1500 follower celebration thread. 4K, angst w/ a happy ending, getting together, one bed, thigh kink, nsfw

Seeing the sock on the door was one of the most devastating things of Atsumu’s life.

A potent reminder of how single and alone he /still/ was,
even after being voted most eligible volleyball bachelor last month.

Sure Hinata, rub it everyone’s face that you’re getting laid.

It was so dumb. They saw each other like all the time now, being on the national team and all.
Why coudn’t they get to fuckin’ in Kageyama’s room? Bokuto couldn’t be that big of a cock block, could he?

Except when Atsumu wandered by Bokuto and Kageyama’s shared room, he saw the culprit. Yet another sock. So Akaashi was visiting then? Great.
Maybe Suna would take him in?

Though, he could’ve sworn he’d seen his twin’s stupid ass sneaking down the hallway and there was no way he was looking to get scarred tonight.

It was late,
and the sharehouse couch was so damn uncomfortable, but there didn’t seem to be any other option.

“If I am not mistaken, a sock on the door indicates intercourse” came a voice from behind him. Deep, rich, sturdy in the way that had fueled Atsumu’s fantasies for months.
Ushijima Wakatoshi, the walking wet dream himself, was holding a bag of takeout and staring at Atsumu who was still staring at the sock.

“Unless I am mistaken?” Ushijima said, backtracking without sounding hesitant. How did he even do that?
“Yer not. Seems like a lotta people are gettin’ laid tonight,”Atsumu said with a sigh, steeling himself before turning to Ushijima fully. His heartbeat picked up as he took in the sheer size of the man, tall stature, wide shoulders,intense gaze. Yep, that was the normal reaction.
Even working with him every day, setting to him, seeing him, it just didn't seem to be enough to get used to him.

There was only one other man who had ever done this to him. Of course, the two had to belong to each other.
Ushijima was studying, gaze feeling as though it carried real weight,“do you have somewhere to stay tonight, Atsumu?”

“Um,”the correct answer was no, but there was no doubt that Sakusa would be upset if Ushijima brought a lost puppy home. Especially if that lost puppy was /him/.
“Nah, I was thinkin’ about tryin’ for an all nighter. Just ta see if I could do it, ya know?”

Ushijima’s head tilted to the side, still studying. Damn, how was he hot /and/ cute at the same time. “You are lying. I do not know why, but you are.”
Atsumu balked, “I’m not, pshhh, lying, me? No way.”

“You are. Kiyoomi says that you lick your teeth when you lie. He says that it is a tell, so I know you are lying,” Ushijima said, so matter-or-fact, and then, he did the unthinkable.
He used his free hand-not holding the takeout–and wove his thick fingers between Atsumu own, pulling him in the direction of his room with a tug.

Atsumu was so astonished that he didn’t even fight it.
Just waddled after Ushijima like a baby duckling until they were no longer in the hallway.

Sakusa was curled on the couch, knees tucked to the side, mug in his hands. The perfect picture of domestic bliss. Atsumu felt a pang in his chest.
He didn’t know this side of Sakusa, not really, even if he wanted to.

This picture, /this/ Sakusa did not belong to him.

“Welcome home,” Sakusa greeted, then did a double take as he realized that there was an extra person.


"Atsumu is staying with us tonight,"
Ushijima declared, dropping a kiss on the top of Sakusa’s head before continuing to the kitchen.

Now Sakusa was the one with the staring problem, though his gaze wasn’t scornful or annoyed like it normally was. He wasn’t even staring at Atsumu’s face actually.
Atsumu looked down to see what he could be looking at and, oh, his swim trunks.

There was a pool the next building over, and as long as he didn’t interfere with the olympians training there, the coaches didn’t mind much if he took a swim.

Swimming was a calming place for him.
Unlike volleyball which was much more fun, but also much more stressful, he could just get lost in the rhythmic swish-swish of water around him.

