🩷lia m.🩷(working on comms) Profile picture
Nov 5, 2022 101 tweets 19 min read Read on X
NSFW+gangbang+cuntja+overstimulation+breeding kink+double penetration+the YJHS are OD's sucrose daddies+dressing up (as a girl with skirts)+deepthroating+creampies.

/decided partially by the polls and the prompt that I liked most
Thanks to @leviestia for prompt/
OD looked around as he walked into the penthouse building, shaking off the sensation of awe he always had whenever he saw the grand building in all of its splendor.

Even if he worked his ass off for the next 40 years of his life, he wouldn't be able to afford such a place.
The good thing was that he was meeting up with someone who could afford it.

OD had recently graduated high school and had been kicked out of the house by his relatives who were tired of taking care of him; not that OD blamed them, he was a particular burden.
But that meant that he needed to find a job quick, he'd put his studies on standby for the meanwhile.

He managed to get two jobs but they were both barely enough to pay rent; he was lucky that his landlord, Mr. Gong, felt bad at the sight of his lanky, pushable by a strong wind—
type of body, so the man always allowed OD to pay two or three days after the end of month.

OD was struggling to make ends (and was seriously considering throwing himself into the Han River) when he overheard a coworker mention the concept of a sugar daddy and how she'd been—
able to move to a better part of the city thanks to it.

OD had thought over and over about it as he was the least attractive person he could think about but he didn't lose anything with trying so he signed up to the sight, posting a picture of his face (covered up by a mask,—
only his eyes were seen) along with a post of his thighs in a pair of shorts while his pale legs were crossed.

While he received many requests, he only replied to 5 of them; mostly because they were all nice and respectful towards him, didn't immediately start dirty talk.
And so, the start of a lovely companionship begun between OD and the 5 men who eagerly showered him with money along withe specific requests.

OD arriving to the penthouse, dressed in the schoolgirl uniform he'd been asked to wear, was a weekly meetup for them.
OD watched a lot of schoolgirl natural makeup tutorials on SNS so he could look good for his daddy so OD hoped the older man liked how OD looked. He also bought a wig that he thought suited his face along with a pair of stockings and women's lingerie underneath the uniform.
//sorry, I'll keep going tomorrow.

God, I have to stop starting threads when it's close to bedtime😅

Hope you like it💖💖💖//
OD entered the elevator, taking him straight to the top penthouse; ignoring the looks of the people who looked at the petite "girl" in a school uniform with a cream colored frock coat covering her but they soon averted their eyes once they noticed where she was heading.
Once the elevator arrived where OD needed to be, he got off, using the code he'd been given when this first started.

OD slipped his way in, pushing the strands of hair that had slipped in front of his view behind his ear as he removed the pair of heeled mary janes and set them—
on the shoe rack, taking off the backpack to pull out the same pair of shoes but that hadn't been used yet, slipping them on before making his way to the study.

Hoping that his daddy was in the study.

Knocking on the study and waiting for a voice to beckon him in, OD was—

He could be patient.

"Come in." A gruff voice spoke from the inside, OD opened the door and made his way in, his shoe heels clicking with every step.

OD always felt like his breath felt his body whenever he saw one of his daddies; OD had the apparent good (bad if you—
asked him) luck that the daddies he had accepted offers from, were all related, they were brothers; all working as CEOs for different branches of their family, Yoo Conglomerate.

Apparently they all possessed the same desire to help a lanky eighteen y/o financially with sexual—

The brother that had asked OD to dress up in the uniform was 1863, the CEO of their financial branch.

Although he looked like a cold stern man, he was actually a sweet man.

(Well, at least to OD.)

"Daddy, I'm home." OD preened as he stepped into the study,—
making his way to 1863's side, the older man turning his chair to allow OD some space so he could sit on his lap; OD sat down, humming as he felt 1863's large and warm hand on his exposed knee while the other hand came up to unbutton the frock that kept OD warm for him.
"Princess." OD shivered at the term of endearment, spreading his legs slightly as 1863's hand slipped under the hem of the skirt, toying with the garter that was hooked to OD's black stockings, his other hand removing the frock from OD to behold the sight of him in the school—
navy blue blazer, tight fitting vest along with a emerald colored bow; his lips pressing a soft kiss to OD's temple. "How was school?"

