Propagation: waterMelons can be direct seeded, or propagated to a seedling and later Transplanted.
For the direct seeded, the planting depth is about 1cm to 2cm and between row spacing is 1.5-2m, while the intra-plant spacing is 40cm-60cm.
Fertilizer application.
At planting, we start with Phosphorus fertilizer eg Yara power, NPK 23:23:0 or DAP
This is to enable the young seedlings form a good roots network a healthy stem and leaves.
Weed control:
Weeds should be adequately controlled, especially when the melon plants are young. Weeds which grow upright offer greater competition by fighting for nutrients and shading the melon plants.
Weed control can be achieved by application of black plastic mulches or manual cultivation.
Please note ;I have not come across watermelon selective weeding herbicides.
Diseases such as;
powdery mildew, downy mildew, alternaria leaf spot, anthracnose, and fusarium wilt cause problems under certain conditions.
Insect pests such as:
cucumber beetle, aphids, flea beetles, and Melon fly too cause big problems.
Harvesting: Watermelon is ready for harvest in about 60 to 90 days depending by the location and climatic condition.
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1. Proper business planning, when formulated ahead of time helps you focus better on your farming growth and success, to execute projects and fulfill your vision.
2. If you take the time to set action-orientated goals, you are more likely to achieve those business goals in a timely fashion.
3. When planning ahead, you can assess risks and opportunities. Identifying any associated risks prepares you to weigh and categorise them, prioritise and create an effective response plan, thus changing risks to opportunities.
Before getting into farming do a good market survey. 1. Check market trend for the last 5 months.
2.Check the current trend, in term of prices and quantities consumed. 3. Read between the line and connect with the market for the next 5 months.
Farm inputs
After choosing the crop of your choice.
-Do a good research on inputs, especially seeds.From the market you can also get the varieties of their choice.
-Visit few farmers and get to know the best fertilzer and agrochemicals they are using.