PR efforts to take down RFK Jr.
The letter these alleged doctors allegedly signed was penned by someone at the liberal PAC called The Committee To Protect Health Care whose main aims appear to be always supporting Big Medicine, Big Government, and anything that can keep the funding gravy train rolling along. For them.
I was unable to locate a single advocacy issue (such as exploring preventable iatrogenic or ‘doctor-caused’ deaths or tackling the food-based metabolic disaster we’re suffering through) that this PAC had gone after.
It’s 100% pure politics, always tilted against Conservatives, and toward bigger government control of and spending toward what they call “health care.”
Here’s the “form” they used to gather these alleged 17,000 doctors’ signatures:
First, it’s anonymous, and they say they won’t release the names. Which is too bad because I’d love to have that list so we could circulate it as a starting point for figuring out which doctors you’d never want to use.
Any doctor who is for the things this PAC advocates is almost certainly not a doctor who is interested in helping you achieve actual health. They’d prefer to spend 5-7 minutes with you getting your next wave of on-patent medicines prescribed. End of story.
Second, I filled out their form with completely bogus information and – surprise! – it was accepted and I quickly received a very nice confirmation email thanking “Hugh Jackoff, MD” for his support.
Which means the CBS, NBC, ABC and other “journalistic” pretenders shouldn’t have said, “More than 17,000 doctors signed a letter…”
If they cared one whit about their own tattered professional reputations they should have written this as,
“Allegedly 17,000 anonymous and unverified doctors signed a letter penned by a known liberal PAC. We were not granted access to those signatures and could not confirm their veracity before we ran with this ‘story.’”
That’s at least minimally accurate and true.
But wait, it gets worse.
The letter is chock-full of easily discovered, very sloppy junior researcher-level errors. The sort that legitimate and/or competent MDs should have been able to spot in a skinny minute. Heck, I’m not an MD, and I was able to spot them instantly.
(These errors were too long for an X posting. Please visit Peak Prosperity dot com to read them)
Here's more on the YouTube censorship of my recent piece with @TracyAThurman .
They said it was due to the part where I connect the dots between Red Dye#3, childhood hyperactivity, and the prescription of Ritalin. Listen for yourself (with screen cap of strike):
Now, here's the problem. Even Google's own AI draws a connection between Red No3 and hyperactivity:
Well *of course* El Salvador's Instagram page has been blocked in Canada.
One of these is a shit-hole third-world country headed up by a dictator who is terrified of dissenting opinions, especially about freedom, and the other is El Salvador.
Noted pharma shill and reckless statistician Kyle Sheldrake is forced to admit that his charge of scientific fraud against the work of the esteemed Dr. Paul Marik was sloppy, wrong, and probably defamatory. 👇
I took apart (jan '21) the completely bogus "CITRIS-ALI" study that purported to show that Vitamin C doesn't work in sepsis as reported by Marik, et al.
The fun begins at the 12:30 mark:
A quick summary is the CITRIS-ALKI study gave too little vit-c, too late, and then asserted that 43 out of 46 tracked biomarkers/outcomes were not statistically significant. So, Vit-C fails in sepsis, right?