"It was good, daddy." OD spoke softly, leaning into 1863's larger frame. "I missed you the entire time I was there. Did daddy miss me too?"
1863 huffed before pressing another kiss to OD's cheek, allowing OD to grab his other hand and hold it gently to his face, the hand in between OD's legs, rubbed gently at the soft milky skin, eager to simply play with the younger.

(He'd been eager for an entire week, his hand—
wasn't enough now that he knew the beauty and wonder that was OD's tight and warm cunt; even after his brothers had fucked into it, it was still so tight yet filled with cum; if OD wasn't so stubborn and accepted to be their little kept princess, his job would be cockwarming—
1863 as he worked, spreading himself wide whenever he noticed when one of them was stressed.

Alas, they still had to work hard on pitching the idea to OD.

1863 was certain that one of these days, instead of uncuffing him after bed play, 41 was going to leave him cuffed)
"Of course I missed you, princess." 1863 whispered softly, pulling his hand out from OD's skirt, ignoring the soft whine. "Be good, daddy will be done in a couple of minutes. Then we can play."

OD nodded as he curled up on 1863's lap, his hands still holding tightly onto the—
older man's hand while he finished filling up some documents with his other hand.

He wanted to berate himself for getting to eager with just a hand roaming on his thighs but he knew what those fingers could do deep inside of him.

You couldn't blame him for wanting them inside.
A couple of minutes later, 1863 was setting everything aside before patting OD's hip in a silent order for him to get up from his lap.

OD got up, waited eagerly for 1863 to get up, his arm wrapping around OD's waist to lead him to the bedroom, sitting down on the edge of the—
bed while looking at OD with fondness before spreading his legs, his hand patting OD's hip twice.

The order saying that he should kneel and let 1863 know how much he missed his daddy with his mouth.

OD nodded as he settled down onto his knees, the soft rug kind to his knees—
as he made himself comfortable, before he started unbuckling 1863's belt and tugging open the front of his slacks and pulling down his underwear, allowing his half hard member to have a bit more freedom to grow more.

Everytime OD takes a look at any of his daddies' large cocks,—
he wonders how he didn't die the first time he took it.

OD leaned in to press a soft kiss at the top before grabbing it with both hands since it wouldn't wrap around 1863's cock completely, looking up at 1863 as he batted his eyes in an innocent manner.
1863 raised an eyebrow before moving a hand down to cup OD's nape, allowing him to control the pace once OD fully put him in his mouth.

"This is the part I missed most about daddy." OD whispered softly before taking the head of 1863's fully hardened cock in his mouth, delighting
in the sharp inhale of breath from 1863 as OD took more and more of him down his mouth, the older man's grip on his nape tightened before loosening it.

The sight of OD on his knees, dressed in a school uniform (despite the fact that he had worn sluttier things on his brothers'—
requests), making small whimpering sounds as he did his best to take him down his throat (his poor little princess, it was so hard on his small mouth to take all of him, especially since OD used to be a virgin before them took him), wide eyes filled with stars and tears had 1863—
rocking his hips towards OD who simply moaned before trying to take more of 1863's cock.

Sadly his little princess wasn't able to take any of their cocks completely down his warm throat, always choking when he reached a quarter to the base.

If it were up to 1863 and his—
brothers, they would've trained the gag reflex out of OD already but the younger instead begged for their cocks up his ass or in his wet cunt, spreading himself wide and open for them to be enticed into simply shoving their cocks into it.

"Princess, take only what you can." He—
chided gently when OD started whimpering, trembling from the effort of taking more of him down his throat.

OD seemed to ignore him, still trying his best to take more of him when knowing that 1863 hated hearing him gag on his cock while his brothers, 41 and 999, relished in the—
fact that they made OD's face redder and tears would stream down his cheeks.

1863 sighed before tightening his grip on OD's nape, pulling him off and started shallowly fucking into his throat; OD's hands gripped tighter the base of his cock as he fucked his throat gently.
"Sometimes you're such an obedient little princess but it seems like you're just naturally stubborn, aren't you, princess?" 1863 sighed, admiring the way OD's eyes rolled back into his head with every thrust 1863 made him take.