If he’d known his rude roommates were going to lock him out, he would have skipped the exercise.
They had left him with the shirt on his back, the damp trunks clinging to his thighs and the shower slippers that Atsumu had lazily slipped onto his feet.

Now that he saw them, his trunks were a little short, a little tight too.
He’d had them since high-school, and he didn't exactly have high-schooler thighs anymore.

Sakusa was probably disgusted or distained, or some other terrible D word that Atsumu didn’t want to think about.

Atsumu scratched at his undercut,
trying to diffuse the awkwardness that he wasn’t sure the other’s felt. The chlorine was starting to irritate his skin, and the last thing he wanted was to be flayed alive by Sakusa Kiyoomi.

Still, their apartment couch looked way more comfortable than the sharehouse one.
Maybe his feet wouldn’t even hang off the edge!

“So, that couch comfortable or what?” he asked, a little curious as to why Sakusa refused to look at the top half of him. Maybe he was trying not to blow a gasket?

Ushijima wandered back into the room carrying two plates,
“It is. But if you are implying that this is where you will be sleeping, I am afraid you are incorrect.”

Then, he passed one plate to Sakusa, who seemed to take it more out of practice than by actually looking, and offered the other to Atsumu.
Atsumu hesitated, the place to stay was plenty fine, even as his stomach gave an angry growl, “What about yers?”

“There was plenty for three. Please, take it,”

Those beautiful honest eyes, the sincerity,

Of course Atsumu took the plate.
Ushijima disappeared back into the kitchen, but Atsumu called out to him anyway, “ya mean to say that it’s the floor or nothin’? That cruel Waka-Waka, real cruel,” he had to fight a happy groan as he shoveled food into his mouth.
He was eating while standing….in an apartment that wasn’t his….in a situation he could not have predicted.

But of course, the universe wasn’t that dull was she?

“We would not let you sleep on the floor,’ Ushijima said, reappearing with a plate of food in hand,
“you will share our bed with us. I assure you it’s plenty big,”

Atsumu would’ve dropped his lovely plate of goodness if he didn’t think Sakusa would kill him for staining the carpet. In bed….with them….together?

No way. Nope.

He was dreaming.
Yeah, that made sense, there was no way—

“It’s a california king,” Sakusa tacked on, “plenty big enough,”

Okay, so Atsumu’s mouth was actually hanging open now. /Sakusa/ was cool with this.

As if reading his mind, Sakusa rolled his eyes and added,
“We need you in top form for tomorrow’s practice. The Olympics will be here sooner than we know it and we’re not going to throw away a day because you have a kink in your neck.”

Simple. Straightforward. No nonsense, and yet Atsumu was still struggling.
“Would you like to see it?” Ushijima asked, mistaking his silence for discomfort.

Atsumu blinked coming back into his body. When had he left it?

Tripping over his words as he rushed to reassure the gentle giant, “Oh, uh, no, I believe ya. Um, sharing is totally, uh fine.”
Wow, that was eloquent.

To save himself further embarrassment, Atsumu shoved more food in his mouth and ignored the nervous butterflies in his chest, kind of.

He was so lost in his own head, that he missed the hungry way Sakusa was staring at his bare thighs,
and the loving way Ushijima watched him eat.

The bed was big, big enough to fit the three of them….though it would be a little tight. Too much rolling and Atsumu would definitely be invading someone’s space.
So, he was standing at the end of the bed–borrowed t-shirt from Ushijima swallowing his ass and hiding his boxers– looking like an idiot.

Did they have sides? There weren’t any distinct markers, but Atsumu felt more comfortable taking his chances with Ushijima.
He wouldn’t kick him out of bed….unlike someone else.

Sakusa snorted as he padded into the bedroom, “are you going to stand there all night?”

Atsumu was ready with a snarky retort on his tongue, but then Sakusa was naked from the waist up,
tight little briefs hugging his soft bulge and Atsumu forgot all words.

Probably figuring Atsumu was an idiot, Sakusa just walked right past him, flipping the comforter down about halfway and gesturing to the middle of the bed.

