Hold your head high as a Muslim. Never feel unsophisticated or look down on yourself. You never know what simple quality in you is impacting people.
In my interviews with converts some of them said that the simplest things ignited their desire to become a Muslim.
Like what?
💡one lady admired the quiet confidence and dignity she saw in Muslim girls at school when she was a teen
💡the order her Muslim classmates had in their lives around prayer times
💡one lady found respectful Muslim men impressive in her interactions with them
💡one lady came from a broken home where alcohol was abused, just visiting a Muslim family made her look at the world differently due to their togetherness and warmth
One of the findings of my research has been that female converts whose husbands are not Muslim at the time of their Shahadah, are often not supported through the process sufficiently & neither are their husbands/families invited into the Muslim community to even look into Islam.
Where husbands are welcomed by Mosques there has been a positive response from husbands, considering embracing Islam.
Classically, husbands are given up to three months to consider embracing Islam. If they do also convert within that time, their marriages can remain intact.
According to other scholars, the marriage is annulled if Islam is presented to the husbands and they do not want to convert even if that is immediately after she converts.
Ibn Umar reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The most beloved people to Allah are those who:
💡are most beneficial to people.
The most beloved deed to Allah is:
💡to make a Muslim happy, or
💡to remove one of his troubles, or
💡to forgive his debt…
💡to feed his hunger.
💡That I walk with a brother regarding a need is more beloved to me than that I seclude myself in this mosque in Medina for a month.
💡Whoever swallows his anger, then Allah will conceal his faults.
💡Whoever suppresses his rage…
even though he could gratify his anger, Allah will secure his heart on the Day of Resurrection.
🤝Whoever walks with his brother regarding a need until he secures it for him, then Allah will make his footing firm across the bridge on the day when the footings are shaken.”
Aisha (RA) book is coming soooooon and I’m so excited!
إن شاء الله
Incident of the Camel, Slander, tough times and regrets 😥
But also…
Life with the Prophet ﷺ, romance, spreading knowledge, school of Aisha (RA), her students, preserving the Sunnah, correcting people, plentiful charity, annual Hajj, humility🤩🥺
At age 40, what I would advise the 20 year-old me about #LIFE?
1. Love:
Don’t lean in to feelings of attraction that you have towards people you can’t/shouldn’t be with. Certain types of love are like a madness that comes over you.
It can’t end well.
2. Take care of your body:
Sleep, nourish, exercise, relax, take care of the body Allah gave you. It’ll take you far if you allow it to!