Brands having a higher purpose - does this stick with the new-age customers anymore? #MADD28 got #MADDers together over tis weekend to dig in2 tis contentious issue. And boy, some discussion we had!
Ethical, sustainable & concern for society as purpose was highlighted by @NickSarma who opened t debate which got @vivdragon2006 bringing up contextual relevance in to t debate warning tat Brands can't deviate from their chosen path of business
@renuka_kamath felt that Brands using CSR as a crutch is just not on & spoke about CRM- Cause-related-marketing in some detail. @tjaswal questioned the purpose of 'purpose' & spoke abt taking up issues opens up t Brands to trolls.
@Girishvrao kept it straight by stating tat t immediate purpose is to deliver what t customer buys t brand for & what it does for her. #VedShukla brought in Social Capitalism & 3Ps-People,Planet &Profit which @tjaswal called 'new orthodoxy'.
@MsPratibha talked of action being larger than 'claimed purpose' wyt @sanmal09 agreeing & stating of how new-age consumers view it all wyt skepticism @SusmitaMisra12 spoke of t contrast of it all with t 'deal-seeking behaviour' of #GenZ & @jayaminu1 was in agreement.