I write ✏️ | writing account Profile picture
Oct 30, 2022 60 tweets 11 min read Read on X
#SituationjiSeason ish

Where wwx, the yllz, is an infamous and feared crimeboss. No one wants to cross his path, and absolutely, no one wants to make an enemy of him.

And no, it is not that he looks scary nor does he look cold.

Far from that.
Wwx looks warm, feels warm, he smiles a lot. His beams are like the rays of sun. He looks kind and warm, in general.

That's what is scary because he'll be smiling one second, and he'll still be smiling the next but with his hands bloodied.

A psychopath. Unpredictable.
But only a very few ppl knows. Wwx has a weakness. A beautiful one. Beautiful as jade. Perfect in his eyes.

It's lwj, the second heir to the lan and yet, chose to be with him just because. Just because theyre disgustingly in love.

Lwj doesn't like going out of their bedroom.
Why would he? He has everything he wants in their large room which connects to a small housed garden where lwj takes care of their plants.

He also has his guqin inside their room. Their room is also connected to a small library which lwj absolutely loves.
Wwx has made their room a home enough for him. Wwx dotes on him and serves him, brings him food and everything he has ever needed. He is not the feared crimeboss inside their room.

Instead, wwx is his husband, devoted in worshipping lwj.
Lxc and lqr have been busy with their family business too. So, it really has been long since lwj have seen them face to face. Of course, they still communicste regularly through videochat, etc.

"Are you sure you don't want to go somewhere, baby?" Wwx asks as he tucks lwj's hair.
Lwj shakes his head. "I'll wait for you here."

Wwx whines. "Aren't you bored here, darling? Let me take you out this week!"

Lwj shrugs, "if it pleases you."

"But that'll mean a lot will see you!" Wwx purses his lips. -
"We all know that before I had you all to myself, ppl were too enamoured of you."

"Don't flatter me, wy," lwj smiles a little. His husband has always been an overthinker when it comes to him.

"No! You have no idea how many I've killed because they wanted my person." Wwx pouts.
Lwj just leans in and kisses wwx pouts away. "If wy wants to hide me, he can just keep me here inside."

Wwx smirks and grips his jaw in an instant. "It's sad how obedient you are. I can't find an excuse to tie you up in our bed... naked and always ready for me."
"Excuse is not needed if it is you, wy." Lwj sighed fondly. His husband knows this but is just teasing him.

Wwx tightens his hold, mirth dancing in his eyes. "I fucking love you."

"Language." Lwj manages to say.

Wwx gave him a searing kiss before standing up.
"I better find you here in our room later. Are you absolutely sure you aren't going out because I'll take wn with me if you won't?"

Lwj nods. Wn is wwx's best bodyguard and righthand man. Lwj will rather say he won't go out than for wn to leave wwx's side.
"Okay. If you change your mind, you better tell me, lz. Or you won't like the man i'll become." Wwx is dead serious.

Lwj tummy churns. In a weird and pleasant way. He nods again. "I will let you know."

"Good boy." Wwx tilts lwj's head and gives him a kiss again.
"Can't have enough. But sadly, I'll be busy today."

"Take care, wy," lwj says sincerely. "I love you. Come back to me later."

"I always do, baby." Wwx gives him a blinding smile. "I still have to fuck you later."

Heat rises in lwj's cheeks as he muttered, "shameless."
Wwx laughs and staunters away.

The day passes slowly. Lwj is reading a book when his phone rings. It is his brother, and rarely does his brother calls.

"Hi, didi."

"Huan-ge." Lwj greets.

"I'm with wwx now." "Hi Lan Zhan," he hears wwx chirps. That draws a smile from lwj's lips.
"A-zhan, i need a photo of a file that's in wwx's safe. And he says only you knows the passcode?"

"Yes." Lwj says. "I'll get it."

"Thank you, didi. I'll message you the exact file."

The call ends and lwj, wearing only a white silky dress shirt and shorts, goes out of their-

Weirdly, the hallways are quiet. Wwx's office is not connected to their room since it gets 'busy' sometimes and wwx doesn't want to involve him. Not that lwj is incapable of protecting himself. But anyway, he's thankful. He appreciates his peace.
Lwj finally reaches wwx's office and he gets into the task right away. He opens the safe. He takes the important file out, captures a picture of it, and puts it back into its place.

Just right after the safe clicks closed, the door bursts open, and two men come into view.
"What are you doing here?" One says while both of them walk toward him.

Lwj doesn't know him and he knows that wwx is now dealing with a potential mole within his group. But lwj isnt the mole!

Lwj is about to offer an explanation when the man punches him straight to his gut.
Lwj tries to struggle against their hold, but to no avail. "I'm not the mole," he grits his teeth. Their grip on his arms are too tight and firm. It'll surely bruise his skin.