“You’re in the middle,”
he said, pointing as if Atsumu wouldn't be able to understand the words on their own.

“Middle? Me? Why?” he’d meant to say, ‘why would I be in the middle’ but what he’d managed would have to be good enough.

Sakusa slipped into bed, unbothered,
“because I get up and pee in the middle of the night a lot and because Wakatoshi likes to sleep closest to the door,”

Atsumu glanced from the bed and the spot where he was supposed to sleep, to Sakusa, and back to the door, heart rate kicking up all over again.
A whole night sandwiched between the men of his dreams. How the hell was he not supposed to pop a boner?

Actually, how was he supposed to sleep at all?

But that was a later problem wasn’t it?
Which is how he found himself in the middle as instructed, laying on his side to conceal the boner filling out against his thigh.

It smelled like them. The sheets, the pillows, the comforter. Fucking everything.

Like fabric softener and something distinctly them.
He was used to the way they smelled individually; incredible, but blended like this? Atsumu wouldn’t have been able to suppress his want no matter the circumstances.

“You’re red,” Sakusa observed. Why was he observing him!?
Atsumu rolled onto his back to try and hide his flushed cheeks. “If the comforter is too much we can get you a lighter blanket.”

“No, it’s–”Sakusa took the top of the comforter and whisked it off of Atsumu’s body, baring his bare legs and tented t-shirt to the light of the room.
Maybe he didn’t notice?

But of course Sakusa had noticed, “are you hard?”

“No!” Atsumu protested, but when he moved to cover his junk, he hissed as the pressure from his hands sent a bolt of heat through him.

“You are,” Sakusa challenged, sounding so sure.
And why shouldn’t he? The state of his body was plain to see.

Now Atsumu wasn’t just horny, he was embarrassed too. He’d been caught, hard in a taken man’s bed, by Sakusa of all people. /Death? Is it my time?/
He was feeling so overheated, from the combatting emotions and still raging arousal that his body was flushing.A stripe down his neck, a prickle on his chest, and a spreading on his thighs.

Again,Sakusa’s eyes were locked downwards, fixed on the lowest part of his flushing body.
Not that Atsumu noticed as he panicked.

Panic that was interrupted by six words, “I could help you with that,”

Atsumu gaped. Gaped and floundered as he looked at Sakusa’s completely serious face. At where his gaze was trained, heavy and warm.

“I, you, we, no! I–”
“Am hard? Yes I can see that,” Sakusa mused, and was that…teasing? Sakusa Kiyoomi teasing him during what was probably the most embarrassing moment of Atsumu's life.

Cool fingers slid over the heated skin of his thigh as Sakusa touched him, high and purposeful.
Had he gotten closer? He could smell the mint of Sakusa’s mouthwash, see the want in his eyes.

“Will you let me touch you Atsumu, just this once?” Sakusa asked, soft and in that moment Atsumu could’ve sworn he was a siren.

It was so tempting.
Something he’d wanted so badly for years now, offered to him in an easy request. But he couldn’t.

Equally as soft, Atsumu said, “no, I would never do that to Wakatoshi. Please don’t ask me to,” then he very gently, removed Sakusa’s hand from his thigh,
even as his heart begged him not to.

Instead of looking disappointed, Sakusa smirked, “and if he was fine with it?”

Atsumu frowned, “If he was….” Sakusa's shift in gaze over Atsumu's shoulder had the blond turning...to also look at the form in the doorway.
Ushijima. Looking handsome, and tall, and not at all angry, even though it was clear that he’d heard everything.

“I thought we agreed to make a move together, Kiyoomi,” Ushijima said, voice husky and low.

Sakusa huffed, breath fanning against Atsumu’s chin,
“I found him hard in /our/ bed, would you have been able to resist that?”

The mattress dipped as Ushijima planted a knee on his side, “I suppose not. He looks tempting enough as is.”

