1/20 Dear friends, I need to draw your attention to something super bad and super important (and it doesn’t originate from Russia for once). Last week the EU has taken a shockingly stupid and damaging decision to close down national corporate registers of beneficial owners 🧵🧵🧵
2/20 It will no longer be possible for the public to learn who really owns a European company. I'm genuinely astonished.The Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) registers are vital to the work of investigators, activists, researchers — anyone who fights corruption.
3/20 Let me first explain what those registers were, so you understand the extent of the damage. Up until now anyone could use European UBO registers to find information about the actual owner, a physical person behind any legal entity. It wasn't super easy but it was possible.
4/20 Some countries would make you file a written request and pay a fee to obtain this information. Some would ask you to register using your national ID. You did need to jump through some hoops here and there, but the information was still accessible.
5/20 It’s a simple transparency provision. A firm can still be owned by a chain of anonymous offshore entities from exotic islands, but if you want to operate in Europe, you have to disclose the name of the actual person behind it.
6/20 Removal of public UBO registers throws us back into the dark ages. Back to the era of shady dealings, shell companies and unrestricted money laundering. There isn't a law enforcement agency in the world that is able to tackle corruption on its own. Public scrutiny is vital.
7/20 It’s also the biggest present Putin’s corrupt cronies can dream of. This enables them to launder money like in the good old days. Just register the firm that owns your Côte d'Azur villa to a blind trust from Belize, and you’re all set. Sanctions? Pff, no one will know.
8/20 Here is an example from one of our recent investigations. The San Roque golf club, a luxurious golf resort in Spain worth €40m was purchased by a Cyprus firm CITERNE HOLDINGS. The club is a true gem: 50ha of beautiful land, 2 golf courses, several private villas onsite.
9/20 Who owns it? Good question. In the corporate register of Cyprus, we can see that CITERNE is owned by PIANTA INVESTMENTS from Seychelles. Seychelles is one of the dirtiest jurisdictions, there's no way of knowing who owns a firm there. Seems like a dead end. But it's not.
10/20 We make a request to the Cyprus register of UBOs. We pay €3.5, scan and send the receipt over email and 3 days later…Voila! We get the document that has the name of the person behind the Seychelles firm. And that person is the stepson of the Russian deputy prime minister
11/20 Please forgive me for skipping a lengthy explanation of everything that is wrong with the stepson of the acting vice prime-minister of Russia owning a 40m golf club in Spain while his stepmother's job as a minister is to fight poverty and social inequality in Russia.
12/20 Let's move across the border to Portugal and have a look at his magnificent €10m villa instead. It is owned by EVRICA MANAGEMENT S.A., a Portuguese 'sociedade anonima': an anonymous legal entity that doesn't have to disclose its owners’ to the public. Dead end? Not really.
13/20 We just need to use a different register, the UBO one. Anyone who has an account with the Portuguese state services portal can request an extract. For free. That’s how we found out that this villa belongs to the very same stepson of the Russian deputy prime minister.
14/20 Is this valuable information?Of course. Will freezing those assets purchased with stolen Russian money be a good thing for Portugal? Sure. Did we violate anyone’s privacy? Not really, we only revealed his name/DoB. Perhaps we violated his privacy to steal. Sorry, not sorry.
15/20 The person hiding behind the alias ‘WS’ has a different opinion though. He filed a complaint to the Luxembourg court saying that the UBO register violates his privacy.
16/20 This person owns 35 commercial firms and one property investment company and claims that if anybody found this out, he and his family would be kidnapped, harassed and subjected to violence. (dude,what sort of business are you running?!?)
17/20 Last week the Court of Justice of the European Union sided with ‘WS’, and since its decisions apply to all union members, 27 member states have to close down their UBO registers. The Netherlands, Austria and Malta already did. Rest to follow.
18/20 This is the biggest blow to fighting against crime and corruption we have seen so far. It goes against everything we have learnt from Panama Papers, Pandora Papers etc. It erases at least 10 years of work of anti-corruption fighters (like us).
19/20 Corruption and money laundering strive in darkness. The Court of Justice of the European Union has just turned all the lights off. This decision favours oligarchs and criminals and makes the EU the safest haven for dirty cash.
20/20 I firmly believe that if the institutions aren’t working you have to scream and shout about it until they do. And I urge everyone to get involved - campaign, write to MEPs, demand answers, spread the word. This needs to be reverted for the benefit of all of us.
