How to extract DMT using legal plant sources, hardware store supplies, and some knowledge from your high-school chemistry class, a thread.
[Based on 100g material]
Stage 1: Get your plant material.
DMT exists in hundreds of plants & fungi around the world, the two most common sources are Mimosa Hostilis root bark & Acacia Confusa root bark.
I recommend finding a domestic source (if in the US) & not ordering more than 1kg of material.
Try to find shredded root bark, powdered makes extraction difficult and chunks = lower yields.
The plant material is legal, but there have been a few random cases of large orders being flagged. Ordering small amounts and using domestic suppliers (no customs) reduces the risk.
Stage 2: Get your other supplies.
-Distilled Water
-Distilled Vinegar
-Pure Lye
-Naphtha (a non-polar solvent)
-Safety Gear (long gloves, glasses, long sleeved clothes)
-A Fan
-pH meter
-Glass Containers
-Turkey Baster
-Coffee Filter
Stage 3: Freeze Thaw Cycles
Place your plant material in a glass container and cover with 3-4 times its weight in filtered or distilled water. Heat it in a simmering water bath for one hour.
Let your mixture cool to room temp, then freeze & thaw 3 times.
Stage 4: Acidify
Add vinegar to your mixture until it reaches a pH between 2-4. Place it in a warm, not hot, water bath for at least 8 hours (crockpots are useful here).
Cool to to room temperature.
Stage 5: Defat
This stage is optional, though it is recommended if using Acacia Confusa, as it has a higher lipid content.
Add 50ml of naphtha to your container, shake a few times, then remove the naphtha with your turkey baster.
Stage 6: Salinate
Add 70-80g of salt to one liter of hot water. Combine this solution into your bark mixture.
Stage 7: Base
Slowly add 40g of Lye into 100ml of COLD water. Add this solution to your bark mixture. Test your bark solution after, it should have a pH of 12+. Add more Lye if your pH is lower.
This is the most dangerous stage, use your safety gear.
Using a warm, not hot water bath, heat your mixture for 2 hours, stirring occasionally(a crockpot is also useful here).
Cool to room temperature.
Stage 8: Pull
Add a small amount(50-100ml) of naphtha heated in your water bath to the bark mixture. Shake to combine, then allow the mixture to separate. Repeat this step 3 times.
Remove the naphtha with the baster & store in a container in the fridge (aids in crystallization).
Repeat the same process 6 more times. Pulling in stages ensures that you are fully extracting DMT and not leaving DMT in the bark mixture.
Remove your mixture from the fridge and fan evaporate roughly 40% or until the mixture is milky (full saturation).
Stage 9: Freeze Precipitate
Using a flat glass baking dish with a cover, freeze your mixture at the lowest temp in your freezer for 12-18 hours.
Using a coffee filter and glass, filter your solution. Place both the coffee filter and glass tray in front of the fan.
After the naphtha evaporates, you are left with pure DMT.
Discard your bark solution safely and scrape your DMT crystals from the dish. You're done.
If you extract DMT, you are technically manufacturing a Schedule 1 drug. This can have huge legal ramifications. All the materials used are legal, it is only once you combine them that you break the law.
Please be cautious and DO NOT tell others if you attempt this.
There are slightly simpler DMT teks (techniques) but the tek described here results in high yields, possibly up to 3%, but more commonly 1-2%.
My name is Taylor Sterling. I was born in '97 & raised in a small town on the Oregon coast. Both my parents are teachers & I grew up hunting, fishing, and cooking with my dad.
Since I was young, I knew my purpose in life was to help other people.
At 7, I created a volunteering project called 'Read for the Need' that collected donated books and sold them to buy food for my local food share. It ran for 10 years & raised ~$65,000.
As I got older, I realized there are systemic issues in place which keep people poor, hungry, & isolated.
I developed major depression at 14.
I got interested in politics.
My junior year of college I became the student government VP, tasked with managing student fee spending.
A guide on using fentanyl strips, reagent tests, and some tips to stay safe while using the most common psychedelic & recreational drugs.
This thread is not meant to promote drug use— it is meant to keep people who use drugs safe. Drug use comes with major risks— physical, psychological, & legal.
View this as an introduction and please do additional research outside of this thread.
While fentanyl is most frequently found in powders & pills, it can be in ANY drug. To test for fentanyl, mix your substance very well & place 10mg in a half teaspoon of water, 1 tsp. for MDMA/meth.
1 red line: FENTANYL
2 red lines: Likely no fentanyl, remain cautious
Huachuma (San Pedro), is a psychedelic cactus active in mescaline that Native Americans have used for millennia. Today it remains relatively obscure, legal in most countries, and is popular for landscaping in the American Southwest.
Tripping on psychedelic cacti, a 🧵
This thread is meant to reduce harm & not designed to encourage drug use. Using drugs comes with physical, psychological, & legal risks.
Before trying a new compound, make sure to do your research & be mindful of set/setting/dose. (2/11)
Huachuma refers to multiple species of mescaline-containing cacti. The earliest recorded use dates back to 1300 BCE in Northern Peru.
Spanish explorers called the cacti “Saint Peter”, as it seemed to bring them to the gates of heaven. (3/11)
Magic mushrooms are the most popular & easiest to access psychedelic worldwide. Every day, another article, celebrity, or scientist seems to be discussing their benefits.
But what is psilocybin & how do you use it safely?
The ULTIMATE psilocybin mushroom guide, a 🧵
DO NOT consume psilocybin if you or your family members have a history of psychosis/schizophrenia.
Psychedelics are illegal in many countries & can be psychologically harmful under certain circumstances.
This thread is for harm reduction & education purposes.
Psilocybin is one of three active alkaloids present in magic mushrooms. Your liver converts psilocybin to psilocin, which travels through the bloodstream to the brain where it locks into serotonin receptors, rerouting neural traffic, & causing psychedelic effects.
48 years ago today, Sasha Shulgin was the first human to test his creation 2C-B, a psychedelic phenethylamine that he repeatedly claimed was "his favorite trip".
But how does 2C-B compare to other psychedelics & how do you use it safely?
Nexus tripping: a guide to 2C-B, a 🧵
DISCLAIMER: This thread is meant for harm reduction and is not designed to encourage drug use. Be aware of local laws, test/measure your drugs, and always do further research than simply reading a Twitter thread before you try a new compound.
2C-B is a psychedelic phenethylamine & a member of Shulgin's "magical half-dozen" — one of his 6 favorite creations.
2C-B is often described as a combination of LSD + MDMA — it has both psychedelic effects & euphoria, but a shorter duration(5-8 hrs) than LSD(8-12 hrs).
The Aztec Empire is famous for many reasons - their massive cities, architecture, calendar, religion, and human sacrifices. But did you know they also had a rich and wide-ranging history of entheogenic use?
9 drugs used by the Aztecs, a thread:
1. Ololiuqui(Morning Glory) & Tlitliltzin(Sea Moonflower)
Seeds were ground and soaked in water then strained, creating a beverage active in LSA. The drink was used for visions, healing ceremonies, & as an anesthetic when combined with tobacco leaves.
2. Teonanácatl (god mushroom)
Psilocybin mushrooms were costly and time consuming to find, requiring all night searches. They were consumed by the upper class at festivals, ceremonies, and during human sacrifices. They were often combined with cacao.