I think people acting all upset about the egotistic megalomaniac attention-grabbing bullshit-spewing techno-babbling brat who just acquired Twitter are failing to see how bad Twitter upper management (under Jack Dorsey or Parag Agrawal) already was. •1/6
None of these people care a bit about their users except insofar as users are the product they're selling to advertisers and data brokers. None of the se guys wants to improve this most wretched hive of scum and villainy. None of them deserves a iota of trust from us. •2/6
Using social media is a utilitarian balancing act between its expediency as a tool for communication and the dangers it presents (for society, our personal data, how it enables our enemies). Their management is never our friend or ally: at best, they can be useful to us. •3/6
I agree we should be prepared to jump ship at any point if balance changes; but making this a matter of principle is silly: Dorsey and Agrawal aren't less evil or trustworthy than Musk is, just better at hiding it. If principles matter so much you should never have come. •4/6
Musk is a self-aggrandizing buffoon and a jerk, but behind the erratic facade, I don't think he's worse (or better) than his caste. Will he break this shiny 44G$ plaything he (somewhat unwillingly) just bought himself? I have no idea, and presumably neither does he himself. •5/6
I'm not going to try to second-guess him: his empty promises are just a bunch of lies anyway. I'll just see if my utilitarian evaluation of Twitter drops below zero: if so, I'll leave, until then, I'll stay. I prefer a known parasite to a false friend. •6/6
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Nouvelle version (incluant l'été 2022) du graphe des températures moyennes la France métropolitaine, par saison météorologique (hiver = déc. à fév., printemps = mar. à mai, etc.) et par année, avec les droites de régression linéaire de ces valeurs. Remarques: ⤵️ •1/11
Il s'agit du graphe des températures moyennes à proximité du sol, moyennées sur l'ensemble de la France métropolitaine, sur l'ensemble de la journée (jour et nuit) et l'ensemble de la saison considérée, tirées de la réanalyse «ERA5». (Source précise plus bas.) •2/11
Pour chaque saison, la ligne en traits pleins montre les valeurs observées (un point par année), et la droite en tirets est la régression linéaire sur l'ensemble de la période dont l'équation est donnée en légende et reproduite plus bas pour l'accessibilité. •3/11
Like all stories posted on the Internet, we have no idea how true or fake this one is, but it's worth thinking about even as a hypothetical (and maybe worth discussing with them if you have teenagers). [Archived text version in linked from the subquoted tweet.]
(and as usual, the rest of the thread is mostly about people arguing whether the story is obviously true or obviously fake, which is somewhat beside the point)
Anyway I learned that the word “anti” has a specific meaning in “fandom” (←itself a specific idiom) to refer to opposition to certain forms of fan-fic on moral grounds (esp. sexual purity); see fanlore.org/wiki/Anti-ship… for more discussion/drama.
$ fgrep foobar *.txt
zsh: argument list too long: fgrep
$ ls | egrep '.txt$' | wc
51810 51810 2020590
F🤬ck you arbitrary ARG_MAX limit. This is 2022, we shouldn't have to run into this sort of shit.
And yes, I know about `xargs`, which serves as a workaround. But the that that we need such workarounds because some statically allocated buffer that the end-user shouldn't ever need to know about is set to a pathetically low value is infuriating.
I don't think I have the patience to try to compile my entire distro (I don't even know exactly what would need recompiling) with ARG_MAX set to 1UL<<30 or so, but out of curiosity: would this work?
I stumbled upon these two blog posts by Ralf Jung, “Pointers Are Complicated”: ralfj.de/blog/2020/12/1… & ralfj.de/blog/2022/04/1… (there's also an earlier part I but it's not really necessary), and I think it's a great introduction to the complexity of defining C semantics. •1/4
See also open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14… (which the above blog posts link to) for a far more technical discussion, including a ✳︎lot✳︎ of examples of “is this undefined behavior?” programs which are really worth thinking about. (Another example below🔽.) •2/4
The core of the “pointer provenance” mess is that for C compilers to do even a modicum of optimization they need some guarantee on what pointers can affect what variables (their “provenance”), but the low level of C makes it almost impossible to define such semantics. •3/4
C'est un jardin intéressant, même s'il ne reste plus beaucoup de ces fabriques (dont plusieurs étaient déjà de fausses ou vraies ruines pour commencer). Il a vu passer des visiteurs de marque, par exemple Thomas Jefferson ou Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun. •2/?
Il y a des fabriques dont il ne reste rien du tout, on a juste un panneau pour nous dire là où elles étaient. •3/?
😡 OK, @Twitter, what is this new obnoxious and unsollicited feature that you've just forcefully added into my timeline? And, more importantly, how do I remove it asap?
[To be clear, I am NOT following either of the accounts who wrote the two tweets in the screenshot below.]
And to be clear, I am using the chronological timline (click on ✨ at top and “latest tweets”), precisely because I want to read tweets by the people I follow, NOT content randomly inserted by your worthless algorithms which utterly suck at predicting what interests me. 😩
Look, it's really simple: I want to see the tweets by (or retweeted by) the people whom I follow in reverse chronological order, NOTHING MORE and NOTHING LESS. No “<someone> follows”, no “<someone> liked”, and certainly none of this new “based on what we think you might like”. 🖕