Wy hates when he's bruised. Wy likes it tho if it's caused by him.
They continue dragging him through the halls. It is strangely quiet! Indeed, whatever wy is dealing with right now with his brother is so important that he has to bring a lot of men with him.

These two guys are new guys. It is understandable then that they'll be so eager to-
Please wwx.

But oh boy, they got the wrong guy.

Lwj continues to struggle against their grip. He isn't someone who easily gives up. He is a Lan after all. He is stubborn. He is strong.

Theyre on their way where they keep those who are to be interrogated.
Somehow, lwj manages to escape from their clutch. He turns to run as he knows if theyll catch him again, he wont be able to escape anymore.

Where are wwx's men who knows him!?

Lwj darts and turns to the corners with the two following closely behind him.
"You- I'll kill you!" One of the two shouts.

Lwj curses in his mind. There's a lady who is cleaning as he is running. But unfortunately, it is someone who also doesnt know him. Perhaps wy is right. He definitely needs to go out once in a while and wy needs to orient his guards!
The lady just squeezes herself against the wall, scared to get involved.

Lwj mentally sighs. He is really doomed. He doesnt like all these dramas thats why he stays inside their room! And this is what happened.
When he takes a turn to the corner, a hand reaches out to his shoulders and yanks him back causing his silk button up to tear a little.

Another hand pulls his hair causing lwj to tilt his head back. He doesnt let out a grunt much less a hiss.

He stays calm and quiet.
"Tsk, how unfortunate. Youre too pretty just to be killed." He is once again dragged back through the halls and into a small foul smelling room.

They tie his wrists to his back and they make him sit on a chair.

Lwj's hair is dishevelled. His dress shirt is torn. His thighs-

Lwj's brows furrows in humiliation and anger. "Untie me or wwx shall have your heads."

The other one scoffs. "Ha. You think you can fool us?" He stands up and strides toward him. His hand finds his face and squeezes his jaw. Lwj's teeth grinds against the insides of
His cheeks. It's painful.

"You might be pretty, definitely a whore. But we all know how cold hearted the yllz is. He doesnt love."

Lwj grits his teeth, this time, in rage. "You dont know him."

"Haha!" The other one laughs. "And you do? Who are you working for? Answer me!"
"I'm not working for anyone." Lwj's hair is tugged harshly yet again.

"Really? Who let you in?"

"No one," lwj answers truthfully.

The man who is holding his hair tightly slams his face against the table. The right side of lwj's face takes the blow.
"Let's search him! I think he's holding a phone earlier!" The other suggests.

The one who just slammed his face feels him up. He is barely wearing anything that can conceal any thing!

They didnt notice his phone fell earlier as they were dragging him. Lwj doesnt know where it


Wwx badly wants to see lwj. He has been missing his husband since he left him this morning.

Lwj is the sun the moon the stars. He is the dream made real. Lwj is perfect in every way in wwx's eyes, rightfully so. Lwj is home. He is warmth.

Wex smiles as he goes home.
As soon as wwx's butt hits the seat of his car, wn informs him, "theyve apparently found out the mole."

Wwx beamed. "Really? Where and how did they find out?"

Wn shrugs. "I-" then frowns. "I dont have the details."

Wwx's smile didnt falter. "Why didnt you ask, wn?"
"I just..."

Wwx shakes his head. "Next time, make sure to ask. You know that lz is there. Who knows if this mole encountered my lz... or if they had an interaction."

"I apologize, wy."

Wwx waves his hand. "It's okay wn. I just worry a lot when it comes to lz, yeah?"
"The lan clan entrusted him to me. I must not fail." He can fail on everything except in protecting lz. His husband is such a darling even though stubborn and strong. Lwj keeps to himself anything as long as he can.

"Yes, wwx," wn answers.

"Ah, speaking of my husband..."
Wwx pouts. "He hasnt texted me yet or called me! Im wounded! I know my lz doesnt want to disturb me. But damn. Cant he be a little needy of this poor old me?"

Wn chuckles. "Hes probably with the bunnies or in the garden."

"As always!" Wwx sounds so offended as if lwj doesnt
Give him all his attention when theyre together.


As soon as wwx gets home, he heads to their room. He can deal with the mole later. Besides, wn can deal with them.

Wwx walks happily to their room.

He unlocks it using his key...
He doesnt find lwj which is not strange at all. Lwj may be in the library, in the garden or with the rabbits. Yeah, with the rabbits...

Wwx frowns because he indeed finds the rabbits but lwj isnt there.

Worry starts gnawing him from the inside. His stomach churns.
Lz promised he'd be there... and lz never breaks his promises.

If anybody... if someone... he cant form a coherent thought because hes overthinking!!! Hes a calm man but never when it involves lz. He becomes a mess!
Lanzhanlanzhanlanzhan... he keeps chanting inside his head as he tries to calm down and think where to start finding him in his large manor.

