Next up @spencernorman on Effective Delegation #LeadDevSanFrancisco, starting with a story about a personal failure of his to delegate in the past.
“Delegation is not a silver bullet.
Sometimes it will feel like more work than doing it yourself. But if you do it deliberately, carefully and intentionally it can really help you and your team”
“Delegation is lending authority or agency to make decisions.
‘Delegating’ a task without delegating any of the decision making is just micromanagement. Failing to provide context & autonomy is just abdication of responsibility.”
Be clear what you want to be consulted about (pre-decision, slow, blocking, mentoring) versus informed (post-decision, fast, unblocking, coaching) about.”
“Delegation has a direct impact on your team’s career opportunities. Who you choose to put on consequential projects will directly affect career trajectories. Who gets to do the important work on your team?”
Latest in the “moving into tech leadership and/or management” subtheme here today at #LeadDevSanFrancisco is “Becoming a Manager Somewhere Else” from @mybluewristband
“Not all the advice provided in this talk will definitely work for you, as it’s my own story”
Jenn’s Career Trajectory:
- civil engineer
- mechanical engineer
- structural engineer
- customer support (to get foot in the door of tech)
- web developer (~5 years)
- software engineer (again. Another 3 yrs)
- moving towards management
“Three Things to Look for in the Person:
[0) Care about people (non-neg) ] 1) Doubts (filter out power hungry) 2) Growth mindset (highly competent at engineering —> highly incompetent at managing) 3) Courage to be disliked (recognition changes)
“Inclusion is a foundation for setting and creating a level playing field for people to be given opportunities to succeed. Inclusion has to presume competence.”
I love the @TheLeadDev crowd so much. They just gave @carlaprvieira applause and whooping for explaining it’s her first time in the US and her first international conference talk here at #LeadDevSanFrancisco 🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖
“Bias is like a virus that travels and is replicated by machine learning models.”
Potential Harms Caused by AI Systems: 1) Bias & discrimination 2) Denial of individual autonomic rights 3) Non-transparent, unexplainable or unjustifiable outcomes 4) Invasions of privacy 5) Unreliable, unsafe or poor quality outcomes