"Hyung, are you home?" A voice came from outside—
the room, he could overhear doors being opened and closed until the one to the master bedroom was open, allowing his younger brother to find him.

"0, I thought you had a business meeting and you'd be arriving late." 1863 spoke, voice raspy as he concentrated on his brother and—
the way OD swallowed around his cock.

0 was the youngest, only 30 years old and he was the head of the entertainment branch of the conglomerate; he'd actually been the one OD had first met up with when it began and 0, as a good younger brother, had no problem with sharing.
"Ah...... I did but I finished it fast, they were making stupid requests so I refused them and came home. How's our little kitten?" 0 hummed as he kneeled behind OD who whimpered as 1863 was still pulling his head up and down his cock as though using a fleshlight.
0 smiled at the whimper before lifting his hands to undress OD, exposing the white lace bralette that OD wore underneath his school shirt.

"You would've been punished by the disciplinary committee at school, kitten. You need to be good." 0 cooed as he palmed OD's nipples through
the lace bralette. "Kitten looks so whorish with hyung's cock down his throat, look at you, you're drooling and making a mess of yourself."

1863 cussed as he stilled OD halfway on his cock, cumming down his throat, making sure that his princess swallowed everything.
//I'll leave it here, sorry my day wasn't so good so I got really stressed and wasn't able to actually write until later and now it's my bedtime🥺🥺🥺//

//I'll keep going tomorrow🥰🥰//
1863 pulled OD off his cock once he was sure everything went down. "Open, show me."

OD opened his mouth to show a pink tongue coated slightly with white before he swallowed once more.

"Good girl." 1863 crooned, gently patting OD's head while O's hands slipped under his skirt.
0 hummed as he pushed aside OD's panties to tease his sopping wet folds with his fingers, delighting in the sharp inhale from OD. "Kitten is so wet down here, does kitten want anything in her pretty pussy?"

OD shivered before rocking back into the teasing fingers, wanting to—
just scream at the man to fuck him with his fingers but OD was a good kitten, a good princess.

And good kitties took what they were given without begging like whores.

"I want daddy." OD's voice cracked as he rocked into the teasing touches on his pussy, hips grinding softly.
0 groaned appreciatively before shoving two fingers inside of OD's cunt, the younger immediately mewling happily at being slightly filled up.

"—thank you, daddy! Thank you, thank you, thank you—" OD babbled, leaning into 0's embrace as he prodded and played with OD's cunt.
"Daddy missed your little cunt, kitten." 0 whispered feverishly, grinding his cock into OD's ass as his fingers spread and jabbed into OD's cunt.

0 wasn't patient, he'd been wanting to call OD for a quick fuck for days already but he knew that if he did that then he wouldn't—
be able to have as much time as he would like during the weekend when OD came over since his brothers would count his quick fuck as an entire night and would reduce his precious OD cunt time; so he found himself barely fingering the young man before tugging at his own slacks,—
pumping his hard cock with the other hand that stayed playing with OD's clit before pulling the younger on his lap, shoving him down on his cock.

By the way OD's cunt tightened and spasmed around his cock, the mewling and whimpering that slipped from OD's mouth and the dark—
look that came over his older brother; his darling little kitten had cum just from being filled up by a cock.

So eager and perfect.

"Kitten, did you really miss daddy? You're so needy." 0 chided as he lightly slapped OD's cunt, cock grinding lazily inside of him.
"Sorry daddy— ah—" OD whimpered at the sharp slap to his cunt, right over his clit, making him mewl and get wetter.

"Princess was so needy when she arrived. She was even trying to choke herself on my cock when I let her suck it." 1863 commented as he sunk down to where the other
two were, cradling OD's face to press a soft kiss on his cheek before placing his hands on OD's waist, near his brother's and picked up OD and fucking him down on his brother's cock.