Sakusa’s hand returned, palm splaying over Atsumu’s thigh as he shifted closer,
“we agreed I would get first taste,”

Ushijima moved closer, body lining up against Atsumu’s back, “then hurry. I will not wait long.”

It was happening so fast it made Atsumu’s head spin. The heat at his back, the strong hand on his thigh, the closeness of Sakusa’s lips.
Sakusa waited, patient as his mouth hovered over Atsumu’s own, “do you want this Atsumu? It’s okay if you don’t.”

An out, clear as day.

As if.

Atsumu closed the distance between them, enjoying Sakusa’s parted lips on their very first kiss. He tasted like Atsumu expected.
Minty and addictive.

Sakusa let him lead the kiss, moments of exploration that made Atsumu giddy with heat.

He’d expected frantic touches and fast moving lips. That’s how one night stands went right? A night of craving and passion released into nothing?
The thought made him cringe, pushing harder into Sakusa’s mouth as he demanded more. Sakusa gave him more, hands skirting up Atsumu’s thighs and cupping him over the material of his underwear.

Atsumu had to moan then, rocking forward into the pressure,
before sinking back against the solid length of muscle at his back. Ushijima’s bulk wasn’t the only thing solid, as a hard cock slid along his ass and had Atsumu momentarily distracted.

There was so much happening at once.
Sakusa, slowly making his way down Atsumu’s body with driven purpose. Ushijma, arm solid and heavy, holding him close and pressing hot kisses to the back of Atsumu’s neck.

He was the center of attention, the drawing force and the current bringing them to this moment.
It was overwhelming, perfect, lacking.

He tried to force the thoughts from his mind. Tried to focus on the way that Sakusa was sucking and biting at his thighs with obvious reverence, and yet his mind whispered /enjoy it while you can. You don’t belong with them./
In an effort to pull himself back into the moment, Atsumu tipped his head, lining his lips up with Ushijima’s, “kiss me, please.”

Ushijima’s kisses were softer, little pecks and teasing licks that had Atsumu squirming.
He barely had half a mind to notice when his underwear slid down, and when Sakusa nudged between his legs, Atsumu gladly spread them.

He kissed Ushijima deeper, he spread his legs wider, he made as much noise as he dared, and yet the sinking feeling his his heart didn’t abate.
He wasn’t even the one to catch his own tears. Ushijima moved to tilt his chin just so, and when he did his fingers came away wet. Ushijima stilled, and Atsumu tried to chase his lips, desperate not to lose this because his heart couldn’t just shut up, but it was no use.
“Atsumu, why are you crying,”

The three fingers that had been working to stretch him open, and the mouth still devoted to his thighs both stilled. The moment was over. Ground to a halt. Lost.

Atsumu tried to salvage it, he really did,
“S’nothin’ Waka, I’m just overwhelmed cause it feels so good. Keep kissin’ me,” it sounded like a good argument to his ears, but it didn’t match his face.

He knew it didn’t, because Ushijima was hovering over him, studying him, concern etched so clearly in his features.
“You don’t want this,” Sakusa accused, sounding confused and hurt. Hurt because Atsumu didn’t want him—them, or hurt because he was disappointed. It didn’t matter, because he was pulling away.

“I- I do!” Atsumu protested, reaching down to clamp his hand around Sakusa’s wrist.
Anything to keep him there. He locked eyes with Sakusa’s, hoping that the truth in them would be enough to keep this moment, even as it was draining through his fingers like water.

“I want this, I promise, please–” Atsumu had to swallow, swallow or he would choke.
His next words came out in a whisper, “please don’t stop.”

Then he couldn’t look at Sakusa anymore. He had to use his other hand to cover his eyes. Stupid, pathetic tears. Why wouldn’t they stop?

Even with Atsumu’s hand holding him there, Sakusa pulled his fingers free,
though they didn’t go far, gently settling on Atsumu’s hip as the bed shifted.

“Atsumu, you need to be honest,” Sakusa challenged. “You need to be honest or this is done,” It wasn’t meant to sound like a threat.
Sakusa's voice was as gentle as he’d ever heard it but panic pressed into Atsumu’s chest so hard that he wheezed.

