My wife bet me I couldn't get to 1,000 followers on Twitter in a month
She was wrong.
I did it in 2 weeks! (from 55 followers)
I had a winning playbook and it worked:
First, to my first 1,000 followers
Thanks for engaging with me
#SMBTwit is the community I focus on (think #RETwit but with only smart people)
I buy businesses…and want to connect with other investors and entrepreneurs
Let's give away some secrets...
My results in 2 weeks:
-600,000 impressions (WHAT??)
-30,000 profile visits (WHAT?? How that even is possible but OK)
-95 inbound DM convos
-12 investment deals
-video calls with >30 people so far (this has been the most enjoyable)
To grow rapidly in any Twitter niche, you need:
-targeted niche where you can provide REAL VALUE
-support from your niche (comments, retweets, likes, etc)
-quality posts & threads
Twitter is a game...and each level it seems requires different tactics
You also need to know basic system & rules
-engagement is necessary (time and energy)
-retweets are gold, and show your stuff to more people
-if you don’t have something to say already, it will be hard to do this over the long run
My initial goals 2 weeks ago
-1,000 followers in 1 month
-get deal flow
-improve my copywriting and storytelling skills
-find exceptional operating partners for future businesses I buy
My content strategy
-3 single tweets (observations, questions)
-post 2-3 threads per week (this is the most 🔥 ideas I have)
-create list of 10 top voices in my niche, and engage them
-Show true value in anything you write
-Great 'hook': I copied hook structure from @girdley. I tried to bait him into retweeting my thread (no dice...)