LOL so today on this hellsite there are docs that think a lack of “civility” is what diminishes our profession, and not the dangerous misinformation being spread by MDs and the total lack of accountability for the fallout. #KindnessGaslighting
Do I seem angry lately? Good. Because I am. I’m angry that this child that very clearly needed to be admitted to the hospital was SENT HOME because the deciders think a person’s right to be naked faced at Costco is more important than kids having access to healthcare.
I’m angry that this child that clearly needed to be admitted to the hospital was SENT HOME because the deciders think a person’s duty to be naked faced at the office doing a job they could do just as well from home is more important than kids having access to healthcare.
I’m angry that this child that ended up being AIRLIFTED to the hospital was SENT HOME because the deciders think a person’s right to be naked faced at school is more important than kids having access to healthcare and they’d rather pay for medical air evacuation than air filters.
The superspreading medical conference genre has to stop. Seriously, please stop. Remember the 2020 Biogen conference? 99 direct cases led to over 300,000 infections. Do the math with me guys. Even with the post-vaxx IFR of 0.1%, that would be 300 deaths.
So the cost of a conference turned superspreader event could be as high as 300 deaths, 15,000 hospitalizations, and 30,000 long covid cases. Don’t tell me doctors and scientists don’t understand that this is how transmission works.
And don’t @ me with “Rt is lower now” unless you plan to tell me exactly how many preventable deaths and hospitalizations per medical conference you feel is an acceptable amount. Even if the situation were an order of magnitude better, are 30 preventable deaths acceptable?
I’m so pro-mask and anti-infection that I started masking in 2019. Why? Because I was pregnant and working in healthcare. And in the beforetimes, it was normal to try your best to avoid contracting pathogens in pregnancy. We didn’t worry about “generational immunity debt.” 🤡
I was doing it wrong (intermittent masking with blue masks LOL 🥲) but I was masking every day because I was pregnant during RSV/flu season and I was acutely aware that both those viruses (and several others) could put both myself and the baby at risk.
Pregnancy is a state of relative immunosuppression and there’s research associating fever, regardless of the pathogen, to neurodevelopmental disorders. Pathogens are always unwelcome but especially so in pregnancy.
For this wine vs grape juice RCT, we randomized people to 2 groups. One group could only drink grape juice on the job. Unless they wanted wine instead. Then they could drink wine. We have no idea how much wine they decided to drink. 1/
The second group could only drink wine at work when within 3ft of a patient with fever. But if more than 3ft away or if the patient had no fever, then they could drink grape juice instead if they wanted. We don’t know what they chose.
Also 25% of participants were never worked in the wine zone so we don’t really know if they drank any wine at all. They may have stuck to grape juice.
Before the forced mass infection enablers and apologists start twisting themselves into pretzels to invent a science-y sounding ABC (anything but covid) explanation for strep A infection rates 2-3x higher than in the before times, I suggest reading the following 2 articles:
First up, an article from the beforetimes that found kids that had recurrent strep A tonsillitis infections had reduced and dysfunctional B cells and T cells in their tonsils.…
And next we have a paper from last month that found SARS2 virus (likely persistent) in the tonsils and adenoids of 25% of asymptomatic kids. Infected cell types included: dendritic cells, monocytes, B cells and T cells.…
I think parents need to understand that the government (whether 🇨🇦 or 🇺🇸) is not going to protect our kids. This is a dangerous time, children’s hospitals are overwhelmed and there are many children’s medication shortages. Please take steps to protect your kids, no one else will.
Remember how we all behaved in 2020/21 when we didn’t want to harm grandma & grandpa? Same now, except this time for your kids. Cancel your family’s social events, mask up everywhere always, make sure everyone is vaccinated/boosted for covid and the flu.
If you can work from home, stop going in. Get HEPA filters into your kid’s classroom and lunchroom. Avoid crowds and peak shopping hours. Did I mention masking up everywhere always? Forget the holiday parties. Dinner with Dave and Terry from work is not worth your kids’ safety.