Benchmarks are crucial to measuring and steering AI progress.
Their number has become astounding.
Each has unique patterns of activity, improvement and eventual stagnation/saturation. Together they form the intricate story of global progress in AI. 🌐 2/
We found a sizable portion of benchmarks have kind of reached saturation ("can't get better than this") or stagnation ("could get better, but we don't know how / nobody tries"). But still a lot of dynamic benchmarks as well! 3/
How does activity and improvement develop over time and different domains? We mapped all benchmarks into an #RDF#KnowledgeGraph / ontology and devised a novel, highly condensed visualisation method.
Darker green means steeper progress. More chaotic than expected! 4/
... And the lifecycle maps show the birth, life and death of benchmarks. 🌈☠️ 5/
Speaking of the life of a benchmark: It's hard. Most benchmark datasets are unpopular. 🥲 6/
How to become more popular (as a benchmark dataset)? Traits correlated with popularity:
- versatile (cover more tasks, have more sub-benchmarks)
- have a dedicated leaderboard
- be created by people from top-institutions 7/
The biggest obstacle and limitation for our work is data availability.
This analysis was only possible by using data from the fabulous @paperswithcode. As a community, we should incentivize depositing results in paperswithcode more! Lots of potential added value.