"—ah!" OD squealed as 1863 played with him like a doll, fucking him up and down on his younger—
brother's cock as though he was just a fleshlight for his younger brother to get off on. "yesyesyesyesyesyesyes—"

"Fuck— so tight— you were good, right kitten? You didn't touch yourself at all right?" 0 growled, fucking his hips upwards whenever his brother slammed OD down.
OD shook his head, the wig surprisingly still in place despite how much he'd been jostled. "I've been good daddy! I only want daddy's cock!"

0 and 1863 crooned approvingly, both leaning in to suck marks on OD's neck as 1863's grip kept him held in place for 0 to grind into as—
0 jackhammed his cock into him, delighting in the gasps and whimpers as OD came a second time, 0 soon filling him up with a cruel bite to his nape.

"So good, I wonder if kitten will get pregnant with a kitty, would you like that, kitten?" OD's cunt tightened even more around—
him as it milked him of his orgasm, O snickered with a suckle of OD's ear. "Of course, my pretty kitten likes that. Kitten wants to be stuffed full with kitties, don't you baby?"

OD could only nod absently as he rocked his cunt back into 0's cock, making sure that not a drop—
of cum was wasted, trying his best to make it all be where it was supposed to be.

Sometimes when OD listened to them croon on how much they wanted to fill him up with a baby, OD felt the burning need to spread himself even more for them so they could try, want to slap the him—
from a couple of months ago for getting the injection (he decided that if he was going to be a sugar baby, then he should at least take care of himself) when he could be stuffed full with a sweet baby (OD often wondered if he'd be a little bit better at parenting than his own—
parents, OD was certain that he would love his baby, he was sure of that).

"Princess would look so pretty with a baby, don't you think so, hyung?" 1863 drawled as he looked over to the entrance as his eldest brother entered the room, amused at the messy and whimpering sight—
of OD heaving in breaths, his outfit of the day was strussed up, his skirt rucked to his hips as 0's cock was still inside of him.

SP hummed in agreement as he picked OD up from his younger brother's embrace, tsking at the whine of being empty that slipped from OD's throat.
"Angel, aren't you going to say hi?" SP chided as he laid OD down on the bed, pulling out his phone to take a picture of the utterly debauched and desecrated OD.

For himself, he never shares his pictures with his brothers; to SP, the little shits didn't deserve to have such—
pictures that were evidence of what a beautiful thing OD made, especially when debauched and fucked stupid.

"Sorry— Hi daddy, I missed you—" OD whined, wrapping his weak arms around SP's shoulders as he pulled the older man to press a kiss to his lips and cheek.
"Good girl, angel." SP praised with a kiss of his own to OD's temple before pulling away to sit back on his heels, ignoring his younger brothers' peeking behind him. "Show yourself to daddy, let me see if 0 hurt you."

0 squawked in indignation and started muttering that he—
would never harm his kitten and that hyung was just being mean bevcause he was an ass; SP tuned out his youngest brother's ramblings (reminded of a life when he had implored to be an only child) and simply looked at OD's fucked out look as he spread himself wide for SP to take a—
look at his swollen cunt; the folds were dripping with slick and swollen red, his cute cunt was dripping 0's cum from it.

It was a well loved pussy.

"Angel, did you miss me?" SP questioned, rubbing OD's thighs, hands inching closer to OD's cunt.

"Of course I did, daddy." OD—
replied innocently, voice soft and dazed.

"Did you miss me more than 0 and 1863?" Ignoring his brothers' identical gruffs of anger, SP pushed three fingers inside of OD, twisting and spreading his fingers, delighting in the pink flush that washed over OD's upper chest.
SP's fingers scooped out the cum his younger brother had filled his angel up with, wanting to fill OD with his cum instead (once his other brothers arrived, it wouldn't matter whose cum was buried deep in OD but right now, he wanted it to be his cum filling up his angel)‐.
"Wait—" OD whined once he noticed what SP was doing, trying his best to close his legs shut but SP's arm made sure that he couldn't do that.

"Shhhhh, be good for me, angel. Daddy will fill you up with so much more." SP whispered, fingers scraping out of OD's cunt.
0 complained but SP didn't care, his entire world for the moment was OD and his lovely cunt and how perfect he looked in a skirt.