“Do you want this?” Ushijima asked, as if he knew that Atsumu didn’t know where to start. How to explain himself and keep this, even if it was just for tonight.
“I want this. I want this for as long as you’ll have me,” Atsumu managed, shallowing around his tears and forcing himself to speak.

“I know it’s just for tonight, but I want more. You’ve only just started touchin’ me, but I know it’ll never be enough.--
--It’ll never be enough, but it’ll have ta be. Because I’d rather have this one night, then never have it at all.”

The silence in the room was only broken by breathing. Atsumu, harsh and quick. Ushijima, deep and steady. Sakusa, haltingly yet soft.
No way they’d want to touch him after such a desperate and stupid confession. They had each other. They had everything. They didn’t have to deal with this drama, deal with him.

“ ‘M sorry,” he whimpered, hating himself for it, “I ruined the moment,”
That self deprecation must’ve been enough, because Sakusa yanked away the hand Atsumu had been using to hide himself and kissed him fiercely, looking him directly in the eye as he did so.

Kissing with your eyes open was supposed to be awkward, but instead Atsumu felt liberated,
seeing the passion and….love there.

Sakusa pulled away, cursing, “why are you such an idiot, I mean really,”

“Kiyoomi,” Ushijima warned, arms tightening around Atsumu as if he’d protect him if it came to that.
“No, seriously. We had all these plans to woo him. Make him fall in love with us. Give this a shot, and he has to go ruining it with his weak ass heart and adorable as fuck confession.”

“There is a reason we love him, Kiyoomi,” Ushijima argued.

It was like he wasn't even there,
privy to a conversation that had happened so many times without him in the room.

Sakusa looked him in the eye then, glaring, “I was going to suck the soul out of your dick. /We/ were going to get you addicted to us, so that eventually after all our plans, you would love us,”
God he sounded mad. Mad, and incredulous, and so enamored that Atsumu’s heart was doing a 180.

Atsumu swallowed, falling back on his usual personality, “ya could still suck the soul outta my dick ya know. I won’t stop ya,”
Sakusa scoffed, just as Ushijima tilted Atsumu’s chin to get his attention on him, “do you hear us Atsumu? Do you hear us when we say that we are interested in you for the long term?”

Atsumu felt his breath catch. It was everything that he wanted.
More than he’d ever expected to get. He nodded, tears of a different sort stinging his eyes.

Ushijima smiled, soft and loving, “good. Would you like to continue?”

Atsumu nodded again, this time much more eager, “think I might die if I don’t have ya,” he confessed.
“Pfft, how dramatic,” Sakusa said, even though he was basically scrambling to get a condom.

Sakusa, Sakusa freaking Kiyoomi would be inside him soon. Stretching him open, filling him up. /Fuck/.

Now that he knew he could take what he wanted, he pushed for more.
Sakusa gripped his thigh roughly, pulling his legs wide. Ushijima’s bicep acted like a pillow, his rough breathing like a symphony in Atsumu’s ears.

“I don’t wanna cum until I’ve had both of ya,” he said, demanding and needy, enjoying the way that Sakusa had to pause,
cock in hand as he processed his words.

Ushijima was the one who really got things moving, arm shifting out from under Atsumu’s head, hands shoving him flat on his back, before reaching under Atsumu’s right knee and holding him open.
“Fill him up Kiyoomi, now,” Ushijima commanded, and Atsumu couldn’t help but tip his head back to moan.

This wasn’t the gentle Ushijima that had peppered his neck with kisses, asked him the softest questions, and filled Atsumu’s soul with his confession.
No, this was the desperate side to the man that Atsumu had always wanted to see, but had never known if he’d get the chance to.

Then his moaning continued as Sakusa fulfilled his purpose, push, push, pushing until Atsumu was full and overwhelmed.

“O-Omi,” he moaned,
reaching out blindly. Anything, /anything/ to keep him tethered to this moment.

