If you read this, you'll see that it matches the recs in our Lancet @CommissionCovid report on "The #FirstFour Strategies Every Building Should Pursue".
Lancet: Commission building systems (give them a tune-up)
WH: "verify proper ventilation in federally owned buildings"
Lancet: improve ventilation
WH: "Providing tools and guidance documents for improving ventilation"
Lancet: Upgrade to MERV-13 filters
WH: "Established MERV-13 filters as minimum"
Lancet: Use portable air cleaners, if needed
WH: "Schools can use funding provided through the American Rescue Plan to improve ventilation in schools...portable air cleaners" (amongst other things)
This new across-agency focus on IAQ goes beyond the #FirstFour that we recommended, and represents and incredible advancement of #HealthyBuildings principles across the Fed Gov't. They are walking the walk.
Links to reports in next posts in the thread
The Lancet Covid-19 Commission, Task Force on Safe Work, Safe School, and Safe Travel
The First Four Healthy Building Strategies Every Building Should Pursue to Reduce Risk from Covid-19
---- covid19commission.org/safe-work-trav…
Excellent news ASHRAE will release ventilation targets in 6 months. Also, no reason to wait until then to act. Two resources from our Lancet Task Force
1. Proposed ventilation targets for airborne infectious diseases 2. First four strategies every building should pursue now
1. Proposed Non-infectious Air Delivery Rates (NADR) for Reducing Exposure to Airborne Respiratory Infectious Diseases
I have been a long-time critic of ASHRAE failing to set health-based standards (thread), so I'm delighted by the news today that they will set new ventilation targets for airborne respiratory diseases. They should be applauded for taking this action.
The Science Applications Team of the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force developed ventilation guidance last winter but ASHRAE never released it.
That guidance finally saw the light of day in our Lancet report on ventilation targets.
Many, many thanks to those scientists for sharing.
2-2-3. Based on Floor Area Plus Minimum ASHRAE Ventilation Requirement
The Science Applications Team for ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force developed an approach for recommending NADR in buildings based on building floor area.
This guidance was developed during the pandemic but was never formally published or released by ASHRAE. They recommended that in addition to the minimum ASHRAE ventilation requirements, building owners or managers provide an extra 0.75 cfm per square foot (3.81 L/s/m2) of NADR...