Once SP was certain that he'd scraped most of 0's cum out of OD, he pushed his cum drenched fingers inside of OD in a silent order to lick them—
clean; OD's soft tongue wrapped around his thick fingers as though they were a piece of candy, making sure that all of SP's fingers were clean.

SP hummed approvingly before he undid his slacks, using OD's drool to lubricate his cock before he gently pushed himself inside of OD—
earning himself the sight of OD's eyes rolling to the back of his head as he arched his back as he got filled up with cock once more.

"Daddy— sobigsobigsobig—" OD whined, legs wrapping around SP's waist as the older man proceeded to pound into OD's with fervor.
"—loveitloveitloveit—" OD cried as SP pulled him up, sitting him on his lap and making his cock reach deeper inside of OD; SP turned his gaze to glare at his younger brothers.

"I'll be nice and let you guys fuck my sweet angel's ass while I fuck his cunt." SP growled, delighting
in every 'ah' he pulled out of OD's lips.

SP didn't like sharing OD with his brothers, he didn't mind watching them fuck OD but he did mind sharing OD as he fucked so his brothers had learned to let him have his time with OD before they all crowded over him.
1863 made his way to sit behind OD as SP held him in place while his hips thrusted into him, OD's whines getting higher in pitch with every finger the older pushed inside his tight rim.

Soon enough 1863 got tired and pushed himself inside of OD's rim, groaning at how tight his—
princess was while OD gasped and heaved in breaths, nails digging red angry lines on SP's back. "— toomuchtoomuchtoomuch— daddydaddydaddydaddydaddy—"

"Shhhh. Be good for us." Soon enough 1863 and SP were fucking into OD with a coordinated rhythm, fucking him stupid, ignoring—
how many times he had cum thanks to the two men toying with him like a doll.

Once both men were done, their cum warm in OD's belly, the younger was a drooling trembling mess.
SP pressed soft kisses all over OD's face as he crooned praises in a deep pleased voice, 1863 sucking marks and pressing kisses on the back of OD's neck and shoulders as OD whined.

"Angel, did you like it?" SP questioned, voice gruff and affectionate, hands rubbing OD's waist.
"I loved it, daddy." OD sobbed, clumsily pressing a kiss to SP's shoulder, before nuzzling back into 1863's embrace.

"Should I thank you two for the free show?" 999 sauntered into the room, removing his work blazer and work watch, OD looked at him and whined in displeasure.
Normally OD was the one to undress them whenever they came back from work, he hung up their blazers on hangers and undid their ties before placing them in their respective drawers, and always kissed them gently on the cheek before looking up at them innocently.
(Which only made them ravish OD fervently, fucking him on whatever flat surface they could get him on.

OD was just perfect wife material, they just needed to work on his cooking skills.)
"Darling, why are you upset? Daddy is the one who should be upset right now; after all, daddy came home to find his precious darling having fun while I had to undress myself." 999 replied playfully, plucking OD away from his brothers' embrace; OD whined at the feeling of being—
empty, instinctively clenching his holes to make sure that he wasn't dripping cum onto the sheets and 999's black slacks.

"Sorry, daddy." OD whispered, eyes wide and innocent as he wrapped his weak arms around 999's shoulders, holding him as tight as he could with his weak arms.
999 smiled as he laid OD down on the bed, leaning down to steal a freely given kiss from OD's swollen lips, OD humming at the feeling of his kiss before giving access to the tongue requesting it.

Allowing 999 to kiss him silly, to make OD only think of him for the moment.
Not caring if his younger brothers' cum was leaking down his darling's thighs, if the bruises suckled and engraved into the milky pale skin were from his brothers' mischievous teeth.
OD's hands slipped down to unbuckle 999's pants, lithe slender fingers wrapping themselves around his half hard cock, pumping it to full hardness while moaning and mewling around 999's tongue as it fucked his throat when another pair of lips descended on his cheek before it took—
his ear completely in between them, nipping at the helix and licking the star shaped earring that pierced the lobe.

"Sweetheart, you weren't at the door today. Should I punish you?" 41's stern voice whispering into OD's ear, his grip around 999's cock slackened a bit before he—
pumped it with even more fervor, OD turning his head to beg 41 for a kiss.

