"Tic freely" but anyone showing their tics online and anyone with coprolalia or tics that are "too complex" are fakers making tics contagious. Oh and also we support the police who will probably brutalize you for ticcing, esp if you're Black...
Euro colonial medicine must be abolished completely. It's not a matter of reform. They're not just bad with one or two conditions. This entire mode of practicing medicine is based fundamentally in eugenics, bioessentialism, capitalism and colonialism.
It's not like we can drop some meds or make it "holistic" either. The problem isn't the meds. The problem is the entire underlying ideology and system. I'm begging us to realize this so we can let it go & start thinking of other ways we can receive care.
And I mean care other than getting us to an ideal form that will function in and therefore be assimilated into capitalist colonialism at BEST and at worst subjects us to extreme violence of all kinds to put it mildly.