Chinese Embassy in Tower Hamlets planning decision this Thursday 6.30pm 1st Dec
9 Councillors have to decide whether they should approve or reject a planning application for largest embassy in London & largest Chinese Embassy in Europe
🧵why should reject so that @michaelgove 1/
can call it in to decide
This🧵based on talking to local residents & @going4golds who will be speaking against
Main unresolved planning issues relate to security & heritage & we believe need more work before any final decision
See Council report…
This is a very complex application
Not least because embassies raise a number of unique issues (this would be the first one in Tower Hamlets)
The main issues relate to security
For example, 1980 Iranian Embassy in London seized by terrorists…
PC Yvonne Fletcher shot from inside the Libyan Embassy in 1982 (not that I expect this to happen here)
In 1998 al-Qaida killed 224 people on 2 attacks on American embassies in east Africa
See new US Embassy in London for security precautions…
The threat is not just to Embassy staff inside but to protestors outside from staff inside
This was last month in Manchester & the investigation continues…
Sunday night there were major peaceful protests outside the existing Embassy
Notably, so many people attended that there was not enough space on the pavements so protestors had to occupy road
Outside Royal Mint not a lot of space & a much busier road
Security issues affect Embassy staff inside, residents & office workers nearby, visitors & protestors
Threats come not just from terrorists but accidents between protestors & traffic
See 1996 IRA bomb next to Canary Wharf for possible devastation…
How are the Council dealing with these issues (many on its own pavements & roads?)
We don't know
Main document is restricted access (even though I believe it was written by a commercial company not Police/Security Services)
Issues over the independence of who wrote that doc. 8/
have been raised with the Councils legal team
Some security issues will be dealt with later by planning condition which means they won't involve local residents, they maybe lucky to find the document inside the planning system years later
This is unusual
In other planning 9/
applications proposed changes to the public realm (on Council land) have been included within the application e.g. new Westferry DLR hotel
There is simply not enough detail to reassure residents/businesses that all of these issues are being properly considered by the right 10/
people at the right level
Local residents have struggled to get those in authority to respond to some concerns
We think this is best dealt with by Michael Gove as Secretary of State as he will have better access to Security Services advice on how security for all will work
Some residents remember the year-long protests that started in January 1986 right next to this location as part of the failed strike against Rupert Murdochs changes to the print industry
They worry about similar disruption to their lives…
Another reason for rejection are concerns over the consultation process, too many nearby not involved
Residents only get to speak for 6 minutes Thursday !
In a government led process would have more time (at Westferry Printworks Inspector set aside one evening for residents)
This is one of the most important sites in London
Next to Tower of London, Tower Bridge, St Katharines docks
And the site itself includes a number of very important historical sites (not all excavated!) including the abbey, mint, Royal Navy supply base & then Royal Mint 14/
We should have done more in previous applications to open up this history & Chinese have made some welcome suggestions
But letter from Historic England etc suggest more could be done in terms of access etc
We know SoS interested in these issues (see Whitechapel Bell Foundry) 15/
so another reason why it should be called in
But he will want I assume to give local Councillors first decision
But we are not used to dealing with a planning application like this as it raises many unique issues
All suggest the decision should be made at a higher level
Michael Gove or the Mayor of London can call this in, either today or after a decision
Given strategic issues probably best done by central government
This would cause some delay as Inspector would be appointed, public hearings would be held, before Minister makes decision 17/
Planning decisions should not be based on politics (otherwise risk Court appeal) but clearly that it is China raises issues e.g. Hong Kong, Uighurs, Tibet
Personally, I believe a new Embassy should be built, it represents the Chinese state and people
(and our issue is with the Chinese Communist Party who may not always be in charge)
And diplomacy is important (but no Police stns inside)
But again these decisions should be made by the government, see the PM's speech last night…
Decision Thursday night at the Town Hall, you can view the meeting in person (first come first served tickets) or watch it online via video…
South Dock Bridge planning decision next Thursday 6.30pm
Years behind schedule the Councils planning application for a new pedestrian (but not cycle) bridge is due to be decided next Thursday night by Councillors on the Strategic Development Committee 1/
"Construction of a new pedestrian footbridge to connect South Quay & Canary Wharf, to align with Upper Bank Street on the north bank of the London South Dock, & Berkeley Homes 'South Quay Plaza' scheme on south bank, including landscaping on Upper Bank Street & other a. works" 2/
The recommendation is to approve it
This is the 4th attempt to build a new bridge in this area in last 20 years
The bridge would lift to allow vessels through to dock on the other side
There are several key issues: 3/
A reminder that Tower Hamlets has the highest housing targets to deliver in the country (38% more then Birmingham 2nd despite being much smaller!)