999 slapped OD's hand away from his cock and instead led it down to OD's swollen folds, making him spread himself for 999's, fingers curled in an inverse V as he spread them, 41's tongue shoving itself—
down OD's throat as though choking him and making sure that OD could only think of the tongue down his throat and the cock shoving itself inside of his well loved cunt.

41 pulled away, allowing OD to make a loud keen sound of pleasure as 999 rutted inside of him, fucking him—
rough and fast, making OD cry and whimper before 41 made sure to shove open his mouth and pushed his cock down OD's throat, pushing it deeper and deeper down the younger man's throat until he started gagged.

41 stilled and placed a hand on the front of OD's throat, where he—
would be able to feel his cock down the younger's throat, sneering at OD. "What a shame. It's already all the way down here and you still can't take more, sweetheart? Daddy's disappointed."

OD's cunt tightened at 41's sneering words, making 999 swear before his pace got even—
rougher as he made sure to fuck OD well, his darling needed to be well fucked.

"Such a good whore, sweetheart." 41 growled, thrusting down OD's throat, pulling more gagging and whimpers from him.

OD felt tears stream down his face, his gaze was blurry from the tears and the—
lack of air, but his body jolted as a pair of fingers started tweaking and pulling on his nipples, this daddy started muttering that once their kitten is fucked stupid and pregnant he might get a tit-fuck from him.

While his other daddy grabbed the hand that was trying to draw—
blood from 999's back and wrapped it around his cock, complaining that 999 and 41 were selfish and sucked at sharing their princess.

OD lost himself in the feeling of being fucked stupid until he lost all sense of reason (the uniform he'd been wearing had been completely ruined)
lost himself in the feeling of a cock fucking his throat raw and sore that he'd be remembering 41's cock everytime he would try to swallow something, the feeling of being bitched and bred on their thick cocks, cum splattering all over his body (one of them even pulled off the—
lace panties he'd been wearing and came all over it then proceeded to stuff them in OD's mouth as they fucked his ass and cunt in pairs, a couple of fingers slipping in a hole where a cock was already stretching him to the point of no return) and the feeling of soft kisses on—
his sweaty brow.

When OD came to, it was to the feeling of the tip of one of his daddies' cocks being pushed into his stuffed to the brim cunt, he could feel his daddy's hand jerking himself off before he spilled into OD's cunt.

OD was a trembling mess, wrung out completely.
But he was still treated gently, an elaborate plug was stuffed in his cunt while pearl colored beads were shoved in his ass, to make sure that not a single drop were wasted.

OD would never admit it but he loved feeling kept like this; he didn't care about the money anymore—
since he was addicted to the feeling of being loved and adored.

But to them, it was just the allure of fucking someone younger.

We all know the YJHS are obsessed with KDJ/OD but he doesn't know that!

I hope you enjoyed it!!
If you enjoyed, please support me on Ko-fi! ko-fi.com/dreamsinacuario
I'll appreciate it a lot🥰🥰
Thanks to everyone for reading!!!

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Jun 20, 2023

(bcs I, and i'm pretty sure a lot of you, need a bit of organization when it comes to all the stuff that I've written)
Fic Ideas/Headcanons/Blorbos with JD, SPOD, SPKDJ:
Read 6 tweets
Jun 19, 2023
#ORV #joongdok #SPKDJ #LiaFicThread

CW: NSFW+Dead Dove+Noncon Elements+Usurpation&Treason+Forced Marriage+Blowjobs and Sex under Coercion+Possessive Behavior+Forced Exhibitionism and Voyeurism+Femja+Pregnancy Kink/Sex+Plotting to murder your second husband while you get—
railed by him+Older Brother SP+Royalty AU+JD Childhood Friends+Hostage KDJ who loves her first husband and hates her second husband with all her heart


(Uh I promised some people this so here you go~)

Yoo Joonghyun (SP) has always known what it means to want something that should be yours but because of one little thing, it would never be yours.

SP was the firstborn son of the King of Kaizenix, technically heir to the entire Kingdom and future lord of the lands but there was—
Read 24 tweets

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