'Blood On The Bricks' -
Aldo Nova- Jon Bo Jovi
They were telling us in plain sight ...
NAZIS.......WWII.......Adrenochrome harvesting???
"The gruesome burial site, containing 1,362 bodies, was discovered near St Petersburg and close to the base of an invading Hitler SS unit during WWII. hundreds of youngsters were brutally incarcerated solely to supply blood for..
' 'In Africa, blood is used to make renders for buildings more durable.
..Historically, blood was always used as a base in the production of glue until synthetic materials came
along.' so blood has been used in glue too...!!!
They fake alot of food don't they..dying meat..fish pink etc ..replacing original for fake eg 'impossible burgers'..and vegan products are questionable if they are truely vegan..who knows what they add...spoonuniversity.com/lifestyle/10-s…
'The most popular cosmetic injectables, Botox contains botulinum toxin, which is produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. While this ingredient is vegan, a secondary ingredient in Botox is human albumin, which is a protein from human blood. Although the main ingredient in..
Better to make your own wine...who knows what they put in it..'red wine' does seem a code for adrenochrome and why so many products and companies with blood in the name..and so many blood/wine connections...
1. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg wearing his trademark all-white suit with his pet cockatoo on his shoulder.
2. 'The Race Betterment Foundation was a eugenics and racial hygiene organization founded in 1914 at Battle Creek, Michigan by John Harvey Kellogg due to his concerns about what he perceived as "race degeneracy".
The foundation supported conferences (including three National Conferences on Race Betterment), publications (Good Health), and the formation of a eugenics registry in cooperation with the ERO (Eugenics Record Office).
The foundation also sponsored the Fitter Families Campaign from 1928 to the late 1930s and funded Battle Creek College. The foundation controlled the Battle Creek Food Company, which in turn served as the major source for Kellogg's eugenics programs, conferences, and Battle Creek College.
In his will, Kellogg left his entire estate to the foundation.
In 1947, the foundation had over $687,000 in assets. By 1967, the foundation's accounts were a mere $492.87. In 1967, the state of Michigan indicted the trustees for squandering the foundation's funds and the foundation closed.
2. 'Corn flakes, or cornflakes, are a breakfast cereal made from toasting flakes of corn (maize). Originally invented as a breakfast food to counter indigestion, it has become a popular food item in the American diet and in the United Kingdom where over 6 million households consume them.' Wikipedia