Exactly. The elites are fully devoted to destroying beauty. To them, the highest achievement is not to create something beautiful. Rather, it is to call something ugly beautiful and get others to do the same.
Our ancestors strove to meet a standard that was external to and higher than themselves. Today, the arbiters of taste celebrate the absence of any such standard. today.com/food/trends/ba…
God is dead. There's no such thing as beauty. There is only the will (or, rather, the whim, since there is no ultimate telos to which the will can direct itself).
We'll always be ruled by elites. The question is whether we'll be ruled by elites who create beautiful things or elites who openly attack the very concept of beauty.
Compare the Spanish Escorial (proportion, harmony) to the Scottish Parliament (chaos, discord).
When lefties call the urinal sculpture a "fascist detector" they mean that unless you admit there is no objective standard by which Michelangelo's David is more beautiful than a toilet, you're a literal Nazi.
This is what they think of normal people. Keep that in mind.
Correct. It's communist, which is another way of saying it's luciferian.
"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n"
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so"
I don't understand. How could anyone vote against this? What was the messaging for the "No" campaign?
There's a version of the pro-choice argument that I can grudgingly understand (safe/legal/rare), but if you voted "No" on this, you're actually evil. You deserve to be punished.
The most non-evil motive for opposing this measure that I've been able to find was that it would force doctors to attempt traumatic and invasive life-saving measures on infants who were going to die anyway. montanafreepress.org/2022/09/23/wha…