Ashkenazi (are not Jews bcz, they don't have this "genetic connection" to Abraham or to the land of Palestine...)
The Khazar "kings" were like the evil Rothschilds.. In Palestine,
but the Sephardim jews, are always been recognized as the true representative
world of Judaism. They were opposed to the Khazars, the state of Israel.
Zionism was created by the Khazars, as political branch of control. So, a political ideology, which says that the Jews are the
choosen people, and they can do anything they want to the rest of humanity (this khazarian mafia equate Us, with goyim).
The real Jews, who represent ONLY, 3% of the entire population... Of what is considered world judaism today. 97 % are, in fact, Ashkenazi.
This Ashkenazi "genotype", which embodies the Khazarian mafia, has been masquerading, as Jews, for a long time, and has been occupying the territories of other peoples. They are the parasites of Palestine
& are adepts of a satanic talmudic babylonian cult ritual.
Satanism mixed with a distorded judaism (talmudism). And of our institutions, everywhere in the world...
The curtain is now rising to reveal the Khazarian Mafia & its diabolical project to infiltrate and tyrannize the world & eradicate all the Abrahamic religions to replace them by their Babylonian Talmudism, also known as Luciferism or Satanism or Baal worship.
The Rothschilds were the representatives of the Khazar Mafia intended to infiltrate, and hold hostage the British banking system and then hold the entire English nation hostage.
Rothschild = (Roth = Red) (Schild = shield) in German
But in Hebrew, if we partition the words a little bit differently we get an extremly appalling meaning:
Rothschild = (Rothsch = רוטש) (ild = ילד) = A MUTILATED CHILD's BODY CORPSE.
This is crazy, Ask any Hebrew speaker and
he will tell you exactly that.
Also, We are heavily invaded by the Khazarian Mafia who pretends to be Jewish, but wants to commit any kind of crime in the name of the Jews (BTW, Judaism or Jewish are fake identities that does not exist and were attached to Middle Eastern Jewish
communities by the Khazarian CaBAAL mafia but that for another discussion).
The Khazarians usually have a private Hebrew name and a German-like or Polish-like sounding
surname. The Jews who scattered/originated from eastern European countries are all Khazarians
and everyone should wake up to this fact!
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🧵I hadn't looked at grounding from an engineer's perspective. I think, this approach is complementary, and enlightening. This rational & technically based approach should always be taken into consideration, otherwise it could skew our ability to innerstand processes in general.
which I've already described, in many threads, using various rigorous and even original approaches...
The second concept, and a major one, in your questioning is: Archimedes' buoyancy, in fluids (both air and water are fluids...).
If I consider the case of helium (the kind used in modern airships), I'd rather steer clear of hydrogen, which is a gas, that's dangerous for aerostation (Hindenburg disaster...). Whether an air accident, or a false flag event... It doesn't matter,
Buck, a photo speaks louder than words, right?
Or that it's impossible to store kerosene in such large quantities... Flatard Buck, once again... As a test pilot,
I don't suffer from cognitive dissonance, like your rather odd friend...
You could at least take the trouble to do some thorough research...
Your poor infographics, worthy of a kindergarten, and your flat knowledge, will hardly help you to get an engineering job...
Honestly, you've got to stop taking people for fools...
Day to night, the dividing line, called the Terminator, can be seen, in the upper right. The line that separates day and night is called the terminator. It is also referred to as the "grey line" and the "twilight zone." Jet stream can boost your flight! Ground speed & tailwind.
I like the letter H, who knows why...
I Honor the 3 H's: Honesty, Honour & Humbleness, so I acknowledge & endorse, the Historical Research of S.Hross, about the Pharistocracy...
It's trivial to say it, I don't agree, with everything, he asserts... But his research is fascinating!
The Nazi Templars of Switzerland, the Invisible Enemy Within, for those, who are curious...
Zionism is Nazism...
Zionism is also, Bolshevism...
Zionist is Babylonian Tamudism...
Zionism is Racism...
Israel has always been, a nazi state...
Zionists have always been, nazis...
Zionism is a babylonian masonic legacy...
🧵The truth: Flat Earth is a PsyOp
another proof: Samuel Shenton, in 1956 founded the International Flat Earth Society. His successor Ellis Hillman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, related to both Marxist Sidney Hillman and
Chaim Herzog (Israeli Forces General & 6th President
of Israel) son of Talmudic Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog and related to Isaac Herzog (11th President of Israel) and Michael Herzog (Israeli Ambassador to the United States).