"The Silent Disaster of Biowarfare Prions Infecting Humanity"
EcoHealth Alliance has been neutralized, their Federal funding cut off for good. Their bio-weapons development programs are shuttering.
No more fun with coronaviruses or Nipah viruses for them.
The bat bums shall go un-swabbed.
Too bad.
So sad.
In other news, four top WHO bigwigs - Ghebreyesus, Farrar, Kerkhove, Diaz - were served with legal notices of liability and cease-and-desist-from-harm orders by attorneys representing the World Council for Health - follow @lawrie_dr @DrTrozzi for updates here.
And I just love the colour red lately, don't you? ;-)
Off to the International Criminal Court and Peel Police you go, my lovelies! Fly, fly on wings of evidence!
Additionally, this is in two days:
(Compelled to appear by subpoena? Someone's been a naughty boy.)
@MarkJCarney "Canadians facing challenges head on":
@MarkJCarney Further "Canadians facing challenges head on":
@MarkJCarney Personally, I think the Liberal regime of Canada committed a series of grievous crimes against humanity, and genocidal acts, versus its population.
So the only challenge I see myself facing, is finding a way for the International Criminal Court to prosecute it for those crimes.
Under some analyses, Anthony Fauci's death toll exceeded that of Mao some time ago.
It is in fact possible that Anthony Fauci is the Arch-Murderer - the one human alive, who has taken more human life, than any other human who has ever come into existence.
The Siege of Caffa, Anno Domini 1347, the ignition point of the Black Plague that annihilated Europe and first recorded ;-) instance of biological warfare?
Tony Fauci oversaw the targeted ruination of the European genome.
@erturklab @cellhostmicrobe mRNA vaccines do not, in fact, help.
In fact, I think you'll find they terrifyingly complicate the problem.
Functionally, the mRNA vaccines are biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction. Just like SARS-CoV-2 was.
Foolishly we based our vaccines on its very worst part.
@erturklab @cellhostmicrobe That assessment, that the vaccines are biological weapons, and weapons of mass destruction, comes directly from a number of prominent experts in fields of WMDs and bio-warfare... one of whom is a lawmaker responsible for the US implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention.
@erturklab @cellhostmicrobe Both of these bio-weapons, the airborne iteration, and the one malevolently disguised as an often criminally coercively administered vaccine product, are in fact partly HIV-based, and partly prion-based viral chimeric weapons, with the HIV inserts concentrated in the S protein.
Feb 23, 2022: First MSM acknowledgement of COVID's synthetic nature is published.
Feb 24, 2022: Ukraine war begins.
@DecentBackup See, I thought that the Israel war's kick-off was meant to displace Peter Daszak's congressional interview from the news cycle, as he was called to interview a week prior to the eruption of that conflict... but this genetics data leak, coordinates temporally more closely.
@ImMeme0 I'm sorry for what was done to your mother. There's some stuff you should know.
Basically, there's proof that these vaccines were in fact bio-weapons - no different from COVID itself. In fact the same bio-weapon. Only delivery vehicles differ. loudobbs.com/news/law-profe…
We can now demonstrate them causing cancers directly.
This declaration that the vaccines are bio-weapons, comes from a community of WMD experts and lawmakers who are now issuing sworn testimony about these matters across a number of motions to prosecute.
@ImMeme0 They are also the community of WMD experts responsible for proving to the world that COVID itself was a bio-weapon, and their efforts have already initiated congressional referrals for criminal investigation of those involved with developing that weapon.