Valdeane W. Brown, PhD: “@NeurOptimal® works to release the ripples or disturbances of consciousness to reunify - which is also the core of the Buddhist message of returning back to basic awareness.
To be clear, I understand @NeurOptimal® to be a literal incarnation of the opening sentence of the #YogaSutra of #Pantajali: "yogaś-nirodha-citta-vritti".
Various translations exist-the gist of them all is: "unify consciousness through releasing the disturbances in consciousness". This is precisely what @NeurOptimal facilitates.” #Yogas - re-unification, re-integrating #Nirodha - releasing #Citta - consciousness #Vritti - rippling
Q: What is the value that brain interruptions have been picked up by the system? Are they compared with a normal brain wave activities and glitches would be send off when alignment is not there?
2/14 A: First, there are no "normal brain wave patterns" as Val likes to say, "Brains don't wave" as well as there is no normal brain.
3/14 EEG is a phasor - 4-D and NOT a 2-D sine wave and extremely chaotic Also, NeurOptimal®’s Time-Frequency Envelopes (shown as Target Boxes within the Matrix Mirror) are actually hypercubes.
1/5 #QandA: But aren't the Interrupts that are generated by NeurOptimal® pre-programmed or the same for each person run during a Session?
2/5 NeurOptimal®’s zAmp is sampling at 256 times per second and many of the interrupts are occurring outside of conscious auditory processing range but still picked up by our unconscious auditory processing ability.
3/5 The time between Interrupts is rendered in milliseconds and millisecond differences in duration between audiovisual events cannot be differentiated consciously by human hearing or sight.