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1/21 Did you know corporations like Apple sometimes help authoritarian regimes survive? Not by accident—by choice. Dictators rely on their complicity to impose censorship and tighten their grip on power. The Apple you know is not the Apple we see in Russia. THREAD 🧵
2/21 Over the past year, Apple has bent over backward to comply with Putin’s government’s demands. They’ve systematically restricted Russian users’ access to independent media and removed countless VPN apps from the App Store—tools vital for bypassing censorship.
3/21 I’m sure you don’t realise how bad it really is. In October Apple removed the app of the independent Russian language TV channel Current Time. In November BBC Russian Service podcasts were banned, along with those from The Insider, Echo of Moscow, and Radio Liberty.
Часть переписок Невзлина, которая касается Латвии, мы передали латвийским журналистам. И вот вчера вышло несколько сюжетов, которые проливают дополнительный свет на всю эту историю. Журналисты докрутили тему про паспорт и про то, как Невзлин "мочил" других олигархов. Рассказываю!
Среди них Гусинский, Дерипаска, и в первую очередь, Петр Авен. Невзлин заказывал, а Блинов размещал материалы через желтые СМИ, которые входят в группу компаний Петериса Шмидре. Все эти материалы без труда можно найти, как и обсуждение денег, которые были за них заплачены.
Невзлин очень смешно вычитывает статьи, находит там ошибки, а еще даёт их на проверку некоему "Киселеву". Предположу, что речь об известном журналисте Евгении Киселеве, который, к слову, сейчас рьяно защищает Невзлина.
1/28 Воспользуюсь информационным поводом, чтобы рассказать вам немного о работе международного отдела ФБК. Фоновой работе, которой и мысли не было хвастаться в паблике. Но на прошлой неделе я чуть со стула не упала от удивления и возмущения, увидев ЭТО. Тема нам не чуждая. ТРЕД🧵
2/28 Сначала разберёмся, что все обсуждали на той неделе. Максим Кац создал в Израиле фонд, который бегает по грантодателям и просит денег на КОМПЕНСАЦИЮ ВЫПАДАЮЩИХ ДОХОДОВ ютюб-блогеров. Логика такая: тебя признали иноагентом >> доход от рекламы упал >> возместите разницу.
3/28 Заметил это Майкл Наки, возмутился от двумя вещами. Тем, что в докладе, который де факто является грантовой заявкой, упомянут его канал. И тем, что ютюб-блогеры, о которых идет речь в заявке, скажем мягко, не самые первые в списке нуждающихся.
Жарков в своей колонке точно замечает, что "демофобия наряду с абсолютизацией роли рынка — один из столпов российской либеральной догматики 90-х." Если речь зашла о демофобии, мне вспомнилась другая статья, ссылку на которую я подсмотрела у В.Гельмана. Авторства кружка Чубайса.
Чубайс возглавлял некий научный кружок или ассоциацию, и это их видение того, как должны проводиться либеральные реформы. Еще до того, как Чубайсу выпал шанс реально эти реформы проводить, в его голове царили антидемократические взгляды и тотальное презрение к людям. Мини-тред👇
Суть статьи (1990 г) в том, что Чубайс и Ко рассуждают о политическом сопровождении предлагаемых ими рыночных реформ. Какая политическая поддержка им понадобится. Первое, что предлагается - разогнать профсоюзы, если они не поддержат реформы. А вместо них создать свои, карманные.
1/14 Politicians are often asked, "What have you done in your first 100 days in office?" It's a symbolic amount of time, of course, but enough to show some intent. So today, I would like to ask Western officials, "What have you done in the 100 days since Alexei Navalny's murder?"
2/14 We've heard countless times from world leaders that Putin is personally responsible for Navalny's life and safety. If a hair falls from Navalny's head, Putin is in trouble. Well, now Navalny is dead. What were the consequences for Putin? NONE.
3/14 It's actually worse than none. The UK sanctions package in response to Navalny's murder included six individuals. Six prison employees who live in the village of Kharp. These people most likely haven't even considered traveling abroad, perhaps not even outside their region.
Ever wondered what happened to this? It was a widely discussed and supported initiative to sanction Putin's 'authorised representatives'. Those individuals who endorsed and officially participated in Putin's electoral campaign. Here is the answer: nothing. Nothing has happened.
I am still convinced that the idea is brilliant. We proposed to preemptively announce that anyone who would join the list of Putin's endorsers will be sanctioned immediately after the election. And this would discourage celebrities from joining.
And I think even just this public discussion kinda worked. In the first December list of Putin's 'authorized representatives', there were indeed fewer famous people than usual. We were hopeful and continued to bombard the EU authorities with our proposal.