the wildest thing is how people consider wildfires separate from “human-caused emissions,” as if a solid chunk of the wildfires aren’t caused by human error and behavior!!!
I find it very puzzling that (inshallah) we haven’t had a major fire this season in SoCal, but hopefully people learned a thing about fire management after 2020 and that’s what’s caused the quiet season, because a shitton of these fires are not natural fire cycle fires
while it’s true that forests regularly burn and that some species even need the heat of a wildfire to trigger germination (was not making up that detail in #InTheWatchfulCity!), iirc 2020 was largely caused by poorly maintained energy grids setting fires, that’s 100% human error
purposely using the shitty paper so you feel less pressure to create something awesome, only half the time you create something awesome, but now it’s on shitty paper 💀
I think I’m gonna end up splashing cup noodles on this paper before I get any graphite or ink onto it, which is how you know it’ll definitely turn out good with the cup noodle spot in an annoyingly central location that will require more effort to edit out if it’s scanned
(1) as expected, holes in paper right where important element is ending up lol, (2) @MattHTaylor@weredawgz speaking of incomprehensible thumbnail sketches
what if I’m scared to write the thing I want to write!!
I think I’m also just frustrated because all of my characters have gradually illuminated themselves to me except the key deuteragonist who actually holds everything together—what are some techniques y’all have for getting a character to reveal themself to you?
this is both appearance and physicality but also personality and motives
big mood, feeling the novella calling me with some dark dualities and this is a Vibe
laughing because I drew two cards to drill down, one for each character, and I drew the same card, same reversal, after having put it back into the deck and shuffling it, and another card like drowning, everything tells me to write the hardest scene first, but I’m scared to!!