1)Do people know the war in Congo ๐จ๐ฉ is directly related to the war in Ethiopia ๐ช๐น ? On the picture is Meles Zenawi, the president of Ethiopia until 2012! He was a Tigray by tribe and an ally of Kagame and Museveni in their Hima Tutsi Empire project! Zenawi was recruited into it!
2)When Abiy Mohamed became the prime minister of Ethiopia from Oromo tribe,Kagame,Museveni and their sponsors became frustrated. The empire they were building was based on the agreement with Tigrayans.That's why obviously they have been supporting Tigray war against Abiy govt!
3)When there was a #coup in #Burundi against Peter Nkurunziza,it was an effort to bring Back Pierre #Buyoya,former president,who was with them in their thirsty to build an empire in the region!The coup failed,#Tanzania knew their games and supported #Nkurunziza back on power!
Here is John Garang of Sudan who was killed!It is said,he refused to balkanize Sudan!So Museveni in his project,South Sudan was supposed to join his Empire.People do believe,though he died into a helicopter crash,that actually he was assassinated by Museveni to advance his agenda
Laurent Desire Kabila,after capturing Congo,with the aid of Rwanda,Uganda and Burundi,he was assassinated and replaced by his adopted son.They wanted him to give Eastern Congo to them,he refused and chased them.They invaded him again and he was rescued by countries like ๐ฟ๐ผ ๐ฆ๐ด ๐ณ๐ฆ
In short,this is the kind of the war the region have been fighting!Crazy people like Museveni and Kagame are behind all the bloodshed of innocent people in the chase of their own crazy dream!They are always meddling into politics of neighbors to seek allies!Its one war!
โข โข โข
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1)Paul Kagame, by the hand of a Hutu Gen. Marcel Gatsinzi, assassinated his own aunt, Rosalie Gicanda, not FDLR's Gen. Gakwerere, captured at the Hospital of Goma!
Gicanda is the last queen of the kingdom of Rwanda, who was killed during the genocide!
How it happened๐๐ฟ
2)Before the genocide, some Tutsi knew that Kagame would shoot down Habyarimana's plane, and many fled the country.
Many Hutu were warned by their Tutsi best friends too.
People taught it was a joke! Even in my own family, my father knew it, but never took it seriously!
3)Then ask yourself, one month to the genocide, Gicanda was in Belgium undergoing medical treatment...
Why did his nephew, Paul Kagame advised her to return to Rwanda, while some Tutsi were fleeing?
They did that to avoid any suspicion! It would had been a red flag!
1)Let me debunk the idea that Hutu, Tutsi and Twa are social classes!
Which social class on earth would you belong to, that would make you as short as the Twa and averaging 1.5M?
Which social class would you belong to, that would make you tall, skinnier and longer thin nose?
2)Would a Tutsi who was wealth become a Twa after getting poorer and then his height be reduced to 1.5M?
Why all Hutu's physical features were similar? What that class of Hutu people has to do with one's morphology?
Why are in other countries no features class based?
3)Is Kinyarwanda a Hutu,Tutsi or Twa language?
First, Twa's language is a click language like the Khoisan. Due to the influence of the Bantu, the Twa has adopted Bantu languages.
1)Hutu are not Rwandans.Only a few clans of Tutsi are Rwandans! Banyarwanda is a tribe on its own or a clan of Batutsi.That's why there is an ongoing discussion in the Rwandan diaspora about the possibility of renaming the country after the fall of Kagame which is near!
2)The country of Rwanda started as a tiny kingdom in the area of present day Gasabo,the size of a village.Those who started that kingdom are the true Rwandans/Banyarwanda.As the kingdom expanded through wars, captured Hutu were assimilated in the new kingdom as servants!
3)Recently cardinal Kambanda Antoine said,"We thank God,it's been 30 years,no Rwandan is killed,no Rwandan that has fled his own country,Rwandans are in peace,properties are not looted..." Rwandans around the world knew he was talking about their small circle, true Rwandans!
1)This man is Robert Kajuga and was the president of Interahamwe. Kagame's RPF lied that he died of Aids in Kinshasa but he may still be alive. A woman he married during the genocide lives in Europe. Do you think his wife is suffering from Aids?No, it could be all a lie.
2)In 1993, when the president of Burundi, Melchior Ndadaye, was assassinated, Kajuga faked an illness and that he had to travel for treatment in Burundi, but instead he secretely went to a military camp where president Ndadaye was assassinated. Kagame was there too.
3)During the genocide also he faked that he was sick. The government of Rwanda keeps releasing contradictory narrative about his fate. Sometimes they say that he was arrested in Kinshasa and deported and tried in Rwanda and the following day they would say he died in Kinshasa!
1) Things the media will never let the people of England know:
๐บThe father of Axel Muganwa Rudakubana was a child soldier in Kagame's army from 1990 -1994.This army is responsible of massacring between 10 and 15 millions of people in Congo and Rwanda. They hide it!
2)๐บAlphonse Rudakubana, the father of Axel, probably is an undercover agent of Kagame's secret services in England. Once a member of RPF, you will always had to work for them wherever you are, if you can't, you are eliminated!
3)๐บAxel is the nephew of Gasamagera Wellars, the Secretary General of Rwandan Patriotic Front, RPF. He is one of the masterminds behind all atrocities they carry globally! Do you hear the media talking about it? Why are they silent? It's because they are in bed together!
1)This 17 years boy from Rwanda killed three little white girls in Southport,a result of the British govt working closely with a terrorist state,Rwanda,to loot minerals in DRC by terrorizing the people of Congo!
Let me explain it deeply!
2)Rwanda is a state that indoctrinates young people and teaches them to become killers at a young age!
This is where they get an opportunity to recruit young people who they take to Congo to fight their endless wars!
3)For the last 30 years, when you hear them commemorating the genocide in Rwanda,it's an opportunity for them to narrate horrible stories, often not really, to make sure they teach hatred to the young ones towards the Hutu. They also do that to sow division for fear of unity!