Yeah, he can ask his men! Yes good idea.

Hes about to get out of his room when his phone rings.

It's wn. He plans not to answer
the call since no one is more important that lz. But his guts tell him to answer it.

So he does.

"Wwx, lz. In the basement. He needs you," wn says with fury laced in his voice.
"What happened?" Wwx is practically running. But he is too anxious to end the call. He needs to know what to expect before he gets there.

"They thought he is the mole," wn replies.

Wwx feels as though all his blood rushes to his head. He can see red. "What did you say?!"
//whump lz hehe i luv 😈 sorry wwx and lwj

In a minute, wwx finds himself in the basement. Wn is at the door. "I got them. Just go to lwj first. Im so sorry."

Wwx wants to cry. He follows wn's gaze and finds lwj curled with his wrists and ankles bound.
"Fuck. lan zhan!" Wwx crosses their distance and kneels beside lwj. Lwj's cheek is bruised. His lower lip busted. His nose has dried blood in it. "No. Fuck." He carefully holds lwj's face. It's cold. Lwj feels cold. "Lz, baby. I got you."
Wwx unties lwjs wrists and ankles and carries him out of that damned room after making sure that its okay to move him.

He is ashamed that he let this happen.

"Wy?" Lz calls weakly while theyre on their way.

"Yes, baby?" Wwx softens his voice.
"Im fine."
"Aiya, lz, always thinking too much about his husband."
"You worry too much."
Wwx beams, albeit strained. "Of course, I worry."
"Hmm. But no need to."
"You tell me whay they did you. In detail."
"Do I still have to?" Lwj asks as wwx settles him on their bed.
"Yeah, doesnt matter when theyre dead meat later anyway." Wwx shrugs as he peels off lwj's clothes.

Lwj, used to wwxs touches, sits still. "Mn."

Wwx cleans lwj, including the scratches he sustained. He isnt as furious as he was earlier. Lwj's presence calms him down.
Theyre both lying in the bed. Lwj on his back while wwx on his side with his elbow propped and his cheek supported by his palm. He is uselessly fixing strands of lwjs hair just because. "I was so scared earlier, lz. Dont do that again." He pouts.

"Wy should orient his guards."
"Ugh! I know it is my fault!" Wwx groans.

"Not you fault."

"Youre just being kind lz." Wwx kisses lwjs cheek which earned him a blush from the latter.

"Next time, I will orient everyone. I hate that they lay a hand on you. I was sooo careful-
With you. And they dared!?" Wwx is fuming again. Okay, he isnt calm!!!

"Wy is not that careful with me." Now, lwjs cheeks feel as if theyre on fire.

"Xbdhjsnzs" wwx sputters. "Am I-"

"And it is okay." Lwj bashfully looks away.
Wwx squints his eyes. "I know what youre doing, lz! Youre distracting me. That wont work!"

Lwj shakes his head. "Not distracting. Just telling you the truth."

"Dont test me lz," wwx warns. He is having an internal battle. Lwj is being a tease but he cant make a move-
On him or else he might hurt him.

Wwx lightly traces lwjs face with his fingers. "Seriously, Hmm, lz, i think i should tie you whenever im not around, yes? I dont wsnt a repeat of today. No one is supposed to render you vulnerable and see you vulnerable except me."
Lwj avoids his eyes. He likes it. He likes it if it is wwx. When he was still directly under his family, he wss expected to be infallible.

But wwx...

"Hmm, should I, lz? Should I? Fuck. I should. Then, if you have to go out, i have to be there."

"Whatever wy likes."
Lwj smiles a little.

Wwx whines and hides his face in lwjs neck. "Youre really testing me lz."

Now, wwx ties lwj prettily whenever he goes out of their room so lwj cant wander everywhere. Lwj loves it too. 🥰 most of the time, wwx just cuffs his ankle and the chain is long enough for him to go to the garden and library. It is all that he wants. 🥰
There are times when wwx literally ties him on the bed if hes gone for just a couple of hrs.

Wwx is never gentle with him because why will he be gentle when lwj is the prettiest when hes wrecked 😍
And oh, the two bad guys never saw the light after that incident. Wwx also now makes sure that everyone in the household knows who lwj is.

And did wwx ever take lwj out? Nope. He likes to keep him inside ALL THE TIME. does lwj like it? Definitely!!!
What was lqr's reaction to the incident?

He almost took his nephew home! How irresponsible of wwx?! He took care of lwj very well since the man was still a baby only for wwx to let him suffer a bit!? 🤧😤😤🙄

But lwj and lxc talked him out of it.
Wn also learned his lesson to ask when needed!


They live happily ever after.
BDHSHSHZBSJS I DONT KNOW IF THIS THREAD MAKES SENSE. it is self indulgent. It is my first threadfic after 2 yrs of being a fan. I still get scared. 🤣

Thanks for reading! 🤣

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