Common struggle from #productmanagers I coach:
Q: How do I go about user stories? What do engineers want to see from them?
Pro-tip I teach them:
Write broad epic user stories first.. then break them down into functional user stories.
First, write broad epic user stories to..
- Communicate customer problem & get team alignment
- Encourage coming up w/ creative solutions for problem
❗Do ⬆️ early on in your reqs research/documenting and use epic user stories as a way to engage devs EARLY in the product roadmap
..then break them down into more specific functional user stories to..
- Help engineers understand the details of the product solution
- Helps engineers start thinking through what technical implementation details
❗More specific user stories is what helps enable devs to do their job by giving them enough detail for them to think through technical implementation and what bridges the gap between customer/product vision/PM <-> technical implementation/engineering.