As the Reagan-Udall Foundation undertakes its much-needed review of rampant dysfunction at FDA, the agency’s personnel are speaking out – and whey they have to say is shocking. Let’s take a look.
Using the comment portal that RUF set up, FDA personnel describe a broken culture, corrupt political influence, rigged processes, and retribution for anyone that tries to repair it. Their identities have been shielded.
There are courageous whistleblowers here from a variety of offices within FDA, all describing a broad pattern of unethical misconduct at the agency. Here are some of the highlights.
Ignoring the science and rigging the outcomes:
Dr. Califf postures as a champion of inclusion and diversity. But in reality:
And if the scientific review doesn’t comport with the preconceived outcome that FDA leaders want, they just replace the reviewer:
Naturally, this leads to infighting and jockeying among the people who are supposed to be doing objective analysis:
Corrupt political influence infects that entire process. This is truly outrageous and further confirmation of the complaints we have lodged with HHS Inspector General and the Senate Ethics Committee.
Scientific personnel are being actively and routinely intimidated.
Those personnel wish to do the right thing but the agency prevents them.
They know they system is rigged but there’s nothing they can do.
They also know the agency’s corrupt approach is causing active public health harm but, again, no one will listen to them.
They are proposing fixes to the system but FDA leadership doesn’t care.
Those who have tried to speak out internally are swiftly penalized or have their careers derailed.
Leadership at FDA has violated their duty to the American public. This is the appalling culture that Mitch Zeller, Brian King, and Robert Califf have created:
Of course, those personnel are forbidden from dialogue with actual stakeholders. Memo to FDA: you can’t catch Covid over Zoom.
I guess when Senator Durbin or Matt Myers calls the head honcho with their latest demands, ya gotta hop to it.
What happens when the reviewers concur with an application?
Here’s another and read it closely. Because of political pressure, FDA leadership is *altering* the scientific findings of its own staff and reversing their decisions.
Those personnel also point out that FDA is doing most of this in the absence of formal rulemaking – that is to say, unlawfully. Again, political pressure preventing that.
This deserves to be a major scandal and FDA leadership ought to be truly ashamed. It’s a total disgrace. But the FDA beat writers in the national press have done next to nothing to expose this corruption.
Why is it left to vaping advocates like us to bring this story to light? Why haven’t reporters at NYT, AP, WashPost, CBS, or Reuters tried to cultivate these sources and tell the American public what’s really going on inside that broken agency?
We know why NPR, STAT, TBIJ, and Bloomberg haven’t done it – it’s because they are on the prohibition payroll, taking outright cash payments from billionaires that are engineering the political influence. They condone this corruption and they sold out the public.
These whistleblowers are obviously keen to share their stories and their insight – but apparently no one in the national news media wants to hear it. Those outlets quote unnamed officials at federal agencies all the time. But here? No curiosity, zero effort.
Some people say AVM has been too tough on FDA. But does it still seem “hyperbolic” when we say the agency is rigging the process and is riddled with political influence? Even the agency’s own people can’t engage in a meaningful, constructive dialogue with their own colleagues!
Let’s wrap by applauding the integrity and courage of these FDA staff members. It takes real guts to speak out like this and here’s hoping they continue to stand tall.
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After years of mismanagement, incompetence, and intransigence that has harmed countless Americans, accountability is finally coming to @FDATobacco. But why are the agency's water-carriers at @AP so dismayed? Let's have a look.
When whistleblowers told agency auditors that @FDATobacco was a "toxic workplace" corrupted by politicized influence and rigged science, AP reporters Matt Perrone @AP_FDAwriter and Mike Stobbe @MikeStobbe made zero effort to tell their story. Suddenly there's plenty of space.
There's lots of authoritative sources and millions of Americans that think downsizing FDA is a great idea. Including us! But none are quoted this article. It's all just moaning and whining from agency apologists.
🥊This is one of the most hard-hitting legal filings we've ever seen in vape advocacy. Just delivered to the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Florida vape maker Johnny Copper by @vapelawguy. 1/…
Not only could this filing help color the way that the justices will confer on the White Lion v. FDA case that is currently pending at SCOTUS, it cuts right to the heart of the matter.
As we say in the High Plains, this is the whole shooting match.
Doctors routinely mislead smokers about the benefits of vaping. How do we know? A member of our team was just subjected to a misinfo-laden lecture during a doctor's appointment. Let's dissect some of the myths health care providers are passing off as medical advice. THREAD 🧵
The "information" sheet we were given after the appointment (pictured above) was produced by academic publishing giant @ElsevierConnect, and it's an absolute train wreck. It's also more than two years out of date.
The first and worst bit of nonsense in the document is that nicotine is "thought to" increase your cancer risk. Exactly who thinks this and why isn't explained.
🔎⚖️ Solid forecast just posted on the legal undercurrents at issue before the Supreme Court in the upcoming Triton v. FDA case.…
Features incisive analysis from our @GregTHR.
Also quotes US Solicitor General, Elizabeth Prelogar. NB: If she ends up arguing the case at SCOTUS herself, we'll take it as a sign the government has confidence in FDA's actions and is sending in their ace pitcher. OTOH, her absence *could* indicate FDA is on shaky stilts.
🔎 Let's talk for a minute about why the Supreme Court amicus brief from Sen. Dick Durbin might actually be a good thing. It's because Durbin's fanaticism and hyperbole are on such lurid display that it'll give the Court a clear sense of just who's pushing vape prohibition.
The first thing SCOTUS law clerks will notice is the Durbin brief is strictly partisan -- all the signatories are part of Durbin's particular wing of the Democratic party. On political issues, that's fine -- but in this context it signals there's no unanimity, as Durbin pretends.
The Court will also see that Durbin is not deploying measured persuasion but instead the most hyperbolic rhetoric he can dream up.
🚧 🧨 🚧
We need to talk about the debacle of 22nd Century's bet on low-nicotine cigarettes -- not only as an asinine business model but what the implosion says about @FDATobacco and the news media that covers nicotine policy. 1/ 🪡
Here is the company's stock chart for the last year and it's a complete wipeout. It's hard to overstate just how bad this is -- but if you invested in this company, you have basically lost your shirt.
But there was once a time, not long ago, when this stock was flying high -- selling for more than $1,200 per share with a market cap of nearly a billion dollars! What explains that? Why were investors flocking to this company?