"Ryan Dawson is the furthest thing from a racist"
Scott Horton promoting Ryan Dawson. Thumbnail of the video above. Empty cans of Zyklon B for comparison.
Ryan Dawson is promoting Z warmonger fascism, too.
Yes, this is the sort of videos you'll find on Ryan Dawson's bitchute channel. With this sort of thumbnail.
Yet... that doesn't seem to bother his fans one bit, such as this """anti-war""" Ron Paul Institute contributor....
But then again, here is Ron Paul himself with Ryan Dawson... And here is his Institute's Executive Director, Daniel "Daily Putin" McAdams...
Scott Horton, Reed Coverdale, Dave Smith, Joshua Smith, Daniel McAdams... is there *anyone* from that crowd who *isn't* friendly to nazis? 🤔
Joe Rogan, net worth $200 million, is upset because Ukrainians refuse to die in silence and the noise is bothering him. Ukrainians should be paying Joe Rogan for the psychological damage due to pooping his pants because he "has to" read about Putin instead of "just having fun".
Joe Rogan just wants to "live your life, be carefree and have fun and do the things that you're passionate about".
As opposed to, you know, *40 million Ukrainians*, who don't really count as people in the Joe Rogan worldview.