With the release of the #TwitterFiles, what we have always known has officially been brought to light. Big media, big tech, and intelligence officials in the United States government have colluded to shape and contour public opinion while squelching “unfavorable views.”
This is something straight out of a Bond film, and these bad actors have revealed themselves to be supervillains.
In a country where the spoiled populace sits comfortably in their homes, reading about how badly they’ve been manipulated, and can only muster a “Gee, that’s a shame”, these happenings will be brushed under the rug just as soon as the next big news story (distraction) comes out.
However, if the American that once existed, the America that believed freedom was worth preserving at any cost, a revolution would be happening right now. The streets would be filled with citizens demanding that their freedoms be returned. Or else. Accountability would happen.
I know, and you know, that our constitutional rights have been trampled as the government and social media empires, bolstered by a left wing media monolith, colluded to silence millions and millions of Americans.
The question is, what will be done about it. The answer is this:
What a fcking shame.
Cowards abandon their heroes. Heroes abandon themselves to do what must be done.
For those not familiar with Sharpton’s anti-Semitism, Google Freddy’s Fashion Mart.
The mart was a Jewish-owned business in Harlem. In 1995 Sharpton organized protests after the owner raised the rent on a sub-tenant. Those protests quickly became anti-Semitic and Sharpton was quoted attacking the owner as a “white interloper.”
Pardon me, @mattoyeah, but it is not Twitter’s job to combat “misinformation,” unless you are advocating for corporations to shape and contour public opinion. It’s not difficult to imagine what could go wrong there. Shouldn’t individuals decide how to process information?
See, @mattoyeah, when left-minded corporations work with left-minded journalists, that’s when actual misinformation happens. For instance…
This is what it looks like when news outlets want to tell you what you should be thinking. Kind of unseemly.
You don’t call the police for a “wellness check” on a “friend” when the person in question has broken into your house. You also can’t explain away a hippie nudist being in your home at 2 AM (with windows smashed from the inside out) by blaming it on “Republican extremism.”
Is it possible that Paul Pelosi knew his attacker? Is it a coincidence that the nude hippie was there, upon being invited, SPECIFICALLY while Nancy Pelosi was away? Is it possible that this was a sex for hire episode that went awry? Yes to all.
But is it also possible that a drugged out, San Francisco street urchin, who lived in a hippie village, saw a big mansion and decided to break in and that the attack was not politically motivated? Yes.
In acquiring Twitter, @elonmusk has endeavored to give both sides of the political spectrum an equal hearing. Based on current Twitter traffic, who objects the most to Musk’s efforts? Those on the left. Those who constantly screech about “equality.”
Leftists don’t care about equality. They care about control. Their narrative is the only one that deserves to see the light of day. When confronted with other opinions, they literally lose control of their bodily functions.
Although I love this quote from William F. Buckley:
“Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.”