What irks me about these COVID apologists is that most operate from pride, the need to save face, than humility, the need to reflect and correct their immorality. They care more about their egos than the people they harmed and THAT is why it's not true repentance.
Truly repentant people do not hide behind excuses. They admit it, then and there, that they were played. They reflect, learn and grow. By doing so, they change their behaviors to avoid repeating the same mistakes i.e allowing themselves to be played AGAIN.
The information was ALWAYS out there. The official COVID tracker alone was releasing the statistics about recovery rates, including the actual severity of it. Medical professionals, new and old, were calling it for what is was but THEY CHOSE IGNORANCE.
Willingly living in denial and choosing to continue to believe the narrative despite obvious opposition, both academically and subjectively, was their choice to make and they dug that grave. If you have a mind, you are capable of thinking and these people DIDN'T.
The local pharmacists, the paramedics, first responders, the nurses, doctors, PhD qualified in virology, even 3rd world medical journals. They ALL knew. Yet. YET these fuckwits BELIEVED THEIR TELEVISION BOX AND FUCKING URBANITE JOURNOS.
I had boomers denying, actively to my face, hundreds upon hundreds of years of known and documented abuses from govt and the medical industry, all of them watching TV & going "the government would NEVER do that to us!".
I remember when medical clinics denied my mother GP care due to restrictions. I remember the borders shaking townsfolks down. I remember the publicity stunts of cops only rocking up when premiers gave speeches.