Francis to WJC, “In other words, our political, cultural and social initiatives to better the world – what you call Tikkun Olam – will never prove successful without prayer and without fraternal openness to other creatures in the name of the one Creator”…
One of the things given to Francis was this book, ‘Aspetti di bioetica alla luce della tradizione ebraica’ (Aspects of bioethics in light of the Jewish tradition), that has his favorite rabbi Maimonides (aka Rambam) on the cover.…
Pope Francis receives historic World Jewish Congress delegation to strengthen Jewish-Catholic ties: WJC President Ronald S. Lauder announces launch of ‘Kishreinu’ (Our Bond) Initiative…
“The Kishreinu initiative, when finalized, will serve as the Jewish community’s response to the Nostra Aetate Declaration of the Second Vatican Council, which in 1965 modernized the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the Jewish people.”
Lauder, “Those of us here today are eager to promote our bond with the Catholic Church. Today, we launch the process of ‘Kishreinu,’ [which] reinforces the common future of our two people. It presents a new stage in the Catholic-Jewish bond.”
Ronald Lauder gave Francis this gift. All we can make out is “As an expression of our gratitude [...] Hanukkah the Jewish Festival of Lights”
Francis was also given this thing. Is it a yad, a mezuzah, or what?
The obligatory photo with all the usual suspects.
Ronald Lauder, Noemi di Segni, and their brethren presenting the “Kishreinu” (Our Bond) document in the Synod Hall.
This tweet says it all, “We held a special and historic session of the WJC Executive Committee in the Vatican itself”
Those grins look like they are taking a victory lap.
“Jewish communal the Apostolic Palace, were gathered for a World Jewish Congress Executive Committee meeting – the first-ever formal event held by a Jewish organization at the Vatican since the founding of the Catholic Church. Kosher food was served.”
Noemi di Segni, “For our 2,000-year history – in Rome and in every other locality of Italian Jewish community – the majestic walls of this Vatican City have always had a meaning of insurmountable limit.”
“Ebrei e cristiani, lavoriamo insieme per favorire il Tikkun Olam” (Jews and Christians, let us work together to foster Tikkun Olam.)…
Ronald Lauder, “Central to this is "the rejection of anti-Semitism" expressed between its lines "and which each pope has always reiterated" in his speeches. Still, there is much to be done...”
“....Especially looking at the new generations and their education. The key concept is that of Tikkun Olam, the "repair of the world" from its distortions.”
Ronald Lauder on why meeting on this day, “On the anniversary of his assassination, a thought was dedicated, not surprisingly, to John Fitzgerald Kennedy, "the first Catholic president of the U.S. and a beloved figure in American Jewry as well."” This is macabre beyond belief.
Este martes, los líderes de 100 comunidades judías de todo el globo mantuvimos la sesión plenaria del Congreso Judío Mundial, en la sala sinodal de la Santa Sede.…
Rabbi Marcelo Polakoff, “I remember the phrase as if it were today: "We have to hold the congress meeting inside the Vatican". So Claudio Epelman had told me, in a little bar in the General Paz neighborhood..., in October 2019, while we were imagining together some delusions.”
Polakoff cont, “I also remember having raised the stakes to his madness, proposing that if that happened, we had to make at the same time a declaration similar to "Nostra Aetate" but from the Jewish point of view, advancing towards a new and precious chapter of this sacred bond.”
Rabbi Polakoff, “Three years after that coffee (and with the pandemic in the middle) this very Tuesday before the Pope we presented "Kishreinu", which in Hebrew means "Our bond" (whose first version I had the blessing of writing)”
Rabbi Polakoff, “this bright Roman morning two of the oldest religious traditions on the planet felt that we were playing the final of the World Cup of dialogue in the Vatican...”
More photos from the WJC's Executive Committee's meeting held in the Vatican.
One of the key players was Francis good (so good they spent many a Christmas together) friend Claudio Epelman.
Sign posted at the entrance to the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace. Is the Vatican City State Catholic or is it a shtetel?
This is Rabbi Marcelo Polakoff who wrote the first draft of the WJC's ‘Kishreinu‘ document, a rabbinic reply to Vatican II's ‘Nostra aetate’. Dialogue truly is a rabbinic dialectic.
A tweet with a photo of the occasion posted by a member of the Habsburg family.
Claudio Epelman, “Almost a synthesis of Jewish history: at the end of the meeting with Pope Francis, we shared a kosher meal at the Vatican. As always, Latinos together - especially enjoying a good meal!”…
Claudio Epelman, “The end of an unforgettable meeting. 150 community leaders from 50 countries made history together at the Vatican. In the evening, while some returned home and others took the opportunity to walk around, we sat down with our colleagues to evaluate the day...”