Had to deliver 10,146 new homes
Delivered 9,344 in 3 years
If you miss targets it makes it harder to… 1/
object to new planning applications
In 2020 we missed the target by a large % but caught up in 2021
But TH is very dependent on the delivery of a small number of very large schemes & planning applications & delivery have slowed in recent years which
means that TH Council will probably welcome a new planning application by Northern & Shell for Westferry Printworks for circa 1,200 homes (more on this later)
Even 1,200 homes is only 12% of last 3 years targets (which are set by the Mayor of London)
And Mayor of Tower Hamlets
Tower Hamlet's
Youngest borough in England & Wales the Median (average) age is 30 years
Lowest proportion of people aged over 65
The 2021 census is releasing more information including via this interesting map that you can zoom into… 1/
We have the youngest average (median) age of any Borough at 30 younger even than Oxford & Cambridge (31 years each on average)
I suspected this was the case from our vaccine uptake results i.e. we had slower COVID vaccination results than our neighbours because younger people 2/
got them last
And the lowest % of over 65s - only 5.6% of our residents are aged over 65 years of age
We have more under 5s than an average Borough but fewer aged 10 to 15
But we have above average numbers of those aged 18 to 45. 3/
Roman Road Neighbourhood Plan referendum is this Thursday
🧵why you should vote Yes even though your vote maybe ignored by those in power
Residents of the area will be asked to vote whether to add some extra land use policies to those already written to decide future planning 1/
applications or not
But the fundamental question at stake is whether or not YOU as residents have any right to write extra planning policies for your local area or whether only the Mayors of London & Tower Hamlets get to decide planning policy for the whole of Tower Hamlets?
The vote on Thursday is simply whether or not to add these ten land use policies to the policies already in place (written by the Mayor of TH Local Plan, and the Mayor of London London Plan)
Yes vote means used to help decide future planning application… 3/
March 2021 six current @TH_Labour Cllrs (then Cabinet members) & John Biggs vote to redesignate the Spitalfields Neighbourhood Planning Forum (2 other current Labour Cllrs also present)
Labour Cllrs on Wednesday including these 8 Cllrs vote to reject the Neighbourhood Plan
The Labour speeches suggest that the Forum was divisive
BUT nobody said that last March: not Cllrs, not Council officers, not consultation responses
Council equalities impact assessment says no impact by the Forum on race & religion 2/
Council did a consultation on whether to redesignate the Forum
"No reasons have been provided in any of the consultation responses to suggest that the application should not be approved" 3/
Sorry I missed the fact that in the detail of the report the total number of businesses was reported as 812 of which 88 submitted valid votes
Business turnout 10.8% not 67% as quoted last night v
Resident turnout 13.46%
But as you can hear in the webcast it was the alleged 1/
higher business turnout that convinced Aspire Cllrs to ignore resident vote in favour of the business vote
Cllrs used the wrong information
How will @TowerHamletsNow now justify its reversal of the resident vote?
Listen from 2hr 33min in…
Council may try and add numbers this way
298 residents voted Yes
18 business voted Yes
= 316
252 residents voted No
70 businesses voted No
= 322 but that includes numerous illegal votes + 48 votes from a single building
Do they really want to justify their decision this way?