If you drive an electric vehicle to do your bit to ‘save the planet’, it is more than likely that the vehicle has a battery with cobalt in it.
Over 40,000 child slaves mine the cobalt in horrific conditions in Congo. Electric cars are now the biggest source of cobalt demand.
Lithium-ion batteries are used in electric vehicles. Yet the environmental damage that is created to extract lithium is enormous. But that side of the story doesn’t fit into the net zero narrative.
China has more carbon emissions than the developed world combined. But hey, let’s punish farmers, blame it on cow farts, fill up landfills with wind turbine blades, destroy prime farmland with mass-scale solar panels and enforce net zero taxes.
Destroy trees, natural habitats, prime farmland, wildlife and ecosystems, increased taxes for net zero and replace real meat with fake lab-based meat…but give net zero subsidies to corporations.
The Tobacco and Vapes Bill (vote in parliament later today) means that anyone born after 2009 won't ever be able to legally buy tobacco. If passed, as expected, the age at which people can purchase cigarettes would be raised by one year annually.
This is an insane bit of legislation.
So when someone is say 50 years of age, they still won’t be able to buy cigarettes (if born after 2009). This legislation is unworkable and another example of governments enforcing health and safety crass logic laws to restrict freedom of choice.
If someone wants to smoke then so be it. Banning or restricting freedom of choice is a slippery slope.
This becomes a slippery slope where the government plays god over banning things that they deem to be unhealthy. And where do we draw the line? Freedom of choice has been forgotten here.