In his testimony in favor of "gender affirming care" before the Florida board of medicine, Dr. Aron Janssen (@LGBTDoc) was asked why Europe has taken a more "conservative" approach than we have.
A quick fact check thread:
Janssen: "The best data that we have, and the best longitudinal data that we have about transgender youth, comes primarily out of the Dutch clinic... That's the prevailing model that most American clinics have based their care upon."
One of those Dutch researchers disagrees.
Dr. Thomas Steensma of the Amsterdam University Medical Center said in 2021 that "the rest of the world is blindly adopting our research."
He was referring to the fact that the majority of those referred to pediatric gender clinics today do not fit the profile, or fulfill the criteria for eligibility, of the patients on whom the Dutch study was conducted.
It's very clear, if you just read the Dutch articles and look at the data compiled from the Tavistock clinic and by Komodo Health in the U.S.
Dr. Kaltiala, head of Finland's largest gender clinic who testified in favor of the Florida rule, also emphasized this point.
The discrepancy in patient populations, and with it the real possibility that the protocol developed in the Dutch study may not apply to other cohorts, is what prompted Sweden, Finland, and the U.K. to investigate, do systematic reviews of the evidence, and slam on the breaks.
No less problematic, for Janssen, is a recent finding by investigative reporters at Reuters.
Reuters: "[D]octors and other staff at 18 gender clinics across the [U.S.] described their processes for evaluating patients. None described anything like the months-long assessments de Vries [lead author of the Dutch study] and her colleagues adopted in their research."
Not only does 1 of the Dutch researchers disagree with Janssen about the applicability of their research, but American clinicians involved in this area of medicine themselves say that the Dutch protocol is not being applied here. And recall: per Janssen, this is the "best data."
Setting aside the applicability problem, which is fatal to Janssen's argument, the Dutch study itself suffers from fatal weaknesses, meaning that even when applied to the intended patient population, it is very low quality evidence-based care.
For the history and problems with the Dutch Protocol, see:
IMPORTANT UPDATE in light of Dr. Aron Janssen’s statement the other day claiming that the Dutch clinic proves the “best data” and that most American clinics are following the Dutch model. I showed in a thread yesterday why that claim is likely false.
Here’s more evidence 🧵
One of the central criticisms of studies purporting to show that hormonal interventions (to use Jack Turban’s language) “result in” better mental health is selection bias.
Eligibility for hormones in the Dutch study was predicated upon stable mental health and absence of major psychological “counter-indications” (co-morbidities). Presence of these was regarded as cause for more psychotherapy before blockers/CSH are administered.
Remarkable that in her reporting on “gender affirming care” for @TeenVogue, @brittneymac15 cites the Tordoff study (!) in support of her claim that the protocol is supported by research. The study showed NO improvement in mental health from hormones. Read the study!
I just can’t fathom how lazy journalism has become, particularly on this issue. If reporters can’t be bothered to do the minimum due diligence and read the studies they cite, they shouldn’t be trusted as reliable sources of information. It’s that simple.
4 days after my fact-check of @jack_turban's article reviewing studies in @PsychToday came out, Psych Today issued a correction to Turban's article (or asked Turban to do so).
4 corrections were issued, along with 2 stealth edits:
* Kaltiala et al 2020: hormones are "not enough to improve functioning and relieve psychiatric comorbidities among adolescents with gender dysphoria." BTW--this sentence is in the abstract, not buried in the article.
As I mentioned in my fact-check, Kaltiala herself emphasized to me that their study should not be used to claim that hormones reduce suicidality. That is a stronger caveat than the one Turban now acknowledges.
Most important, in my view, due to its downstream effects, is the NHS reiterating Dr. Cass' observation that social transition is not a "neutral act" but constitutes a psychological intervention with iatrogenic risks.
The NHS strongly discourages social transition in prepubertal children, and even in adolescents it recommends social transition only with precautions.
This means that the NHS is now taking a position directly opposed that of @AmerAcadPeds.
“Social transition” is actually a misnomer. We should really call it “psychological transition.”
Social transition implies that the change is purely in the realm of outward behavior and how that behavior is interpreted by society.
Yet as all available research—yes, including and especially the Olson study of 2022–suggests, when adults confirm to a child that his gender-related behavior is evidence that he really is the opposite sex, they are altering the course…
of his psychological development by locking in what would otherwise very likely prove to be a temporary state of confusion, distress, or innocent cross-gender play.
Sorry John Oliver (@iamjohnoliver), but your claim that it’s the right, not the left, that has made “trans rights” (read: replacing sex with “gender identity” in those few areas of life where sex distinctions matter) into a national issue, is absurd.
During the Obama years trans activists inside state and fed governments, in major legal advocacy groups, and on the federal bench began exploiting a complex and opaque administrative process to advance gender self-ID in health and ed policy.
How many Republicans at the state or federal level were proposing “anti-trans” bills in 2010, when the federal Department of Education used a “Dear Colleague” letter to define “bullying” as “sexual harassment,” and the latter as harassment based on “gender identity”?