Peter Lynch is one of the most successful Fund Managers of all time!
He grew Assets under Management from $18 million to $14 billion in just 13 years.
His track record is so great because he knew when to sell.
Here are his 6 Strategies for Selling Stocks:
1. When to Sell... A Stalwart
Lynch classifies stocks into six categories.
We go through each and explain when he sells this category of stock.
Stalwarts grow decently (5-10%) and are low-risk investments.
He sells when...
- the P/E goes well above historical averages
- new product generation performs worse than the prior (after two years)
- the P/E is well above the industry average
Examples Stalwarts:
2. When to Sell... A Cyclical
Cyclicals are companies that move in line with the economy.
He sells when...
- inflation starts to rise
- the core commodity used in production declines in price
- the company engages in a price war
(I've recently researched a cyclical where some superinvestors and I see great potential. Link to my research in Bio)