“... and plan the next steps of the initiative we opened this morning. This is just the beginning!”…
Claudio Epelman, “The highlight of this meeting was undoubtedly today's historic session in the Synod Hall at the Vatican, and the presentation of the Kishreinu initiative to Pope Francis...”
“... It was very exciting to be part of the first Jewish organization to hold a session inside the Vatican!”…
More photos form the WJC's meetings.
(cont.) More photos form the WJC's meetings.
Compare the angles of the WJC Executive Committee’s meeting where they presented the “Kishreinu” (Our Bond) document in the Synod Hall. First three photos are from the media and last one is from a rabbi’s social media. #EmptySeats#Kishreinu#TikkunOlam
Video from the WJC Executive Committee’s meeting at the Vatican.
The screens don't lie.
The moment Ronald Lauder presents Cardinal Koch with the ‘Kishreinu’ document.
“The ceremony concluded with a gift from President Ronald S. Lauder to Cardinal Koch, a Channukkia. “This candelabrum reminds us how a single light can illuminate the darkness…”
“…and that's what we are trying to do today, try to illuminate together the darkness we are going through”.”…
“[Noemi Di Segni] hoped that Vatican City could adopt the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.”…
The signing of the ‘Kishreinu’ document at the WJC Executive Committee’s meeeting in the Vatican.
Other ambassadors to the Holy See who were in attendance besides Hungary’s were Ireland and Serbia.
“Kishreinu. It’s time to celebrate our bond!”
“[The Kishreinu document] seeks to deepen ties and carry them forward according to the Jewish principle of Tikkun Olan, the repair of the world.”…
More of those in attendance at the WJC Executive Committee’s meeting. When is the ’Kishreinu’ draft document going to be released to the public?
This is rich, the previous video we posted was the appointment of a Commissar of Gender Equality and Inclusion. WJC isn’t very diverse, everyone being a Jew or satrap of the Jews. And to hold WJC meeting in the Vatican where they agree to shove perversion down people’s throats.
il World Jewish Congress in Vaticano
Address by Noemi Di Segni (Union of Italian Jewish Communities) to the WJC Exe Comm. meeting in Rome
Address by Cardinal Kurt Koch to the WJC Executive Committee meeting, Rome 2022
Address by WJC President Ronald S. Lauder to the WJC Executive Committee meeting, Rome 2022
A Feeneyite who recently held a conclave to elect a new pope had a weekly online podcast/talk show with Chabadnik Rabbi Vladimir Zelenko hosted by Lowell Gallin a promoter of the noahide laws.
They discuss on this show how to resist the “Great Reset”, “Mark of the Beast”, and the “Globalist Terrorism Campaign”. Just what every Catholic needs, a bunch of rabbis, talmudists, kabbalists, and noahide law promoters explaining Catholicism to listeners.
The Feeneyites of St. Benedict Center (Charles Coulombe's buddies) promoting Bugnolo and his knightly order “Ordo Militaris Catholicus”. Got to go to Iraq and fight ISIS. Now it's Ukraine and fight the Moslems.
Glazyev, “LaRouche was a guidebook through the dark corridors of the Western ruling elite exposing the hidden springs of the world financial oligarchy’s anti-human policies. Tracing the fonts of its origin from the time of the sack of the Byzantine Empire”
Lyndon LaRouche, Helga-Zepp LaRouche, and Sergey Glazyev, Moscow, June 2001
The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge - EIR (Executive Intelligence Review)
Today Francis met with Rabbi Yaakov Bleich (the current claimant to the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine) and his entourage.
Rabbi to the Pope: “Eighty years later – and we are still talking about genocide”…
Francis, “Indeed, you represent the Churches and religious organizations of Ukraine, including the Biblical Society, which is interdenominational.”…
(p. 288) “In the 1470s or 1480s Elijah del Medigo, originally from Candia, arrived in northern Italy and...was in close contact with Giovanni Pico della Mirandola”
“we should take into account a Jew who never came to Italy but whose influence there was perhaps greater than that of all the previously mentioned persons, the mysterious Elisha of is possible that one of Plethon’s teachers in Byzantium was a Jew named Elisha”
Another excellent adventure in ROCOR clergy. Ryan Lozano was ordained a priest by a LARP-ing vagus 'bishop' Leo Michael as some sort of orthodox-anglican.
Ryan left that group and hitched a ride with another LARP-er, Old Catholic vagus 'bishop', Rutherford Johnson who styles himself a ‘cardinal archbishop’ of the Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church. Ryan was ‘incardinated’ under this clown and later ‘consecrated’ a ‘bishop’ by him.
On 1 June 2012, Ryan Lozano becomes the Archbishop of the Diocese of the Southwest of the Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church.…