Long fingers wove between his own, slender and cool, squeezing once before Sakusa started to move, as if unable to help himself.
Atsumu’s sounds were silenced as Ushijima reclaimed his mouth, kisses rough and biting.

Fuck Sakusa was moving so fast, deep plunging thrusts that made Atsumu’s already struggling lungs catch for air.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Sakusa cursed,
“I won’t last, shit. He’s so fucking tight Wakatoshi,”

A few minutes. It’d only been a few minutes and Sakusa and he both were on the verge of cumming. It’d be pathetic, if it weren’t so hot.

Ushijima pulled away from Atsumu’s mouth long enough to give his permission,
“then cum. I want him on my cock,”

Ushijima’s voice was so deep, so straightforward, so….dominant. The quicking realizations had Atsumu’s spine tightening. So much for waiting until he’d had them both.
But then Sakusa’s hand was there, cupping around is cock and squeezing painfully tight.


Atsumu pushed at his hand, off, off, off, but Sakusa meanly hung on. “You talked a big game about making it through both of us, so you’re gonna do it,”
He barely managed the words as his hips stuttered and Atsumu felt he pulse inside him

He was suddenly heartbroken, the addition of a condom keeping him from feeling wet and full the way he loved.

But he barely had time to mourn, because when Sakusa was fully drained,hips still,
Atsumu was dragged up and away, manhandled until he hovered over Ushijima’s fat cock, hands pressed over Ushijima’s pecs to steady himself.

“Are you–” Ushijima began to ask, but cut off as Atsumu steadied the thick head against his entrance and sank down with a low moan.
Yeah, he was more than fine. Stuffed just the way he liked.

Sakusa swore, awed with the way Atsumu had taken every single inch in a fluid motion. “I normally have to pace myself, but you…” such raw honestly, and yet Atsumu just had to taunt him.
“Guess I’m just better than ya,” he said, looking at Sakusa with a smirk. The fire in the other man’s eyes was just the precursor to his action, as Sakusa rose to his knees and thrust is tongue into Atsumu’s loose mouth.
Not to be outdone, Ushijima took control, hands locked firmly over Atsumu’s hips as he helped him move up and down

Impaling Atsumu’s hungry body over and over again.

There was so much noise in Atsumu’s head.
The loud thrum of pleasure, the wet sounds of lips clashing, the shlick slap of skin. It didn’t take long to spiral.

“Please, please, please,”

“I am close,” Ushijima grunted.

This time, when Sakusa gripped his cock, it was to jerk him off fast and hard.

Sakusa nipped his jaw,
“Come on baby, paint his tits, I want to see it,”

Oh, Atsumu wanted to see that too. Yes.

For the second time, Atsumu found himself loathing the creation of condoms as Ushijima came, but did not paint his insides.
Though, he was so busy spurting his own art across Ushijima’s pecs that it was hardly a worry.

Atsumu was babied after that. Carried, cleaned, snuggled, cuddled. Sakusa and Ushijima took care of him until they were back in clean sheets and curled together warmly.
“When I wake up, I want mornin’ kisses,” Atsumu said sleepily.

Ushijima acknowledged him with a, “mn” eyes still closed.

“And tomorrow I want a hoodie from each of ya. And I want to get ice cream after practice.--
--And I want to watch a movie on the couch, and I want to sit on the kitchen counter while ya cook, and-”

Sakusa slapped a hand over his mouth, “Shut up. Don’t be greedy.”

Ushijima’s arm encircled his waist, heavy and comforting, “we’ll give him what he wants,”
Sakusa huffed. So tired, yet so indignant. “I didn’t say we wouldn't”

Yeah, Atsumu was going to be really happy here.

Whoo boy that was a long one. Hope you enjoyed! I'll add this to A03 sometime soon but for now, that took a lot out of me 🤣

I am also aware that I've passed the 2K follower mark, so I'll try to brainstorm something for that. Thanks! 💜

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