Saturday 🧵. 1.Today, I’m going to move away slightly from peatlands in their stricter sense, and have a look at what happens to the carbon when the site is converted to grassland. Photos: @MValmier@flo_renouwilson@peatyghg
2. In Ireland, grassland is estimated to cover around 4.2 million hectares with around 8% found on peaty soils (called organic soils in official parlance).
3. However, recent work by @teagasc suggest that the area of peaty soils could be much closer to 10% of total grassland cover.…
4.Peatlands have been used for rough pasture for centuries, although at very low stocking rates, with the drier edges of the bogs primarily used for grazing. An excellent account of “bog reclamation” over the years is available in Bogs of Ireland.
5. Artificial drainage of peatlands has been a feature of Irish peatlands since the 18th century. And as with peat extraction and forestry, drainage lowers the water table and releases CO2 as the peat decomposes, & increases carbon losses to water courses. Photo: @flo_renouwilson
6. Over time, grassland peat soils become highly modified and a wide range of carbon content values can be found between sites that also vary in their inherent fertility levels, e.g. fen peat is much more nutrient rich than bog peat. Photos: @flo_renouwilson@MValmier
7. The recent @ProjectAuger report estimates that even modified, grassland peaty soils still contain a tasty 521 million tonnes of carbon, which equates to a quarter of the 2.2 billion tonnes stored in Irish peatlands. @EPAResearchNews
8. So, what do we know about carbon exchange in grasslands on peaty soils? Firstly, they differ from the other peatland land uses that we have looked at this week, with WAY more STUFF going on.
9. CO2 is sequestered as the grass and other plants photosynthesise, and carbon is added as livestock excrete dung, and when slurry is applied.
10. CO2 is lost as the peat in the soil decomposes, and as the grass and livestock respire. Carbon is also lost in the water and removed as silage or hay. Methane is also emitted as the livestock belch, and from their dung.
11. To date, the full carbon balance (CO2, methane and dissolved carbon in the water) has only been published for two sites: a nutrient-poor grassland in Donegal and a nutrient-rich site in Longford.
12. Both sites were considerable carbon sources during the study, with the Longford site over twice as large as the Donegal site – the only time in living memory that Longford has outscored Donegal.
13. In the absence of sufficient country-specific data, Ireland reports emissions using what is called a Tier 1 emission factor. This value, derived for countries that do not possess data of their own, is akin to taking a sledgehammer to bang in a nail.
14. Using this crude value, annual emissions from grassland on peaty soils are estimated at a whopping 8.4 million tonnes of CO2 per year, offset by an estimated 2.3 million tonnes sequestered by grassland mineral soils.
...and an extensive suite of eddy covariance towers has been installed across the country with the aim to cover as much of the variation in soils, moisture content and climate as possible.
17. Given the large emissions associated with drained peaty grassland, what can be done to reduce emissions, or even stop them altogether?
18. Under the @agriculture_ie Ag Climatise Roadmap, released in December 2020, at least 40,000 hectares of drained grassland on peat soils have been targeted for rewetting.…
19. Peatland rewetting is defined by @IPCC_CH as “the deliberate act to raise the water table to re-establish water saturated conditions”. However, is this feasible on land that is still being actively farmed?
23. Interestingly, a recent study by UK researchers suggested that even rewetting to 30 cm below the soil surface would have very positive results in terms of reducing CO2 emissions from peaty soils.…
24. Ireland is in a very tough place in terms of emissions from grassland. The new data will provide more realistic emission factors but a gap between carbon sequestration by mineral soils & losses from peaty soils is likely to remain unless rewetting of some grassland occurs.
25. Tomorrow, on my final day as curator of @irrelandsenv, I will be taking a look at how future climate change may affect the carbon store in Irish peatlands – hell, I may even talk about Zombie peat fires.
See you then.
Friday 🧵
1.After our journey through wet peatlands yesterday, we return to drier footing today. For this thread, we’ll go down to the woods and have a look at how forests planted on peat affect the carbon stored within.
Photos: @flo_renouwilson@JonayJovani
2.Forests in Ireland cover approximately 11% of the country but are largely monocultures composed of coniferous trees, such as Sitka and Norway Spruce.
3. In 2021, forests planted on peat soils were estimated to cover 453,000 hectares of the country (approx. 37% of the forest total), much of which was planted in the second half of the 20th century driven by State incentives.
Thursday 🧵 1. In yesterday’s thread, we travelled the grim & dark road that is peat extraction in Ireland. Today, something brighter & jam-packed with potential for the environment in general, & for the climate in particular.
2. First, we need to define what we mean by #rewetting and #restoration as these terms are frequently used interchangeably and often incorrectly.
3. @IPCC_CH Wetlands Supplement describes #rewetting as the management act (e.g. drain blocking, bund construction etc.) that is carried out to permanently #restore all the functions of the pre-damaged peatland, e.g. water level, plant species, carbon cycling.
Wednesday 🧵
1.For the past two days, I have described the invaluable & critical role that natural peatlands play in regulating the global climate through the sequestration & storage of atmospheric carbon.
Today, our thread takes us on a dark, dark road.
2. Ireland has a long tradition of cutting turf for heating homes and cooking food that stretches back through centuries. I am not going to get into the economic rationale for cutting turf in this thread. Today, we are here solely for the carbon.
3. Estimates of the area of Irish peatlands that have been affected by peat domestic extraction vary widely from 100,000 to over 600,000 hectares. The area under industrial extraction is marginally more accurate at 80,000 hectares, although even that number is very uncertain.
Tuesday 🧵 1. Today, I want to talk about carbon cycling in natural peatlands, as these ecosystems provide the baseline against which we assess damaged sites & evaluate restoration success. Plus, they act as the “canary-in-the-mine” for ongoing & future climate change.
2. A natural peatland is undamaged, drained or modified and is characterised by a persistently high water table that ensures that more carbon goes into the system than goes out. The old adage that a wet bog is a good bog holds true here.
3. In Ireland, very little (if any) of our peatlands can be considered natural. Instead, we use the terms near-natural and near-intact to accept the fact that all our sites have been modified to some extent.
Monday thread 🧵 1. At this stage, I think most people are aware that the overwhelming scientific evidence indicates that humans have had a direct impact on the climate through the increased emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane.
2. Over the last 40 years alone, the concentrations of both CO2 and methane in the atmosphere have increased significantly and have contributed to the observed rise in global air temperatures.
3. Peatlands have played a unique role in regulating the global climate over the last 10,000 years by sequestering (taking up) CO2 from the atmosphere, releasing methane (another carbon gas) back, and storing vast amounts of carbon in the process. Map: @greifswaldmoor
Good morning folks.
I'm David Wilson (@peatyGHG) and I'll be taking you on a whistle-stop tour of carbon, peatlands and climate this week.
1. First, let me give you some background. I’m an environmental consultant/scientist, so not strictly an environmentalist.
2. As a young fella, I worked for many years on my uncle’s beef sucker farm, where we also grew seed potatoes for export (my love affair with potatoes continues to this day – both growing and eating).