Dancing is not a crime. Misinformation networking should be.
“To counteract the infodemic and false information, governments should monitor false information, expose networks of false information & consider holding publishers of false information liable @TasLiberal #politas
Deceived, gaslit, and encouraged into accepting mass infection, the situation is dire. Time is running out to prevent disease progression in countless infected Tasmanians. #politas
“panel of 386 academic, health, non-governmental organization, government and other experts in COVID-19 response from 112 countries and territories to recommend specific actions to end this persistent global threat to public health”
Wrong photo added earlier. Immunity debt just shot itself in the foot 👇
Immunity debt is pure fiction. What we do know is that covid causes immune dysfunction, making us suck at fighting off other infections. That’s why so many of us are ‘struggling to fight of a common cold’.
And here’s an example of ‘the network’
Here’s 25 papers on post COVID immune dysfunction #politas
Don’t believe the ‘immunity debt’ lie when your kids in hospitals. Demand a blood screen on their T and B cells.
The aerosol masking effect may explain our increasingly unscientific approach the COVID. In 2020, global COVID lockdowns revealed to science just how dangerous global warming had become. Pollution decreased, allowing more solar radiation to reach the earths surfaces. /1
Earlier this week I joined a webinar from @MEERsrm (great initiative) These images are from the webinar. Harvard Professor Ye Tao spoke in detail on this topic. The excess radiation was able to be measured 2/
The additional energy reaching the surface of the oceans put an extraordinary amount of water vapour into the atmosphere, a dangerous greenhouse gas in its own right. /3